I almost tried to take my life last night


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and its all cause of my crappy hair..
Im to scared to even try a regimen ..
i dont know what to do..i hate life sometimes
Ive never been confident even as a teen or child always been self conscious etc.
and now my hair..Ive never been good with woman Im 26 and have had like 4 g/f's my whole life..and none of em were much to look at..it sucks bein me..:(


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To be blunt: If you're too scared to try a regime, what do you expect? Buck up man, if things are as you say they are, life can only get better.



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You gotta take it easy. no reason to take your own life cuz you're missing some hair. It's not life threatning, it's just sucks to be thinning or bald, but when it comes down to it, it's just hair.


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Shave your head, stop looking in the mirror (try to totally forget what you look like, only way to get over self-consciousness), and create a new you that acts and talks how you wish you did. You were seriously thinking about suicide? Been there man. Think of it as hitting bottom with your current self image. You hate what you think about yourself so much you wanted to murder it. You're still here. You could be dead and you wouldn't be seeing this moment, or interacting at all. So you have NOTHING to lose. You almost lost everything. But you still have life. That's a very liberating concept.

I'm not saying you shouldn't start a regimen though. Just not one like minoxidil where you have to shine bright lights on your hair loss and stare at it for 10 minutes twice a day. That won't help you confidense/obsession at all.

You're still on earth. You were almost willing to trade everything in because of hairloss. So f*** it. Shave it and live life like everyday was your last. It would be quite a change, but life is how you look at it, how you approach it. You need a big change.


stop looking in the mirror (try to totally forget what you look like, only way to get over self-consciousness), and create a new you that acts and talks how you wish you did.

Good advice djApolloCreed



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Being on a regimen suprisingly makes you look forward to a future with a possiblity of thick hair. I felt the same way, life sucked, no gf, shitty job bad grades in college. I started finasteride my second semester and actually ended the semester with good grades.

A regimen can back fire and make you think about your hair more often. Either that or it can boost your moral, at least you'd be fighting with everything right?

please don't take your life :(

hair mchair

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You obviously don't truly want to die, otherwise you would've taken your own life and you wouldn't have come here looking for help. That's good. My advice is to get on a good regimen. If you're scared of side effects, then get on a good TOPICAL regimen, like many of the other posters here. Do your homework and decide what is right for you personally. And remember, if your hair ever gets really bad, there's always hair transplants to consider. Hopefully, within the next 5 to 10 years, we'll have hair multiplication, so you can look forward to that as well. Also remember: you're not your hair. It doesn't define you as a person.


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Youre obviously suffering from depression and irrational fears caused by chemical imbalance likely triggered by negative and self-destructive thinking. There are some effective medications for your condition. You need to find a way to get some self-esteem and self-worth. A lot of people in your situation, including me, have found answers in working out and jogging. These activities have been proven to bring neuro chemicals-dopamine, serotonin-back into balance.

You could try proven natural mood enhancers Omega 3's and St. John's wort if you don't want the side-effects. Studies with omega 3's have shown effectiveness about the same as prozac with no side-effects-other than reduced chances of stroke and heart disease.


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djApolloCreed said:
Shave your head, stop looking in the mirror (try to totally forget what you look like, only way to get over self-consciousness), and create a new you that acts and talks how you wish you did. .

good advice. shaving your head will help with many things. most barbers will tell you that men that are losing thier hair look best with a short hair cut...so buzz it.

don't let hair loss win. that's what would happen if you killed yourself. don't worry about women rejecting you because of your hair. some will, but some won't. the ones that won't are less materialistic, and seem to be less shallow. they are the best women to end up with anyways.

The shedder

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Couldn't of said it better myself Matgallis, and call me crazy, but I think a hair transplant will be a good choice instead of suicide. Keep Hope up man, I'm trying to.[/quote]


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JesusFreak said:
You could try proven natural mood enhancers Omega 3's and St. John's wort if you don't want the side-effects. Studies with omega 3's have shown effectiveness about the same as prozac with no side-effects-other than reduced chances of stroke and heart disease.

