I am so much more meaner . . .


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than I used to be. It seems I can't help it lately; I just love to be a complete prick to people. It gives me a warm tingly feeling inside. I never used to be this way when I had a full head of hair. I went out of my way to be nice to people, and of course they took dumps all over me for my effort. I'm not sure if the reason why I am a complete jerk with some seriously evil thoughts is because I am losing hair, or its just that I feel bitter and disillusioned with society and life, irregardless of my hair count.

I think being brainwashed with religion during my formative years implanted a persistent guilty streak into my mind. I actually followed the Christian guidelines, unlike most Christians, but (surprise, surprise) people just treat you like you are a loser. It seems as though we live in a world that rewards cruelty and malice, and I am just now fitting in. Is it no coincidence that I have twice as many friends now as I did when I was a devout religious man?

Nothing makes me happy anymore, and underneath all of my smiles are sick and twisted thoughts. I've never had a guilt-free day in my life. Guilt over everything in my life haunts me. Even when I have sex, I can hear a voice in the back of my head telling me it's wrong. I just wish I could make these socially crippling thoughts end. I can't keep going on like this . . . it's going to end one way or another.


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Dude I have strong negative opinions of people so stupid they talk to a "god" that doesn't talk back to them (and if he does....maybe you should get some serious help)

Just change dude, it takes time, but try making people (especially girls! edit: or boys (whichever you prefer of course!) smile by saying something nice out of the blue. To be honest I am a rude, arrogant and smart alec prick, but i'm never serious, and I f#@ing love making people laugh a million times more than upsetting people. Call a family member and say "hey, i was just thinking about you, hows things?" or something. We all get bitter from time to time. Face it, we all have bad in ourselves, don't suppress it, just be aware of it or it will control you.

Generally i tell whingers to stop being such babies and take control of their lives and stop blaming their happiness on external things...which is what i'm saying to you! But I'm also saying, as much as I dislike the whole electronic community as it stops people exercising social behaviour in the real world, we're all facing similar issues here man, so don't give up so easy, people here will help all they can.

Cheers man!


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i think hairloss is a justification for me to be a prick... it doesnt make me feel bad anymore when im a dick to others

hairloss came on me by random not anyone else. so f*** the world ill do what the hell i want