I am really screwed


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Hi everyone. I am 24 years old and I am going through a rough time.
My hair has always been very thin on top and thicker at the back of my head ever since I was a child. I kind of like got used to it but it was hard growing up being hit with all the Oh you're going to be bald! comments at 14 years old. I just brushed them off and I did my best to look my best with the hand that nature dealt me. I went on with my life. I can't believe how much stronger I was back then.

Ever since then I've been slowly losing hair in a diffused way. About a year ago I broke my jaw and I had to undergo surgery under general anesthesia to put it back together. The surgery went great and everything turned out perfect. But I don't know what happened to me psychologically. When I came out of the anesthesia I was a total mess. I had terrible anxiety attacks, depression and BDD episodes (not related to hair but to facial symmetry). All of these episodes triggered a lot of hairloss. Only I didn't check my hair then because of my emotional problems.

I started psychotherapy and when all of these issues subsided I got a good look at my hair and it was absolutely terrible. I got on propecia and have been on it for about 7 months. Last week I took a vacation and I decided to see a hair transplant Doctor to enquire about an hair transplant. The surgeon was very nice but suddenly I got hit with this: You are NOT a good candidate. You have DUPA. Basically it means that I have been cursed with the worst form of hairloss known to man. There is no pattern for the thinning. Propecia is not guaranteed to work for me and I could never get a hair transplant because my thinning hair at the sides could never hide the scar. I feel so depressed I just want to crawl into a hole and die. I got a 9 month supply of rogaine foam that I bought hoping to at least thicken up my remaining hair but now I know it is not even worth it. I don't think it could work given my type of hairloss.

I feel like I don't even belong here on HairLossTalk.com anymore. There is no hope for me.


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get a neat buzz cut and get on with your life its the best thing you can do.


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kilgore said:
Hi everyone. I am 24 years old and I am going through a rough time.
My hair has always been very thin on top and thicker at the back of my head ever since I was a child. I kind of like got used to it but it was hard growing up being hit with all the Oh you're going to be bald! comments at 14 years old. I just brushed them off and I did my best to look my best with the hand that nature dealt me. I went on with my life. I can't believe how much stronger I was back then.

Ever since then I've been slowly losing hair in a diffused way. About a year ago I broke my jaw and I had to undergo surgery under general anesthesia to put it back together. The surgery went great and everything turned out perfect. But I don't know what happened to me psychologically. When I came out of the anesthesia I was a total mess. I had terrible anxiety attacks, depression and BDD episodes (not related to hair but to facial symmetry). All of these episodes triggered a lot of hairloss. Only I didn't check my hair then because of my emotional problems.

I started psychotherapy and when all of these issues subsided I got a good look at my hair and it was absolutely terrible. I got on propecia and have been on it for about 7 months. Last week I took a vacation and I decided to see a hair transplant Doctor to enquire about an hair transplant. The surgeon was very nice but suddenly I got hit with this: You are NOT a good candidate. You have DUPA. Basically it means that I have been cursed with the worst form of hairloss known to man. There is no pattern for the thinning. Propecia is not guaranteed to work for me and I could never get a hair transplant because my thinning hair at the sides could never hide the scar. I feel so depressed I just want to crawl into a hole and die. I got a 9 month supply of rogaine foam that I bought hoping to at least thicken up my remaining hair but now I know it is not even worth it. I don't think it could work given my type of hairloss.

I feel like I don't even belong here on HairLossTalk.com anymore. There is no hope for me.

you do belong here because you are 1 of us,you say you have DUPA,and your right that is the nastiest male pattern baldness of all,nobody on gods earth deserves that,you said you have had this since 14,and said you handled it better then.You are a true warrior who is a far better man than myself because i could not have dealt with it like you.Maybe you can never have natural hair again with the use of transplants but there are hairpieces available
and a lot of a list actors wear them and some of them are considerd the best looking guys on the planet.


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I understand you kilgore. I look back on my high school pictures and saw I had Mitt Romney's hairline at 15. I got jokes and a lot of crap from people in high school. I only got one or two jokes (one from whose dad had a comb over so he should really talk).


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I say add the rogaine man. At least with the big three you will slow down the process. I'm you're age and I know man, it really sucks not be able to look your best because of this.


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Thank you guys for your replies.

haggis- I just buzzed my hair down to a #3 on top and a #2 on the sides and back. I gotta tell you I don't dislike it that much. I think I could get used to this. At least it looks neater.

antonio- Thanks a lot for your kind words and for making me feel like one of you guys. I don't think I could ever wear a hairpiece. I would prefer to be bald.

DaSand- Yeah, I know man. People in high school can sometimes be a$$holes. But there were others at least in my case who said stuff genuinely thinking that their comment was somehow gonna help, when in fact it did the opposite.

Nathaniel- I will add the rogaine. I'm not going down without a fight. I'm gonna kick this motherf*c%%er in the nuts. :firing:


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Thanks kilgore. Most of the comments I got in high school were made to embarass me. I really hope those that said that lost some of their hair as karma. I've decided to get Rogaine Foam also when I get the money.

In college, a roommate (who was a diffuse NW6) just had to ask me if I was balding. There were times I was tempted to unleash my fists.

I've also considered buzzing it in the future.

