I always thought my hairline was invincible.

Healthy Nick

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I never thought my hairline would recede. I always considered myself a general thinner with no focus on the hairline. Well, that has changed. I have finally realized that yes, my hairline is receding a bit. Not the front, but the sides. It's not noticeable unless I pull my hair tight, but sure enough, it's receding. This sucks. Now I know I'm fucked.


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it must be really demoralizing for people with significant hairloss to read these type of posts.

Healthy Nick

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vwsimple said:
it must be really demoralizing for people with significant hairloss to read these type of posts.

I don't care. Know why? Because if and when I have significant hairloss, the fight is over, and the razor blade comes out. At that point, I won't give a f***. People that are trying to save their hair, and are very balding, are only prolonging their suffering.


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I know what you mean about the hairline. 10-12 years ago, I thought my only worry would be in the back. Then, after dying my hair twice, I shed alotta frontal hairs, then I realized the problem could be lots worse than just in back.

Luckinly I've held on to the hair pretty good over the last 10yrs. But yeah, I didn't realize then that frontal loss was much more painful than the back.

When I was a teen, I remember a guy I knew saying "man, if I go bald, I'm gonna grow my hair long and keep it in a pony-tail", to hide the baldspot doncha know. Back then, I think most teens think the hairline will remain robusto. They learns different later.

Fight On, Hair Warriors!


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No, not the razor blade! Don't kill yourself, it's not worth dying over! :wink:

I got the genetic short end of the stick. Before my hair loss kicked in I believed in the myth that baldness skipped a generation, and boy was I happy. So far in my family it had skipped a generation, because my Great Grandfather was bald, Grandfather had a full head of hair till he died, and my dad is bald. I was sitting pretty, or so I thought.