I bought MSM, L-Arginine, Fish Oil, and Green Tea Ex- help?



Hey guys, I'm currently on avodart 0.5 mg per day with Nano shampoo 5 days a week and Nizoral the other 2 days.

I just went to Wal-Mart and saw these 4 things and remembered someone on here saying that they might be beneficial for hair loss:

The MSM is 1500 mg capsules with 510 mg organic sulfur. What will these do for my hair and how much should I take per day and how many times per day

The L-Arginine is 500 mg capsules . What will these do for my hair and how much should I take per day and how many times per day?

The enteric coated Fish Oil is 1000 mg capsules. What will these do for my hair and how much should I take per day and how many times per day?

The Green Tea Extract is 150 mg capsules. What will these do for my hair and how much should I take per day and how many times per day?

Will these be beneficial if taken orally?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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I'm pretty sure that everyone I've seen use those herbs or drugs is using them internally. I'm using the green tea and I use it as an internal. I ask someone who is using the others, so you have a better idea of what to take.


thanks Doctor

i just want to get a better idea of the recommended dosages


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Here are some guidelines:

L-arginine - L-arginine is another amino acid that may stimulate hair growth by increasing absorption of nitric acid. Suggested dose is 1.5 g per day.

Green tea extract - Green tea extract has antioxidants (catechins) that may hold back hair loss. Suggested dosage is 300 mg daily.

MSM - Methyl-sulfonyl-methane (MSM): a naturally occurring sulfur compound found in the body, as well as in various foods. MSM is supposed to maintain structural proteins, form keratin proteins which make up the hair fiber and help the immune system. MSM has also been stated to help with pain, inflammation, increase blood flow, soften scar tissue and reduce muscle spasms, improvement to their nails and hair.
many nutritionists and MSM supplement manufacturers recommend 2,000-8,000 milligrams of MSM be taken daily in case not enough sulphur is gained through the diet.

Fish oils ----- give you EPA and DHA with needing to be converted by D6D. Borage oil gives you GLA with using D6D. Simply to add them into your diet: (1) Take Borage Oil (about 24% GLA), which gives you GLA. Recommended daily dose is about 300mg of GLA from one 1,200mg oil capsule for most normal sized people - up to twice that for very large people. (2) Take Fish Oil, which gives you EPA and DHA without needing D6D. Recommended dose is 2.4 grams a day of total EPA and DHA. That means about 3-4 pharmaceutical grade capsules, or 10 normal standard health store capsules. Both these oils together will help your body produce more of the anti-inflammatory prostaglandin series-1 and series-3 inflammation fighters.

I hope this helps you.


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Since you already bought L-Arginine, take 2 - 3g/day. Though, L-Arginine is pretty much a waste of time. If you want to get real arginine benefits, buy AAKG, Citrulline, DiArginine Malate or Arginine Pyroglutamate.

Green Tea Extract - does it list the Catechin content in each capsule? If so, try to get 400mg Catechins.

Fish Oil - this one is really up to you. Some people take 1g/day, some take many more grams per day than that. Minimum I'd say is 2g/day with food.

MSM - 500 mg per 30 lbs of body weight twice a day. Ex. You weigh 180lbs, 180/30=6*500mg=3 grams 2x/day.

Fish oil helps with inflammation, plus high enough dosage makes you more "regular".

GTE combats oxidative stress, may help to enhance equol production, kills free radicals. It also plays a role in downregulating estrogen.

MSM is just overall good stuff. It makes your hair and nails grow faster, plus clears your arteries etc and makes aches and pains go away.

Arginine - combats limp d!ck, helps in blood vessel creation among other things. High levels of Arginine intake before bed on an empty stomach may increase HGH production.


Harie said:
Since you already bought L-Arginine, take 2 - 3g/day. Though, L-Arginine is pretty much a waste of time. If you want to get real arginine benefits, buy AAKG, Citrulline, DiArginine Malate or Arginine Pyroglutamate.

Green Tea Extract - does it list the Catechin content in each capsule? If so, try to get 400mg Catechins.

Fish Oil - this one is really up to you. Some people take 1g/day, some take many more grams per day than that. Minimum I'd say is 2g/day with food.

MSM - 500 mg per 30 lbs of body weight twice a day. Ex. You weigh 180lbs, 180/30=6*500mg=3 grams 2x/day.

Fish oil helps with inflammation, plus high enough dosage makes you more "regular".

GTE combats oxidative stress, may help to enhance equol production, kills free radicals. It also plays a role in downregulating estrogen.

MSM is just overall good stuff. It makes your hair and nails grow faster, plus clears your arteries etc and makes aches and pains go away.

Arginine - combats limp d!ck, helps in blood vessel creation among other things. High levels of Arginine intake before bed on an empty stomach may increase HGH production.

Hey Harie,

Green Tea doesn't list Catechins.

Fish Oil goood I'm taking 2k worth.

MSM I'll take 6k per day since I'm around 180 lbs.

L-Arg Oh I got the wrong kind I guess.

Could you point me to a website where I can get the right kind of Green Tea Extract and Arginine?

