I am shedding like HELL


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I have been using rogaine with tretinoin for almost 5 months now and had very good results. I also used propecia and spironolactone cream but i was missing many many doses. On the last 3 weeks i ve stopped them completely. Rogaine on the other hand i have followed religiously.

And now there it is. 20-30 hairs every time i run my hand through my hair. I repeat again and again and the shedding doesnt seem to stop. I am currently lose approx. 500 hair/day. This has been going on for 1-2 weeks and i SWEAR i can see the good results i had up to now falling back.

Do you think it is just a rogaine shed? Or should I start taking propecia again? Its not i am afraid of side effects i just miss the doses because i am extremely lasy to cut the pills into 5ths. My god i am going crazy!


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I do not think it is a Rogaine shed, seems like DHT is taking a hold on your hairs again. I would get back on the finasteride and/or spironolactone if you want to save some hair. It is not much work cutting the pills, get a few and make a months supply in 10 minutes.


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how long have u been of the finasteride?