I can't be a regular teenage boy, there is literally no solution and I hate it


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I've noticed receding and thinning since the age of 14, but I ignored it a lot and tried to think about other things, I tried to deny it, I tried to constantly comb my hair and always "fix" it to make it look better, people always commented on how I'm "obsessed with my hair" and I do it so often that I can't socialize properly (though I'm mostly a shut-in). I haven't lived a life yet, I've just been a quiet shut in since my teens started, and now that I'm starting to lose my social anxiety, it's time to drop out of society again as my hair loss is ridiculously noticeable and difficult to maintain.

I'm 16, almost 17, and I realize that nobody, and I mean nobody that I am actually attracted to, personality and appearance wise, will want to date a bald me. I have proof of this, as various people who have found me attractive and one in specific that I am very close with have told me that they do not think baldness is attractive at all, and until I am in my late 30s or 40s, I know I will not find anybody that I am attracted to, personality, appearance, and compatibility age-wise will find me attractive, and viable for a relationship with strong feelings attached. That's the reality of it, there's no optimism or anything to get around it. I myself don't even like the look, I would hate to look at myself in the mirror and see a bald me, though I'm constantly trying to make my hair look less stupid as it's ridiculously thin right now to further deny this hair loss. Please do not tell me to accept this. Do not tell me to accept this. Seriously do not tell me to accept this.

I can't accept this, I would rather die than accept this, I would rather die than even attempt to accept this, because attempting to accept this would mean a guarantee that I will lead on a bald life, a very disadvantaged life at such a young age. And at the same time, suicide scares me. I am already disadvantaged as a male in various ways and suffer from various insecurities, from height, to confidence, to facial aesthetic to phallus size, and this just adds on to the list. To make things worse, I am extremely passionate about the opposite sex.

I want to get a hair piece, but my family is in a bad financial situation right now and I'd just feel like cringing every time I take it off to wash my scalp, plus if I get into a relationship and if she accidentally sees it, I don't want that to be a worry at all. I can't get on finasteride because I'm 16, and minoxidil sucks.

That was a little vent. I do wonder if I can keep the hair piece until I am maybe 20, and if the hairloss has progressed further, I can get a hair transplant. I know it isn't recommended for somebody under 25, but if the hair loss is worse than a 35 year old man at 20, enough's enough, a transplant must be necessary at that point. The worst part of all of this is I would probably be okay with being bald at the ages of 30-40+ because at that point no woman I'd be with would be bothered by it, but right now I can't do this, I need to be young in my youth and treated as such. And I honestly look at balding 20 somethings as the luckier ones sometimes, because they didn't start at 14. NO I WILL NOT BE A JASON ALEXANDER NO MATTER HOW RICH, FAMOUS, OR TALENTED HE MAY BE.


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I've noticed receding and thinning since the age of 14, but I ignored it a lot and tried to think about other things, I tried to deny it, I tried to constantly comb my hair and always "fix" it to make it look better, people always commented on how I'm "obsessed with my hair" and I do it so often that I can't socialize properly (though I'm mostly a shut-in). I haven't lived a life yet, I've just been a quiet shut in since my teens started, and now that I'm starting to lose my social anxiety, it's time to drop out of society again as my hair loss is ridiculously noticeable and difficult to maintain.

I'm 16, almost 17, and I realize that nobody, and I mean nobody that I am actually attracted to, personality and appearance wise, will want to date a bald me. I have proof of this, as various people who have found me attractive and one in specific that I am very close with have told me that they do not think baldness is attractive at all, and until I am in my late 30s or 40s, I know I will not find anybody that I am attracted to, personality, appearance, and compatibility age-wise will find me attractive, and viable for a relationship with strong feelings attached. That's the reality of it, there's no optimism or anything to get around it. I myself don't even like the look, I would hate to look at myself in the mirror and see a bald me, though I'm constantly trying to make my hair look less stupid as it's ridiculously thin right now to further deny this hair loss. Please do not tell me to accept this. Do not tell me to accept this. Seriously do not tell me to accept this.

I can't accept this, I would rather die than accept this, I would rather die than even attempt to accept this, because attempting to accept this would mean a guarantee that I will lead on a bald life, a very disadvantaged life at such a young age. And at the same time, suicide scares me. I am already disadvantaged as a male in various ways and suffer from various insecurities, from height, to confidence, to facial aesthetic to phallus size, and this just adds on to the list. To make things worse, I am extremely passionate about the opposite sex.

I want to get a hair piece, but my family is in a bad financial situation right now and I'd just feel like cringing every time I take it off to wash my scalp, plus if I get into a relationship and if she accidentally sees it, I don't want that to be a worry at all. I can't get on finasteride because I'm 16, and minoxidil sucks.

That was a little vent. I do wonder if I can keep the hair piece until I am maybe 20, and if the hairloss has progressed further, I can get a hair transplant. I know it isn't recommended for somebody under 25, but if the hair loss is worse than a 35 year old man at 20, enough's enough, a transplant must be necessary at that point. The worst part of all of this is I would probably be okay with being bald at the ages of 30-40+ because at that point no woman I'd be with would be bothered by it, but right now I can't do this, I need to be young in my youth and treated as such. And I honestly look at balding 20 somethings as the luckier ones sometimes, because they didn't start at 14. NO I WILL NOT BE A JASON ALEXANDER NO MATTER HOW RICH, FAMOUS, OR TALENTED HE MAY BE.

I feel your pain bro, I started receding before my 14th birthday, I have been going through that same psychological hell, my social life has almost died. I believe that the psychological impact of balding in your 20's or even at 19 are not the same as balding at 14. Balding right after the puberty suggests that the predisposition to baldness is extremely strong and the current treatments sucks at slowing down this aggressive balding and the hair are lost in a short time. When I was 16/17, I was sure that it's gonna happen and I thought that I would accept this with time and wouldn't let it stress me out but it hasn't worked. Now, I'm 21 and still worried about it.


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I could imagine getting on dutasteride and oral finasteride could completely halt your hair loss.no matter how aggressive it is?
With the added addition of MINIX and nizoral you'd be home free.
That is your willing to spend thousands of pounds per year, hell start drinking tons of green tea and eating pumpkins seeds like there is no tomorrow. Check out saw palmetto, there is nothing stopping from using that stuff. Honestly m8 if you did try saw palmetto you could risk it ruining your body because you're going through puberty.
Im only suggesting it because you said you'd rather die, hell you'll be a short *** bald boy that hasn't gone through puberty properly :/

Oops false hope.


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I could imagine getting on dutasteride and oral finasteride could completely halt your hair loss.no matter how aggressive it is?
With the added addition of MINIX and nizoral you'd be home free.
That is your willing to spend thousands of pounds per year, hell start drinking tons of green tea and eating pumpkins seeds like there is no tomorrow. Check out saw palmetto, there is nothing stopping from using that stuff. Honestly m8 if you did try saw palmetto you could risk it ruining your body because you're going through puberty.
Im only suggesting it because you said you'd rather die, hell you'll be a short *** bald boy that hasn't gone through puberty properly :/

Oops false hope.

He's WAY too young to get on DHT inhibitors. You're advising him to play with fire dude.

In any case, it's cases like his that really make my heart sink... and to think that society has brought it upon themselves to make humiliation of men with hair loss acceptable? It's fvcking disgusting, makes me want to rip peoples heads off.


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what 16 year old thinks about relationships? lol get a prescription for nizoral


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what 16 year old thinks about relationships? lol get a prescription for nizoral

Well when you lose hair at such a young age your whole life flashes before your eyes.

Its hard to find a reason to move forward when you know that from here on out it's going to be nothing but hell.


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But still, you see that everyone that went bald in their teens doesn't stay miserable for the rest of his life.

I wouldn't count on that. How can you be ok with the fact that you were cut so short on life and that your youth has been robbed from you.

Not only is your youth gone, but your motivation and potential that you once had just isn't there anymore.

I had high hopes for life like everyone else, but when something like this comes knocking on your door at a young age..


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Thanks for posting that Fred. And Nostro you are just creating negative cognitive distortions in your head. Ya it feels like the end of the world and there is no hope of a future, but you have plenty of life ahead of you. Despite what you think, the high school years are not the best years of your life.

Fred and I have a similar story with aggressive thinning at 17. Ya you get made fun of and all that, but you will realize the bullies have nothing else going for them and have to ridicule others to make themselves feel better. Fred couldn't have said it better. Its almost a positive at such a young age. Hairloss happens to near everyone and having it early makes it easier to cope. It made me look at my diet, friendships, physical fitness, and other hobbies to make me interesting. While everyone was into bulking up their muscles and chasing girls, I got into my schoolwork and looked at the unseen physical attractive traits such as posture as I did a lot of yoga. Now I have near zero physical ailments and am looking at professional school.

The biggest plus is the mental strength it gives you. It will be tough at first, but learn to cope through things like yoga and other destressing techniques. Learn the value of a good home cooked meal and true friendship and family that will never leave you and avoid the fake friends that ridicule you for something out of your control. It inspired me to get a degree in psychology as well, and honestly a lot of mental illnesses are just from people being mentally weak. Many of the symptoms of depression and anxiety I experienced through hairloss, but you have to learn to cope as there is no problem faced coping (well fairly little), only mental. When other people get seemingly minute stressors compared to a drastic image change such as hairloss, they crack. They can't handle reality breakdown.

