lookhowshiny: I am not overweight. Unfortunately, weight loss does not affect the glandular tissue beneath the nipples.
Most gyno surgeons, recommend for people who are overweight, and interested in having reduction surgery that they first lose weight, to see if that takes care of their gyno.
Why recommend this if it's a complete waste of time?
Also females, who are overtly skinny, have smaller breasts then their overweight counterparts, for instance a female gymnast will generally have very small breasts.
If you already have gyno, cosmetically speaking Taking finasteride shouldn't change anything, although I'm no Doctor obviously. Although I am not totally versed in gyno being caused naturally, wouldn't it be a negative effect on your body to introduce raised levels of estrogen to it?
And MetalHead, I would venture to say a woman, is more attracted to a bald man, then a man with breasts, since gyno gives you very noticeable ones.