I cannot believe it is so aggressive. Anyone else...


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I almost have a bald spot on my crown and five months ago it was perfect. I have pics to prove but am too lazy to post them. I keep saying how, why. It was happening for years and then it just all comes out in the matter of a few months. I am so embarrassed. I feel like there is a clock ticking down to armageddon. Can't slepp and barely eat. I knew it was coming ever since a teenager but the reality of slickness is so damn bad. Its abd enough receding and miniaturizing over years gut then it is all just gone.


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I really feel for you,this is what non balding people cannot undertand,the speed that hairloss can strike,i mean a year ago i had the best hair you could have,like elvis.but now it is less good,i can still pull off a decent head of hair but it really lets my appearence down.

i am like you in the fact everywaking minute is about hairloss,it is almost worse than a terminal disease,because people laugh about it


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Same here, one year I was ok then it hit me the next. I thought I was imagining things but ever since I have read other people reporting the same thing a come to the conclusion that you can bald very fast in a short period of time and then slow down or vice-versa.


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Nathaniel said:
Same here, one year I was ok then it hit me the next. I thought I was imagining things but ever since I have read other people reporting the same thing a come to the conclusion that you can bald very fast in a short period of time and then slow down or vice-versa.

Thats very true. I started thinning long time ago but it was never aggresive til a year ago. I lost a lot of hair during the past 12 months. It was so bad that I decided to start treatments.


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My crown is also thinning and up until now, I've never had a problem in that area. I was hoping that I would never have to use minoxidil there but I guess I won't have a choice...

And it's true what Nathaniel wrote. I lost a lot of hair when I was 16/17, but it's been a very slow process ever since then (I'm 26 now).


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Still early(ish) days on your regimen, mate. If Propecia doesn't cut it by month 12, switch to dutasteride. And add some topicals.


i know its tough. use treamtments same time while you accept it. i think doing both is the best option for most guys.

it makes me self-concious some times since i accepted and show it. but on the other hand it makes me more strong and more of a man.

i think most people dont mind baldness. well, if its really visible, some will mention it, but its not much of a deal. they make jokes about it. let them. if they mean it in a nasty way, strike back. if its just a joke, laugh about it.

its some thing of the universe. people get born, people die. people get hair (babies dont have hair when they get born) , then they lose it. it just happens. fight it if you care about your appearance, but dont let it affect other areas of your life. which you automaticly do, if you dont accept it.

listen to your mum and dad. it just happens and its no big deal. go on with life!


I have seen your hair and I think you might benefit greatly from Rogaine foam. What do you have to lose when it is getting so much worse anyways? You won´t reach really good hair with today´s treatments, but I think you might thicken up your island quite a lot and this would make a really significant optical difference.

Good Luck, mate!


Yes, I willm every day I am gonna have another guy with great hair :lol:


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One of my friends hairloss is very aggressive, he has lost the front 3rd of his hair, it has gone really patchy and his crown is starting to go, this has happened in the last 2 years really.
We went to school together and at age 16 I had a receeding hairline, not too bad maybe just a mature hairline and my hair has gone very slowly, in the last year and a half my hair has thinned quite abit but he has overtaken me. Considering he wasnt receeding at school.
So with me its almost 8 years Ive been losing my hair whereas he has been losing for 2 years and his hair is much worse. Its strange how nature affects each of us in different ways


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I was one of those quick balders too. Check out my story. I'm definetly over it and acutally picked up a little hottie the other weekend for a 1 night stand.

Hairloss can go f' itself. Just have confidence dude.


Taugenichts said:
Yes, I willm every day I am gonna have another guy with great hair :lol:

Taug keeps pictures ugly people with full heads of hair as his avatars.


just wait till taugenichts goes to NW2.45 from NW2.3 . his diffusion will spread from an nw2.8 to an nw2.95 area. Oh man.