I'm continuing to remain optimistic about future treatments.

My family just ignores it and goes on with life. They keep telling me to shave it, but I don't want to. I think my head would look like a penis.


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DaSand said:
They keep telling me to shave it, but I don't want to. I think my head would look like a penis.

Oh god dude you made me laugh with that comment.

Kilgore, thats right man, just get a hair cut that suits you and add the treatments. You should be able to hold at least to what you've got and if you are consistent, when you hit 30 you'll start to notice you're buddies are starting to catch up with their own hair loss (if not worst). Karma is a bit ch.


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There was a user here called Jayman, who got banned.

A few months on Dutasteride sorted out his DUPA a treat. And his hair was VERY thin before he started taking it.


stampede said:
There was a user here called Jayman, who got banned.

A few months on Dutasteride sorted out his DUPA a treat. And his hair was VERY thin before he started taking it.

Yeah and then he become pretty damn arrogant and basically said that everyone who doesn't believe in drugs is a sad horseshoe loser or something like that. He didn't seem to understand that the drugs don't work for everyone...


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stampede said:
There was a user here called Jayman, who got banned.

A few months on Dutasteride sorted out his DUPA a treat. And his hair was VERY thin before he started taking it.

His hair was never that bad...dutasteride did grow him a lot of hairback however.


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Well he was very young (22 i think) and he wasnt aware that hairloss is like riding in a rollercoaster inside a box of surprises.

We dont know what is going to happen next. One year we get fabulous results. Next year we start to loose ground until we're completely bald.


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I'll agree with Jayman to a point: those whose balding concerns them are daft if they don't even try the drugs.

Fortune favours the brave. Do drugs, kids :lol:


stampede said:
I'll agree with Jayman to a point: those whose balding concerns them are daft if they don't even try the drugs.

Fortune favours the brave. Do drugs, kids :lol:

Well yeah... dunno. I can't wait to drop the drugs in a few months if I won't start seeing results. I miss not having a bloated face from minoxidil or the tiredness and foggy feeling the finasteride gives me. I have never felt this tired after sleeping a good 7-8 hours. I've been tired all day and haven't had the energy to do anything.


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i agree jayman was arrogant because the drugs worked for him ,insulting others who had seen no results was juvenile,because 75% of us do not improve on these drugs probaly go worse they are average at best


antonio666 said:
i agree jayman was arrogant because the drugs worked for him ,insulting others who had seen no results was juvenile,because 75% of us do not improve on these drugs probaly go worse they are average at best

Yeah, and I know he would've been bitching here 24/7 had the dutasteride not worked for him. He was a nice guy in a way, but the horseshoe sh*t he and bubka had on various occasions changed my mind about them. I know I'm doomed to be a "horseshoe loser" in few years so I don't wanna hear that sh*t on a hairloss forum, I will probably get enough of it in the real life.


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DaSand said:
My family just ignores it and goes on with life. They keep telling me to shave it, but I don't want to. I think my head would look like a penis.

LOL, man. I totally see what you mean, (now). I got a bit carried away with the clippers and I buzzed my hair further to a #1. Not looking very good. Well, live and learn. Anything beyond a #2 doesn't work for me.

I started rogaine foam today. I feel better just knowing that I'm doing something to improve my hair.


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stampede said:
There was a user here called Jayman, who got banned.

A few months on Dutasteride sorted out his DUPA a treat. And his hair was VERY thin before he started taking it.

Thanks for letting me know. I remember reading a couple of posts from Jayman but I didn't know that he actually had DUPA. He did get great results from dutasteride. I am strongly considering it. The thing is, this doctor I went to see told me to stay on finasteride and gradually increase my dose every 3 years. For example stay on propecia for 3 years and then increase my dose to 2.5 mg finasteride for another 3 years and then to 5mg finasteride and so on, because of the drug gradually losing its efficacy or me developing some kind of tolerance to it. I dunno. I am very tempted to jump straight to dutasteride because I need to see maximum results now.

I see that you're taking 2.5 mg of dutasteride per day. Wow, man. That's some hardcore regimen, bro.


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kilgore said:
stampede said:
There was a user here called Jayman, who got banned.

A few months on Dutasteride sorted out his DUPA a treat. And his hair was VERY thin before he started taking it.

Thanks for letting me know. I remember reading a couple of posts from Jayman but I didn't know that he actually had DUPA. He did get great results from dutasteride. I am strongly considering it. The thing is, this doctor I went to see told me to stay on finasteride and gradually increase my dose every 3 years. For example stay on propecia for 3 years and then increase my dose to 2.5 mg finasteride for another 3 years and then to 5mg finasteride and so on, because of the drug gradually losing its efficacy or me developing some kind of tolerance to it. I dunno. I am very tempted to jump straight to dutasteride because I need to see maximum results now.

I see that you're taking 2.5 mg of dutasteride per day. Wow, man. That's some hardcore regimen, bro.

Hey man, obviously your Doctor is better trained than me in how meds work. But I can't see that ramping up your finasteride dose is going to make a big difference. Dutasteride 0.5mg a day kicks *** over even 5mg finasteride by the way.

I seem to be having less sides on 2.5mg dutasteride than I did on 1.25mg finasteride. Work that one out if you can...? :lol: