I am looping cycle of failure.


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I am someone who has a lot of ambition. Maybe not the ability to always get where I want to go, But I certainly have the ambition. Through my early 20s is when that was at its highest. Then I start I started to notice patterns and how one thing can ultimately lead to another. And I don't mean good things. So you start to reduce what you do to avoid the bad until you are doing nothing with your life.

I have ADHD and I been struggling with that a while, even before I knew I had it. It has affected so much in my life to the point I can't focus. And I have come to a realise that exercise does help clear my head a lot. Although doing it very sparing. But I also know that a 1 workout for me for damaging to my desire to keep my hair. and in turn my confidence. I have noticed receding to be much higher when I exercise. To the point where I stopped doing it. And in turn my ADHD got worse. And trying to find other methods failed.

Course I have tried 85% of the DHT blockers and minoxidil that exist and they don't help. they make it even worse. I think I tried for so long that I have become more sensitive to DHT or testosterone in general. I feel a little mentally and physically damaged by my time using topicals and DHT blockers tbh. I started it thinking I had something to work towards to balance my life better but that has been taken away for a while now with only one acceptance or another left.

So it feels like just a cicle of no win. Just trying and failing.
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My Regimen
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That's not true though and I know that because I used to feel the same way. I even told my buddy that and he very smartly pointed out all my actual "wins" and just like you, they outnumbered the failures. Go make a list of the hundreds of things you've succeeded at. Not just things that you DID, but things that you didn't do. Did you have self restraint and not become obese like 70% of Americans? Huge win. Are you a good f*****g human being in general? Huge win. I know it's hard, and I am depressed by this hair loss crap greatly, however, I can't let it destroy what an incredible person I've become at almost everything else. It's f*****g genetics!!! It's not you're f*****g fault in the slightest and most men go through it