I already have gyno... would it be a bad idea to take finasteride?


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Alright, I've been checking this forum out for a while now, and there's a ton of great info which has helped me a lot. I have gynecomastia (it's been a few years now, and verified by a Dr.) so I wanted to know if it'd be a wise, or not so wise choice to take Propecia, since I know that one of finasteride's side's are gyno.

Thanks in advance!


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bjpennlwchamp said:
have gynecomastia (it's been a few years now, and verified by a Dr
ask your Dr if u should take finasteride

bjpennlwchamp said:
wanted to know if it'd be a wise, or not so wise choice to take Propecia, since I know that one of finasteride's side's are gyno
you already have gyno, so why should you be worried???

finasteride might make it worse, it's a gamble.


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Independentely of having gyno or not a 5-ar blocker should be taken.


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bjpennlwchamp said:
I already have gyno... would it be a bad idea to take finasteride?

Does a bear s-hit in the woods?

No but seriously it all depends on how much you value your hair. Your gyno may actually get worse, but personally id prepared to put up with a little man titties if it ment keeping my hair.

Its up to you!


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Thanks for all of your help so far.

dostovei: I know I have gynecomastia because I had the symptoms, so I went to my Dr. just to make sure, and he verified it.

lookhowshiny: I am not overweight. Unfortunately, weight loss does not affect the glandular tissue beneath the nipples.

billythekid: I wanted to ask my Doctor about finasteride after seeing what people here said. I'm not so worried about finasteride exacerbating the problem, but the fact that hormones can play a part in gynecomastia, while finasteride also can mess with hormones has me worried. Since I have gyno, I just wanted to get all the info. I could get before doing anything. If I was in perfect health, I would take finasteride without much hesitation, but my condition makes it necessary to be more cautious than other guys who don't have some type of health problem/condition.

Thanks again everyone. :)


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here's a post i made a while back with some questions on this topic: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=35621

it's been some time now, so here's a little update as well as my two cents...

i continued taking the 0.25mg dosage and eventually, after quite some time (a few months, i think), the soreness subsided a bit and i upped the dosage to 0.5mg and so on, until the soreness completely subsided and i was back on the full recommended 1mg dose. i've stuck with that for a little over a year and the soreness hasn't returned yet. i don't believe there's any visible difference either (except maybe that i've put on a few extra "poor lifestyle" pounds). if you were to ask me, i'd say that the finasteride initially reacted to my existing gyno (like i hypothesized before), and possibly reenforced the tissue, but didn't really make the problem effectively worse. i can see people getting freaked out at the beginning and dropping finasteride, but as i had nothing really to lose in that department, i stuck it out and it's worked out so far. i think sides are apt to eventually subside if given enough time. of course, developing a new case of gyno would be permanent. i'm hoping if i ever decide to save up and get gyno surgery then that will be the end of it.

i chalked the initial minor sides i got to the finasteride being real and working and chose to ride them out. however, i did freak myself out a bit with the gyno thing, so as such i'm willing to entertain the possibility that what i experienced was somewhat psychosomatic.


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lookhowshiny: I am not overweight. Unfortunately, weight loss does not affect the glandular tissue beneath the nipples.

Most gyno surgeons, recommend for people who are overweight, and interested in having reduction surgery that they first lose weight, to see if that takes care of their gyno.

Why recommend this if it's a complete waste of time?

Also females, who are overtly skinny, have smaller breasts then their overweight counterparts, for instance a female gymnast will generally have very small breasts.

If you already have gyno, cosmetically speaking Taking finasteride shouldn't change anything, although I'm no Doctor obviously. Although I am not totally versed in gyno being caused naturally, wouldn't it be a negative effect on your body to introduce raised levels of estrogen to it?

And MetalHead, I would venture to say a woman, is more attracted to a bald man, then a man with breasts, since gyno gives you very noticeable ones.