Good advice. And go to the book store and check out some self-help books. You need to work it on all angles.

By the way, it seems like 1/2 the guys I see walking around, or even on TV, have shaved heads, with a goatee, and wearing sunglasses. There is nothing wrong with that look these days. It's so common that no one even pays attention. But I would try to get a little color on your head if you do that. Guys with shaved white heads still look like chemotherapy patients to me. But that's just me.


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thanks for the tips guys

But I cant shave my head
Im to scrawmy and pale for that Id look sickly.
And im scared ofp propecia makin me worse like some have claimed here and on hairlosshelp and other sites
I tried minoxidil for like 2 weeks once but it only made my frontal hair worse in that time hell it felt and looked worse after just 3 days of use.
shedding?..Im not sure..but iquit it..I still have it and propecia samples i got form my derm i saw a few months back
Yeh I have other issues of course major self esteem issues ive been carrying since childhood and this hair things just puts icing on the cake sure i could be sick or poor or hungry or anything worse really..but im vain and my life hasnt even ever started i still live at home and im 26 and i work at a job i hate and im tryin to save money for school but i wanna move out but with my current job i dont have enough income.
and hot chicks dont like bald skinny pale guys..hell even semi cute chicks
and im into hefty girls..Im an *** i know..i just wish that if i used Propecia id get hair back etc..[plus i cant gain weight no matter how much i eat ive tried im even losing weight although slowly
last year this time i weighed 138-142 or so i figure
now i weigh like 120-124..its really shitty..
I had a thyroid test was normal
I suppose more tests need to be done when i had blood drawn i pratically fainted
I use to feel better when i was 19 i wish i was 19 again and i could do it all over maybe if i didnt stress about my hair and f*** with it so damn much id have more hair today..stress kills u know..


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Fear is consuming you.

You need to start your life and you first step is to pop that finasteride.

Then look into getting a student loan. People always talk about saving up but never do it, but if you do manage to save for that, you won't start school till your 39. Go to a community college to start, they are very very cheap. Interest rates on student loans are a joke they are so cheap right now. Go to http://WWW.FAFSA.ORG and get your Government PIN number right now. Thats step 1 to student loans and that takes 10 to 14 days. Man you will feel great going back to school and your self esteem will sky rocket. I can tell you right now that CITIBANK is one of the best in the student loan business so go with them. You are more than wlecome to PM me if you need more advice on getting the paperwork started. Try to find a job with tuition reimbursement. I did.

suck it up and accept the fact that your going to have to go a bit into debt to get your life jump started. You still have time if you hurry to get your money in time to start by Fall semester. I am about to turn 28 and I started school again at 26 too.

Making progress in your life and stopping male pattern baldness is the best anti-depressant you can get. f*** the past, your life starts when you decide.


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Matgallis said:
Being on a regimen suprisingly makes you look forward to a future with a possiblity of thick hair. I felt the same way, life sucked, no gf, shitty job bad grades in college. I started finasteride my second semester and actually ended the semester with good grades.

A regimen can back fire and make you think about your hair more often. Either that or it can boost your moral, at least you'd be fighting with everything right?

please don't take your life :(

yeah but regimens sometimes get your hopes up and you keep saying that in a month or two things will be better, then those months come and they are worse and you just want the hair you had a couple of months ago. then you say you are gonna give it 2 more and then you go through a huge shed and you figure youll wait till those hairs come back (3plus mnths) then they come and you find that your hair is getting worse and worse because minoxidil is suffocating your hair follicles and you have never had such thin hair,
well thats just my awesome experience
i have thought about suicide almost daily
its bullshit why proven treatments just dont work
but the chances are in your favor so the least you can do is try


