I can honestly say the worst part


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about hair loss for me has been my unsupportive parents, who feel the need to mock me, who fail to understand the psychological effects it can have on a 19 year old and who haven't a clue about the sciene behind hair loss treatments. Fighting hairloss is hard enough. Fighting your hairloss and your parents at the same time isn't something anyone should have to do.


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I'm really sorry they don't understand... it's hard to empathize unless you've gone through it yourself, but there is no need for them to mock you. Without knowing your family dynamic, I would suggest that you explain to them, in very serious terms, that you are taking it very seriously and it's not the easiest thing to deal with.

The Rock

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does your father have hairloss.....if he does and he makes fun of you.....he must be either SUPREMELY SECURE OR INSECURE NO IN BETWEEN......ya im 19 too.....my hair still looks decent and no one really suspects much....just that my hair is short, but if my parents mocked me i would litterally just walk outta the room....but i knokw my dad never would cuz he went through the same sh*t


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my parent's don't mock me, but they are constantly telling me to "get over it".

easy for them to say, with their full heads of hair... actually my dad has started thinning out over the past few years, but he's 66 so he doesnt really have much to complain about.


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My dad does have hair loss, he has receded a lot, but he does not care at al about his apperaance. He mocks me by playing with his hair and saying "oh gosh i'm losing my hair" in a womanly voice everytime I look in the mirror. My mom is even worse, she thinks I'm crazy, but she knows very little about anything. At least I got the smarts, but I don't know how i could have inherited that from either of them.


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jdizzle said:
My dad does have hair loss, he has receded a lot, but he does not care at al about his apperaance. He mocks me by playing with his hair and saying "oh gosh i'm losing my hair" in a womanly voice everytime I look in the mirror. My mom is even worse, she thinks I'm crazy, but she knows very little about anything. At least I got the smarts, but I don't know how i could have inherited that from either of them.

Well it sort of sounds like your dad is trying to help you, in his own way. Not the best way, I'd say, considering that you are concerned about your hair.


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i fuckin despise it when people say "get over it"...they cant understand the significance it has to us young people. It hurts so bad inside to never feel like your "truly there" to watch your friends in ignorant bliss unaware of if they will lose their hair when their 30 because their just living for today. makes me so sad sometimes.


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i hear ya man. i think there is a small percentage of people that, for some reason or another, just really take losing their hair very hard. I suspect its some stupid gene that is as random as the male pattern baldness one. cause i know lots of people that are worse than me in the hair department, and it just doesn't affect their everyday life like it does for me. my life is pointless right now, i feel like i have no purpose on this earth sometimes, i simply push through everyday just to get through it, not to really pull any enjoyment out of it, and my parents just can't understand why this would bother me so much, with so many other traits going for me. none of those mean anything to me. i would rather have a full head of hair and be dumb, be missing a toe and have diabetes and arthritis. there is just something about losing my hair that has really hit me hard, and i don't think i can ever get anyone to fully appreciate how this has affected my life, except perhaps the people in this forum that feel the same way. i will never be the same again, i will never be as happy as i once was, no matter how much i learn to deal with this problem and learn to accept it. its sad but true. take comfort in knowing there are people out there that are probably taking this whole just as hard, if not harder than you. keep trucking gentlemen.


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Out of curiousity, are you single? If so, we males believe that without hair we will never get a mate. Which I totally relate to!! I so love my hair!!

Since i was 20 i have been worrying about losing my hair, and now that I am 33 and just starting to see it (I am a norwood 1.2 (maybe)) I had to do something to stop it. So, I started proscar 4 days ago :) I can't tell my friends & family yet, since I know they will say I am nuts and that I am fine and the change in my frontal hairline is 1. very minor 2. normal for a 33 yr old! :(

Trent said:
i hear ya man. i think there is a small percentage of people that, for some reason or another, just really take losing their hair very hard. I suspect its some stupid gene that is as random as the male pattern baldness one. cause i know lots of people that are worse than me in the hair department, and it just doesn't affect their everyday life like it does for me. my life is pointless right now, i feel like i have no purpose on this earth sometimes, i simply push through everyday just to get through it, not to really pull any enjoyment out of it, and my parents just can't understand why this would bother me so much, with so many other traits going for me. none of those mean anything to me. i would rather have a full head of hair and be dumb, be missing a toe and have diabetes and arthritis. there is just something about losing my hair that has really hit me hard, and i don't think i can ever get anyone to fully appreciate how this has affected my life, except perhaps the people in this forum that feel the same way. i will never be the same again, i will never be as happy as i once was, no matter how much i learn to deal with this problem and learn to accept it. its sad but true. take comfort in knowing there are people out there that are probably taking this whole just as hard, if not harder than you. keep trucking gentlemen.


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i would kill to be 33 and just starting this hair loss process. you should feel very grateful! :) yes, i am single, and since i'm in med school i really won't be done busting my *** and being very busy for the next six years, which would make me 30 by the time i finally have time to have a life. by that time, who knows what i'll look like. basically, i've just come to terms with the fact that women are just not going to be a big aspect of my life. so yes, being single does make this a whole thing a little harder to deal with.


I feel a lot like you, Trent. Once you're a doctor you'll probably have an easier time with the ladies, and if I ever become an established filmmaker so will I. But in the meantime, we just get to feel like *** about ourselves. I wish women had some kind of parrallel in their aging process, like, some women have faces that fall off, or skin that peels... This feels so gender prejudiced.


