I-C-E hair gel...


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I was wondering if there was anywhere I could order it online. I went on holiday to the US of A and brought a tube there to spike up hy hair and it was amazing. I could spike it right up and then get the minoxidil underneath the spikes right to the scalp as it had AMAZING hold without making my hair look greasy. It also meant the minoxidil didn't get on my hair and make it look like sh*t as it just went to the scalp.

But it ran out. And I can't find it anywhere in the UK. We have appauling greasy wet sh*t over here that can't do any sort of decent styling and am prepared to pay for it to be delivered here as it's that good! The official website doesn't have a store so I'm hoping an American on here will have some idea...

Also, UK Toppik shops? Or will I have to buy it from here and pay import prices?