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Ok man... This is making me sick, I am a 19 year old and and very thin all over the top of my head. I have been in your position, quit crying about it man! If you dont care about being bald, no one else will. So what if you are bald?? I know this sounds corny, but women love confidence. Shave your head, and for gods sake, get into a f*****g gym, take protein, weight gainer, and creainte and pump up. Taking your life because of your hair??? jesus man, what would life be like for you if you only had one arm? one hand? or one eye? I bet it would be a lot worse then not having hair. Always remember there are others that have it much worse, you can be depressed as sh*t allllll of the time an dhate your life and wallow in it, or you can do the respectable thing and live your life. I know its tough, but damn your 26 there are a lot more badl 26 year olds then 19 year olds. For the love of god keep your head up and dont be sad, helll go to a bar and get wasted and start talking to girls, they could say your bald? or they could say look at that depressed guy with long thin *** hair who has no confidence, take your pick.

Kevin fretwell

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Take something for depression .You can buy some online at off shore pharm sites for cheap with no prescription .


iwanthair said:
Ok man... This is making me sick, I am a 19 year old and and very thin all over the top of my head. I have been in your position, quit crying about it man! If you dont care about being bald, no one else will. So what if you are bald?? I know this sounds corny, but women love confidence. Shave your head, and for gods sake, get into a f*****g gym, take protein, weight gainer, and creainte and pump up. Taking your life because of your hair??? jesus man, what would life be like for you if you only had one arm? one hand? or one eye? I bet it would be a lot worse then not having hair. Always remember there are others that have it much worse, you can be depressed as sh*t allllll of the time an dhate your life and wallow in it, or you can do the respectable thing and live your life. I know its tough, but damn your 26 there are a lot more badl 26 year olds then 19 year olds. For the love of god keep your head up and dont be sad, helll go to a bar and get wasted and start talking to girls, they could say your bald? or they could say look at that depressed guy with long thin *** hair who has no confidence, take your pick.

Seriously man. Take a look at that post. So what if your balding, it aint the end of the f*****g world. sh*t dude, i'm 19 and male pattern baldness has hit me. I don't give a f***. I just take my fina and minoxidil and i if they work good for me then good, if not... f*** it.... like i said it ain't the end of the world. Just be confident. Man it ain't a disease, your not going to die from it. Man up homey, man up.


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Damn Jason.. you remind me a lot of myself. Im 25, losing my hair, dropped out of school, had a job i hated (recently got fired), had only 3 gfs in my life and the one i was with the longest left me for my brother (after cheating on me several times) I even have the same freakin name as you. Im skinny as f*** too.

But you know what, im optomistic about the future.

I wouldnt reccommend anti-depressents unless absolutely neccesary. I recently started finasteride and have had almost no side effects whatsoever. I was on anti-depressents for awhile and the side effects were overwhelming compared to finasteride. The ppl who talk sh*t about finasteride are probably bitter cause it didnt work for them.

Whats helped me the most is joining a gym like ppl here have recommended. I started out at 125 and am now up to 135. It took me six months but now im one lean mean mother and so shredded its crazy.

Youre 26 and nature is fuckin with you.. well i say get on finasteride and take mother nature right up the tail pipe. Do what you can to keep the hair you have.

ps.. everyones self-concious, everyones vain, and pretty much everyones unhappy.


jason566 I used to have good hair, well not great but it was hair, life was ok, started to thin, continued to thin, started to recede, got your regular issue male pattern baldness hole at the back, real thin 'look ma I can see his scalpâ„¢' top and 'the lost Island of Dr Monroeâ„¢' at the front, I felt sh*t about all this for the first summer or two, looked like crap, always on my mind, pissed me off, but I got on with stuff, got healty, got a great job in animation which I loved, got a small record deal with an independant label in the UK, got a major record deal in the UK and Europe, went on the most amazing tours supporting bands around the place got a fantastic girlfriend who I have been with for 4 years and we have bought a place together. ALL THIS GOOD STUFF HAPPENED AFTER MY HAIR TURNED TO sh*t AND AFTER I TURNED 26.

iwanthair wrote:

women love confidence

that is there is the gospel when it comes to female attraction.
