I am flying to the moon!


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/Warning/ This is a quite long and boring post by i wanted so bad to talk about it

Okey this is a post with a different mood than the usual posts in this section. But i am so happy i wanted to tell every hair loss mate.

If you have read my story i am a nw1.5 but very diffuse, espesially in the crown. After 3,5 months on the big3(but mainly by minoxidil) i had some results. The pictures you can see at my story are BETTER than baseline but they still suck. Anyway now, i have achieved even much better density at a point that someone cannot understand i am suffering from hairloss unless he looks carefully at my crown, or if i am under very bright light.

Why do i say all of this? As you can imagine, being only 19 with this degree of hairloss, i was devastated. I think i might have overreacted, but although i tried to hide it, every moment i was thinking of my hair. Espessially every time i woke up with hair on my pillow, i just felt so sad. To give you an example of how much hairloss had affected me, one time i was sitting on the pc lab of my university and two female friends of mine came along. By the time i saw them, i stood up from my chair, because i didnt want them to sit above me, cause they would take a good look on my thinning crown. They thought i avoided them and we had a missunderstanding but anyway. Besides all that, my best friends would make fun of my baldness ALL the time laughing all together with me, since they all have good heads of hair. Mainly they kept doing it cause they knew how much it annoyed me. You cant imagine how much time every time we went out they spent on making fun of my hair loss problem. Every time we run out of subjects of conversation, i knew they would start to do it, and yes, everytime they did it. Sometimes there could pass 20-30 minutes of them making fun of me before i could manage to change subject. Once i told them i started treating my hair loss they laughed so hard, and they said things like "no chance dude", "look around you, so many bald people, do you think you are smarter than them?" and "congratulations on wasting your money, the hair loss companies managed to trick another victim" etc etc.

10 days ago, 2 different female friends of mine stated that my hair look much better than summer (summer was the last time they saw me). 2 days later another 2 friends of mine stated that my hair are much more dense and that if they first met me today, they wouldnt thing that i have hair loss problems. But i waited. I wanted to see what the comments of my best friends would be. Cause i knew that if i had medium imporvement only, they wouldnt not admit it, and they would say that nothing has changed. They had even offered to bet money on the fact that i would not regrow any hair.

And yes today they commented on my new hair situation. They all admitted that my hair look really dense. I know their ego was hurt, but they admited it. Now i know its true, i have regrown lots of hair. I couldnt believe it, every time i said it is just my imagination. I wouldnt even believe my friends(the first ones) when they commented on my hair, i thought they just try to make me feel better, but when the other friends(the latter) gave me those comments i knew it was true.

Thanks you rogaine manufacturers:p I hope to everybody they will respond to their treatments. The big3 work, dont listen to anyone that says they dont work for diffuse thinners.

Soon enough i will post pictures to prove my sayings. Have a nice hair day :)