I Bet Girls Think These Dudes with HAIR Issues are NOT HAWT


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Or do they?

...... hmmmmmm


I bet those marines are not married.


3 of the 4 Red Hot Chilli Peppers with receeding/balding heads? Yup, total losers. No one would ever do them.


Poor marines. Impossible to attract chicks with that hair!!!


Another young marine in his 20s who will never see the dark fathoms of the clit either with that hair!!!


A Marine with a six pack feeding a puppy dog? Nah, its totally obvious that guys NW2-3 screwed him out of a happy life.


Hmmm.... nah not seckzy at all. I totally cannot dig that hair style. It looks like hes hiding a NW2. I bet chicks make fun of him all the time for it. What a loser.


Woah... RADIOHEAD? Just look at that receading hair!!!!

yea, total losers. Even though there were chicks at UC Berkeley willing to sell themselves for a ticket to one of their recent shows--I totally doubt they are in to them at all. Not hawt enough with that hair.

Yea, all of us balding losers are going to be total losers for the rest of our lives because we wont be able to compete against surfer guys

errr wait......


Kelly Slater? Known to be one of the best surfers in the world..... A BALDIE???

OH NOEZ!!!!!

So what about snowboarding. You gotta have a perfect hairline to be badass at that.




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kelly slater's face looks a lot better than the face of the woman he is with in that pic. His face is a 9 and hers is a 7 or an 8. But this proves that baldness is not an end all to your dating life. It just means you have to take someone a little less attractive or compensate somehow. And all these guys were just NW2 or 3. A woman once told me she was so in love with david sadaris. then she found out he is short, and lost interest. But from far away she found him very sexy. Also, when you hear of women throwing their underwear at singers, you need to see what the women look like and how old they are. The guys who are hit hardest by hair loss are the average looking guys, because then they can only get below average looking women. Guys who used to be 9's physically can still get above average looking women even with their hair loss. They are the ones one this site who keep telling us that we need to be more confident. In their case, confidence is the only thing holding them back. I'm sure if I build muscle, I can get an average looking woman. And if I just confidently go out right now, I can get a decently looking but slightly below average looking woman.



God, I bet many women find Freddie Ljungberg of Arsenal very repulsive thanks to his horrible hairline.


collegechemistrystudent said:
kelly slater's face looks a lot better than the face of the woman he is with in that pic. His face is a 9 and hers is a 7 or an 8. But this proves that baldness is not an end all to your dating life. It just means you have to take someone a little less attractive or compensate somehow. And all these guys were just NW2 or 3. A woman once told me she was so in love with david sadaris. then she found out he is short, and lost interest. But from far away she found him very sexy. Also, when you hear of women throwing their underwear at singers, you need to see what the women look like and how old they are. The guys who are hit hardest by hair loss are the average looking guys, because then they can only get below average looking women. Guys who used to be 9's physically can still get above average looking women even with their hair loss. They are the ones one this site who keep telling us that we need to be more confident. In their case, confidence is the only thing holding them back. I'm sure if I build muscle, I can get an average looking woman. And if I just confidently go out right now, I can get a decently looking but slightly below average looking woman.

Attractiveness is a big component of an ideal mate, but it is by no means the only component. To use numbers like you do, would you rather have a 7 with an attitude or a 6 who adores you. How about changing those numbers to 6 and 4 respectively? I hate numbers when it comes to stuff like this but whatever.


IBM said:
GrowHairGrow! said:

God, I bet many women find Freddie Ljungberg of Arsenal very repulsive thanks to his horrible hairline.

He wasnt better with his pinky hair.

I bet women liked it, though. And Arsenal supporters, who imitated it a lot :) .


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that guy would look good even as a nw5.

and jayman, numbers mean nothing to strangers because my 1 to 10 could be the worst to the best whereas another guys could be the worst in his english class to the best looking in his english class. I guess i should have wrote "distictly prittier" instead of 7 vs 6.

you ask me if i'd prefer a pretty girl with an attitude or an ugly woman who adores me. What do you mean by prefer? Prefer to sleep with or prefer as a friend? Would you sleep with a man who adored you? And why not reject both, and get a pretty woman who adores me? and if no pretty women on the planet adore me, does that not suggest that the ugly woman does not adore me either, but is prettending to because I am the best she thinks she can get? If a woman was ugly because she had burns from saving someone from a fire, I'd have sex with her out of compassion, unless she was so repulsive looking that my happiness would be lowered far more than hers would be raised. If she were ugly because she did not feel like eating or exercising right, i would not have sex with her. As for the pretty woman with the attitude, it just depends how bad it was and whether i thought the insults were worth the sex, and if I thought i could get sex elsewhere.


helpme007 said:
college, you have so weird thoughts.

I second that. He obviously seems to have too much time and interest to think these things through :lol: .


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collegechemistrystudent said:
kelly slater's face looks a lot better than the face of the woman he is with in that pic. His face is a 9 and hers is a 7 or an 8.
Dude, you're crazy... I was just looking at that pic and thinking how hot that girl is (I love brunettes with nice smiles). How the hell can you think his face is better than hers?....

Anyways, I'm not even sure most extremely good looking guys would be attractive if they were bald. Like I doubt Brad Pitt would get any attention if he was a NW5. I remember when Andre Agassi had hair he used to get all sorts of chicks, like Brooke Shields. Then when he lost it all, he got zero attention from the ladies and ended up dating lesser attractive chicks, like Steffi Graf (okay, she's not THAT bad)....


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I agree that she is pretty. and i'd go for her if i thought i could get her. But if i were to say she is gorgeous, i'd have to say that most of the women at my school are gorgeous. i can't rate guys that well since i'm not female, but i'm pretty sure I've seen guys who look like him but with hair date women whom i thought were prettier than her.


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God damn Radiohead are good... i'm just listening to Karma Police then... the final vocal melody... so incredibly good.... dear god marry me Thom Yorke...


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maybe I should buy a soundcard and download them. or I can sell my body for money to go to one of their concerts.


Felk said:
God damn Radiohead are good... i'm just listening to Karma Police then... the final vocal melody... so incredibly good.... dear god marry me Thom Yorke...

Nah, geek rock 8) .


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Geek rock?!? I for one don't count genius appearing in music as "geeky" in the same manner as people do when it appears in school :p

Hehe I actually understand what you mean. I'd ere towards "art rock," however.

But if you are a musician you appreciate how incredibly clever what they do is. The things they do rhythmically are awesome enough - awesome sounding off-beat, irregular time signature stuff, as well as driving rhythms or parts with heaps of space. But when you look at their awesome chords/progressions, and their harmony in general....

...genius :)


I don´t know why this sh*t keeps coming up. These people are celebs, hot women would sleep with them even if they were fat and ugly. You can´t compare them to us average guys.

About Kelly Slater: Didn´t he recently break up with Gisele Bündchen? One may speculate why this happened :roll: , yet one thing is for sure: Gisele is much better looking than this other chick.


hey, it's the young, angry bald guy!!

looking up other bald men on the internet!


horse shoe head!!

bald forever.

doesn't matter-

you can look up other bald gay men on the net, you can post stories, you can make up a million newbie names and register hundreds of accounts and continue on with your obsessive behavior

but you are still bald. forever.

horse shoe head!!

a young, small, bald guy. so sad. so pathetic.


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this thread needs a bump--some of you are going insane over this whole thing.

it doesnt farking matter!!! (that much) :D