It really will make you a better person. Just try to avoid all the BS that other people think they have going for them and just do you. Your life is not over. You will have plenty of achievements, pussy is not out of the question forever, and looks are not everything. If it means so much to you we will most likely see a "cure" and you can enjoy hair later in life after the motivation of losing it so young gave you so much drive to accomplish more.


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ME too... at 15 years old I think, now 18 and not reciding but has a defuse thinner....

If I lived in the US, I would have defenitly bought a gun by now and ended it. Even if a new treatment was discovered, the best years of life are in the trash nothing good to remember... and the future doesnt look bright... so yea... suicide for me.

Where are you from? Maybe I can get it for you.


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ME too... at 15 years old I think, now 18 and not reciding but has a defuse thinner....

Sometimes it gets better, (or i get the impression) other times i just think im doomed...

If I lived in the US, I would have defenitly bought a gun by now and ended it. Even if a new treatment was discovered, the best years of life are in the trash nothing good to remember... and the future doesnt look bright... so yea... suicide for me.

You don't know that. The best years of my life were when I was in college; got away from parents, was in a field of study I enjoyed, I was living in the city, I got to be around students that had similar interests, I worked part time and made amazing friends who are to this day my CLOSEST friends.

High school was a joke, I have no care for those years at all. The kids back then were dumb as hell, rules and restrictions in the school pissed me off (wasn't allowed to play basketball during lunch hours in the gym), etc.

I recently talked to a coworker at my current job and I mentioned I recently turned 30 and that I'm officially branded by society as OLD and the worst years of my life are ahead of me (didnt mention my hair loss though). She said her 30s were her FAVOURITE years; got married, bought a house, had a child, got a new job, etc.

You cannot say with certainty that your high school years will be the best of your life... you havent lived long enough to make that call.

I will agree that right now, as does for me, things SUCK BALLS. The lack of a hair loss cure enfuriates me with extreme psychotic hatred towards society; I hate everyone more privileged than me because everything in my life has been met with obstacles and I do NOT need this hair loss sh!t on top of it all. I only see everyone else as having hair, living an ignorant satisfied life and demonizing people with hair loss.


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Hellouser is right. High school is a torture. College years are ,without a doubt, best years. They say 30s are new 20s.. we'll see about that. :D


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The best years of your life are the ones when you had good hair and lived care free.

There's no way that your balding years could have been better than your full head of hair years regardless of what's happening.

Even when you buy a house, you're still analyzing your realtors hairline. :woot:


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The best years of your life are the ones when you had good hair and lived care free.

There's no way that your balding years could have been better than your full head of hair years regardless of what's happening.

Even when you buy a house, you're still analyzing your realtors hairline. :woot:

This, I will agree with ONLY if it means that hair loss has consumed your life. For me, it has. I have very low self esteem and little motivation to be in social settings.


Established Member
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Thanks for posting that Fred. And Nostro you are just creating negative cognitive distortions in your head. Ya it feels like the end of the world and there is no hope of a future, but you have plenty of life ahead of you. Despite what you think, the high school years are not the best years of your life.

Fred and I have a similar story with aggressive thinning at 17. Ya you get made fun of and all that, but you will realize the bullies have nothing else going for them and have to ridicule others to make themselves feel better. Fred couldn't have said it better. Its almost a positive at such a young age. Hairloss happens to near everyone and having it early makes it easier to cope. It made me look at my diet, friendships, physical fitness, and other hobbies to make me interesting. While everyone was into bulking up their muscles and chasing girls, I got into my schoolwork and looked at the unseen physical attractive traits such as posture as I did a lot of yoga. Now I have near zero physical ailments and am looking at professional school.

The biggest plus is the mental strength it gives you. It will be tough at first, but learn to cope through things like yoga and other destressing techniques. Learn the value of a good home cooked meal and true friendship and family that will never leave you and avoid the fake friends that ridicule you for something out of your control. It inspired me to get a degree in psychology as well, and honestly a lot of mental illnesses are just from people being mentally weak. Many of the symptoms of depression and anxiety I experienced through hairloss, but you have to learn to cope as there is no problem faced coping (well fairly little), only mental. When other people get seemingly minute stressors compared to a drastic image change such as hairloss, they crack. They can't handle reality breakdown.

It really will make you a better person. Just try to avoid all the BS that other people think they have going for them and just do you. Your life is not over. You will have plenty of achievements, pussy is not out of the question forever, and looks are not everything. If it means so much to you we will most likely see a "cure" and you can enjoy hair later in life after the motivation of losing it so young gave you so much drive to accomplish more.

says all this and has a guy with a full head of hair as his profile pic.


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The best years of your life are the ones when you had good hair and lived care free.

There's no way that your balding years could have been better than your full head of hair years regardless of what's happening.

Even when you buy a house, you're still analyzing your realtors hairline. :woot:

I was slowly receding in college, but overwhelmed with all the fun stuff going on, i had barely time to think about my hairline.