And from hearing your descriptions of the products do you think the only one that will really affect my hair is the MSM? I don't care about other stuff so are the others a waste of time? Any other oral vitamins/herbs/etc you can recommend for my hair? Thanks


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good article. So if you want HGH, you need 5-10g per day or dose, not specified. If you want NO for your hair, you need 1-2g per day.

I can get 300g for $12. That AAKG is $15 plus shipping for 200g, but probably only half of the 200g is arginine. So even if it is absorbed better, I think the price of the L-arginine might balance it.

So water is a great penetration enhancer, but it can't be used for everything since many chemicals are not water soluble. So I won't go over 30% on ethanol with my apple poly stuff.


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I'd say Arginine is a good supplement to take for all men. Not only does it help get and maintain errections, but more Arginine = higher nitric oxide levels which also enhances Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor(VEGF) action. More VEGF action = more Angiogenesis which is the creation of blood vessels in the tissues.

AAKG or Citrulline is best gotten from http://www.bulknutrition. They have the cheapest prices I've found.

The order of potency of Arginine products (from lowest effectiveness to highest)

Citrulline Malate
Arginine Pyroglutamate
DiArginine Malate

As for GTE - http://www.doctorstrust.com is very cheap. Does your bottle of GTE list polyphenol content?

Depending on how crazy you want to get with vitamins/herbs etc, a great site to check out is http://www.freewebs.com/immortalhair/my ... egimen.htm

If it were me and I was going to take fish oil, I'd also take something containing GLA like Evening Primrose Oil, Borage Oil, Black Currant Seed Oil too. The exact ratio recommended is different depending on who you ask. Some say 3:1 (fish:GLA) Some say 2:1 and others 1:1.

I'd definitely take an anti-oxidant when taking Arginine though. GTE or GSE etc should do the trick. :)


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To have the best chance at get an increased HGH release, you should take Arginine on an empty stomach before bed.

It's much easier to take 3 - 5 grams of AAKG than it is to suck down 30 500mg L-Arginine pills.

If regrowth.com were up, Steve the Searcher has a great Angiogenesis enhancing supplement program.

I think I'm going to pick up some Dermovan. I have so many things I want to add to it. AAKG, GTE, GSE, Boswellia Serrata etc.


Thanks a lot Harie,

just to clarify, which do you think would help with my hair?

I was thinking that based on Doctor's posts this would be a good list of oral vitamins/herbs to take:

Vitamin E
Green Tea Extract

What do you think?


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Help with hair:

MSM - yes
Circumin - yes
GTE - yes

Multivitamins - I don't know. Most multivitamins are crap and contain artificial stuff that your body can't use. If you can find a whole food multivitamin, you're on the right track. There are some good multivitamins out there, but they are expensive.

There are different kinds of vitamin E, see if you can find one with mixed tocopherols & tocotreniols (alpha, beta, gamma, delta). Vitamin E is very good for you. It's an antioxidant, helps in blood clotting, promotes good circulation, fights inflammation etc.


i thought vitamin E helped with PKC down regulation which would help with hair?

Anyway thanks a lot for your help.

Do you know a site where I can get the three things above, MSM Circumin and GTE all cheaply? Does it matter if they are tablets or capsules in terms of absorption?



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Oh, I forgot to mention yesterday. If you're taking MSM, you should also take vitamin C to help with absorbtion.

Yes, vitamin E does downregulate PKC. PKC is part of the inflammation process.


Both are one of the cheaper places on the net to buy vitamins etc. While doctorstrust.com has the cheapest GTE, they are more expensive on the others, or they don't carry them.

If you're going for reducing inflammation, fish oil & some type of oil containing GLA are great additions to what you're already going to use.


thanks harie,

when you say it helps with scalp inflammation does that mean ithelps with hair loss as well? my scalp isn't inflamed- i also don't use minoxidil currently. so would PKC downregulators like vitamin E still be of benefit for me?

And what is the HGH production you referred to?

and i can take all of these orally?



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Just because your scalp doesn't itch, doesn't mean you can't have micro inflammation. It all depends on which theory you subscribe to I guess. If you believe that DHT targets the follicles and then the immune system is the actual one doing the "killing" of your hair...then fighting inflammation is great.

I figure since the inflammation fighting supps are so cheap, why not.

HGH = Human Growth Hormone. HGH is what keeps us from looking really old when we age from 0 - 30 years. From 30 - 60 years, the effects of aging really catch up with us because our HGH levels decline. From your early 20's on, HGH levels drop rather quickly. I've read reports that massive arginine supplementation can increase HGH secretion at night.

HGH fights the effects of aging. It keeps your skin elastic, keeps your hair from turning grey, keeps you from getting wrinkles, helps build muscle, lose fat etc, some say it can grow hair too. Basically, it's the fountain of youth.

You have to supplement with massive doses of L-Arginine before bed on an empty stomach to have a chance at increasing HGH production though. It's impractical to use L-Arginine since you'd need to take 15 - 30 grams of it. That's why I recommended AAKG, Citrulline, APG & DiArginine. You could take about 3 - 5g before bed (depending on which supplement you picked) and have the same effects of the mass dosages of L-Arginine.

Yup, you can take them all orally...Though, GTE, MSM & Arginine can also be used in a topical. I've seen vitamin E topicals used to fight inflammation too.