I AM BACK!! (update after 5+ years)


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So I haven't been on here for many years but finally back attempting to once again save my hair.

I joined this forum in 2015 when I first discovered I was losing my hair, in the summer of 2016 I started taking generic finasteride 1mg daily, it's hard to tell if it actually worked or was just a placebo, but my hair loss didn't noticeably progress after that so I assume it was doing it's job.

In late 2018 I developed alopecia areata and had some huge bald spots in my hair, at this point I thought it was completely pointless continuing to take finasteride as I now had a much severe type of hair loss which was not affected by DHT so I decided to stop taking finasteride.

In 2019 my bald spots started to fill in and by the summer of 2019 I was pretty much back to normal, my hair was also very full so I decided I didn't need to get back on finasteride since my hair looked fine and other than a mature hairline there were little to no signs of hair loss.

Another thing to note about my alopecia, after the bald spots on my head, I started losing hair on my beard, arms and legs, which to this day I can grow almost no hair there, however since the hair on my hair is currently not affected by alopecia, I don't really mind not having a beard or hairy arms/legs.

From 2019-2022/23 my hair looked great, however in the summer of 2023 I noticed my hair was very thin in outdoor lighting, perhaps my genetic hair loss had been slowly progressing all the time I've been off finasteride and I hadn't noticed, or perhaps it came on rapidly in 2023, who knows?

However once I discovered my hair loss was back (male pattern baldness, not alopecia), I decided to get back on 1mg finasteride daily, my hair seems roughly the same as it was a year ago, perhaps a little worse. I am considering switching to propecia as I've heard that can be more effective for non responders to finasteride, it could also be that finasteride is just now preserving the hair I currently have and need to add minoxidill for regrowth, what are your thoughts?


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Do you really think there's a significant difference?
I'm not sure, I've done my research and there's definitely a lot of different ingredients, can't hurt to try since I'm not responding particular well to accord generic finasteride. I've also found that different generic brands have different ingredients, it could be that accord finasteride isn't working me


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I'm not sure, I've done my research and there's definitely a lot of different ingredients, can't hurt to try since I'm not responding particular well to accord generic finasteride. I've also found that different generic brands have different ingredients, it could be that accord finasteride isn't working me
Ur delusional. Living on false hope. I have read ppl say accord was their favorite generic. Finasteride doesnt work on every body dumbass.


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Ur delusional. Living on false hope. I have read ppl say accord was their favorite generic. Finasteride doesnt work on every body dumbass.
"Dumbass" Why so angry bro? You seem like the kinda guy to get depressed for the rest of his life and give up completely as soon as you start balding, chill out partna!!

There are countless examples out there of people responding differently to different types on finasteride, propecia is the brand name and contains a more consistent amount of the active ingredient than generic brands, this is a fact, not an opinion. Overall I recommend you do your research before commenting and perhaps even seek therapy if you are upset over someone pointing out facts ;)


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"Dumbass" Why so angry bro? You seem like the kinda guy to get depressed for the rest of his life and give up completely as soon as you start balding, chill out partna!!

There are countless examples out there of people responding differently to different types on finasteride, propecia is the brand name and contains a more consistent amount of the active ingredient than generic brands, this is a fact, not an opinion. Overall I recommend you do your research before commenting and perhaps even seek therapy if you are upset over someone pointing out facts ;)
Keep dreaming u balding freak hahhaa. I have used accord and generic dutasteride and both gave me the same EXACT side effects. finasteride is finasteride just accept this idiot.


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Keep dreaming u balding freak hahhaa. I have used accord and generic dutasteride and both gave me the same EXACT side effects. finasteride is finasteride just accept this idiot.
Oh damn "losingbattle88" says that he got side effects from both that must mean that all the studies, countless success stories from switching and factual ingredients in the medication mean absolutely nothing, after all if "losingbattle88" had an experience with something, then that matters more than actual facts because "losingbattle88" is never wrong ;)

Genuine question, have you even read through the ingredients before? Also why are you so angry my friend? I promise that it's not my fault that finasteride gave you a limp dick. Do you just hate the world now that you can't take finasteride or something?


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Oh damn "losingbattle88" says that he got side effects from both that must mean that all the studies, countless success stories from switching and factual ingredients in the medication mean absolutely nothing, after all if "losingbattle88" had an experience with something, then that matters more than actual facts because "losingbattle88" is never wrong ;)

Genuine question, have you even read through the ingredients before? Also why are you so angry my friend? I promise that it's not my fault that finasteride gave you a limp dick. Do you just hate the world now that you can't take finasteride or something?
Finasteride or dutasteride never ever worked on me anyway. So im not angry. I also tried propecia cause I was paranoid like you but it still didnt do sh*t. Keep living in your bubble. U will go bald.


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Finasteride or dutasteride never ever worked on me anyway. So im not angry. I also tried propecia cause I was paranoid like you but it still didnt do sh*t. Keep living in your bubble. U will go bald.
Different people respond to different medication in different ways, unfortunately there is no "one size fits all", if there was then we would have the cure for cancer. I don't mean to insult your intelligence but this is extremely basic general knowledge that you should've learned at 8 years old

Based on the fact you ignored my question about ingredients, I take it you've never read over them before, making your opinion on this matter pretty much useless as you are uneducated in said topic and have no idea what you are talking about, just spewing nonsense about how you got side effects from dutasteride and finasteride which is completely irrelevant to this topic

If you aren't angry, why are you throwing insults my way my friend? Are you that much of a beta male that it upsets you seeing things that don't align with your own personal experiences? I see you clearly lack emotional control, genuinely hope you find some inner peace my friend, being angry at the world must be torture