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Women age much worse than men.

Now get your flabby asses in the gym and utilize the extra testosterone God gave you.


Women age much worse than men.

Do they? They sure live a hell of a lot longer.

Also: there are a lot of people--a lot--who would give every hair on their body to get into med school. Sounds like f*****g hell to me, but the prestige and eventual economic prosperity that comes with that vocation is something a lot of people would kill to have.

Also: I've begun seeing your mother, and I wish you'd just be an adult about it.


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I totally feel you. Everytime I try to approach my parents about my hairloss they just laugh at me and tell me I'm always concerned about my appearance like a girl.

They don't think I'm losing hair, they think I'm just going crazy. They tell me it will blow over and tell me not to worry about it. But deep down in my heart I know that it will not blow over or stop.

I'm only 20 and this is really depressing me. I just trudge through the day as best as I can. Some days are better than others but it's getting harder everyday. I'm just so suprised on how this hairloss has impacted my life. I never want to go out with friends anymore, I have very little confidence around girls. I just go to school and leave as soon as class is over and go home and just sit in my room on my computer almost everyday.

I agree with Trent where he says he would rather have diabetes or missing a toe or something in exchange for a full head of hair.

I see people around school who do nothing with their hair. I can tell they haven't washed it in days and it's always greasy and oily. Yet they have a full head of hair.

Why doesn't GOd give their hair to someone who can appreciate and cherish it.

Anyone feel what I'm saying?


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WindyCityHair said:
I totally feel you. Everytime I try to approach my parents about my hairloss they just laugh at me and tell me I'm always concerned about my appearance like a girl.

They don't think I'm losing hair, they think I'm just going crazy. They tell me it will blow over and tell me not to worry about it. But deep down in my heart I know that it will not blow over or stop.

I'm only 20 and this is really depressing me. I just trudge through the day as best as I can. Some days are better than others but it's getting harder everyday. I'm just so suprised on how this hairloss has impacted my life. I never want to go out with friends anymore, I have very little confidence around girls. I just go to school and leave as soon as class is over and go home and just sit in my room on my computer almost everyday.

I agree with Trent where he says he would rather have diabetes or missing a toe or something in exchange for a full head of hair.

I see people around school who do nothing with their hair. I can tell they haven't washed it in days and it's always greasy and oily. Yet they have a full head of hair.

Why doesn't GOd give their hair to someone who can appreciate and cherish it.

Anyone feel what I'm saying?

Yep, that's exactly me alright, except you are a year older. Oh great, I've got a lot to look forward to. Heh.
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jdizzle said:
WindyCityHair said:
I totally feel you. Everytime I try to approach my parents about my hairloss they just laugh at me and tell me I'm always concerned about my appearance like a girl.

They don't think I'm losing hair, they think I'm just going crazy. They tell me it will blow over and tell me not to worry about it. But deep down in my heart I know that it will not blow over or stop.

I'm only 20 and this is really depressing me. I just trudge through the day as best as I can. Some days are better than others but it's getting harder everyday. I'm just so suprised on how this hairloss has impacted my life. I never want to go out with friends anymore, I have very little confidence around girls. I just go to school and leave as soon as class is over and go home and just sit in my room on my computer almost everyday.

I agree with Trent where he says he would rather have diabetes or missing a toe or something in exchange for a full head of hair.

I see people around school who do nothing with their hair. I can tell they haven't washed it in days and it's always greasy and oily. Yet they have a full head of hair.

Why doesn't GOd give their hair to someone who can appreciate and cherish it.

Anyone feel what I'm saying?

Yep, that's exactly me alright, except you are a year older. Oh great, I've got a lot to look forward to. Heh.

I've been losing hair since I turned 17, probabl a little before that. :cry:


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anyone want to trade, i'll give you my spot in med school if you give me, say, 300 hairs for my hairline? :) and you can stop worrying about paying for hair multiplication when it comes out, i'll perform it for everyone on this site, free of charge, for helping me through the sh*t times :)

on a more serious note:
guys, i totally feel what you're saying. especially about just "pushing through each day" its so weird, but the way i'm facing each day, that's not a life, that's not what we're supposed to do. you're not supposed to eek through life (to quote dumb and dumber) rushing quickly to do things you HAVE to do, and running home to sit by yourself when anything else comes up. Fun is a just a term i use lately to describe the times when i go out with friends and work twice as hard to try and not look like i'm miserable. yeah, sometimes things get down and you have to push through them, but with male pattern baldness, time heals nothing, and that's the real kicker. time won't heal this wound. in fact, time is only going to make it worse. and that burden on me is so great that it alters my personality, it changes the way i think, the way i eat, the way i approach people and the way i approach the mirror.
guys, the only "real cure" for male pattern baldness, at least right now, is simply this: get on treatments, let them do what they'll do, and then just be happy with yourself and what was given to you. you just gotta look in the mirror, and say, i'm an alright guy, and f*** everyone else who thinks otherwise. its tough, and i'm surely not there yet. but hopefully i'll eventually be "cured." I know there are more important things out there than the stupid strands of hair on my head and the way the superficial people of this world think about me, i just need to learn to believe it. just gotta brave it, and i think that that is something people can respect.

sorry its long, but it feels good to type this sh*t out sometimes. feel free to give me hell for being such a downer these last few weeks. good night all!!