I can't help but cry.


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I have a question for you guys. My hair loss has really effected my self-esteem. I'm on my way to being an NW3 and every day it hurts to see my hair fall like there's no tomorrow. There are nights where I can't help but cry. I'm a grown man and I just can't help but cry. I don't have many friends. I'm actually a lonely person. With hair, I didn't have anyone so you can imagine how I feel about not having hair.

I've accepted the fact that I may never find a girl. I may possibly be single for the rest of my life. Do you all think that it will get better somehow? Do you all think that I'll make friends at least? Honestly, I just want to belong somewhere. Anywhere.


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Hey man i can relate to how you feel.I have similar thoughts myself.My self-esteem and confidence are very low.I'm 27, single and can't seem to find a girl that really likes me.Probably,it's meant to be that way. Heck,i have lost faith in so many things.But just keep your belief in something god,destiny,kindness anything. It's your life and you're losing it.Nobody cares when you're happy or sad (maybe your relatives and friends do,but no one apart from them truly cares).Why bother how they think about you?

It's difficult, but please try to be brave right now.Indulge yourself in anything that helps you divert your mind from your hair.Play a sport, atleast try to.Volunteer,teach kids who need your help,show some gratitude.You can bring happiness into people' lives and that is a wonderful thing There must be something that makes you happy.One thing!! Do it and do it often.

Lastly,no i don't think your hair will get better, unless of course you go for a transplant.But what i am sure is that if we just apply our 'minds right' and concentrate on things that give us pleasure and feel like worth doing we will get better.

Live well my friend


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My Regimen
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Lastly,no i don't think your hair will get better


So many treatments out there that already work better than finasteride and many more in the pipeline on the horizon that will basically make everything completely obsolete.

- RU58841, already as good and in some cases better than Finasteride
- CB-03-01, way better than Finasteride WITHOUT any side effects
- Wounding theory, and this is gaining a LOT of steam and has a lot of credible published articles backing the science, potentially allowing for a SOLID treatment today.

On the horizon:

- Histogen, showed 86% responder rate and increased hair density by about 40-50% at 6 weeks and continued growth after a YEAR and even grew hair at the temples after ONE trial. Expected to hit market around 2015/2016 in Asia
- Replicel, culturing and injected DSC cells for hair growth, expected product release in 2015 in Asia
- Follica, and this is the big one as its backed by Dr. Cotsarelis, as its based on the wounding theory and is able to grow hair using FGF-9, expected release is unknown but probably a few years seeing how they're in Phase IIa clinical trials.

The Holy Grail science:

- Dr. Roland Lauster, created human skin and hair follicles from stem cells... this was THREE years ago so we already have a cure. Only a matter of time before clinical trials take place (unless already started, very little info on this)
- Tsuji Labs, is on the verge of creating an even more interesting than Dr. Lauster (his would involve at the moment implantation of follicles) where as Tsuji Labs would only require injections. Expected release unknown, some are saying 2018 if the Japanese allow shorter clinical trials using stem cells as they are relatively safe methods of regenerative medicines.

I'm appalled at the notion that hair loss itself doesn't get better... its THIS complacent attitude you can blame for being alive in 2013 without a viable treatment or cure. Congratulations, youre part of the problem. Its no wonder that so far the only effective commercial product for stopping hair loss has been Propecia.... FOR 20 YEARS and nevermind complete reversal. Minoxidil has been around for a little longer and its even worse. Its absolutely disgusting how men throw their hands up and say 'Oh well, what are you going to do?' while women and even men demonize our condition.. no, our disease to the point of making us socially LESS valuable. I'm tired of waiting for a cure but I will not neglect the demand from researchers, governing health ministries and MOST IMPORTANTLY the hair loss community itself, to bring forth a viable treatment.

Having said that, I and another member of this forum are already in talks of crowdfunding and global outreach with a marketing campaign to raise funds for expedited clinical trials based on the needs of the public willing to make a pledge of money for research (be it for Histogen or other). The sad reality is that nobody gives a sh*t about balding except for ourselves, and if you don't believe that, just look at the advancements in treatments in the last twenty years: NOTHING.

If anyone is interested in helping spread the word about a baldness campaign, either monetary, public awareness or other, PLEASE let me know. I myself am a graphic designer with 10+ experience working in marketing and advertising as well as another guy who's a web developer and has experience launching medical campaigns as well. A collective contribution could go a long, LONG way.


New Member
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- RU58841, already as good and in some cases better than Finasteride
- CB-03-01, way better than Finasteride WITHOUT any side effects
- Wounding theory, and this is gaining a LOT of steam and has a lot of credible published articles backing the science, potentially allowing for a SOLID treatment today.

FDA approved ,are they? No,i don't think so.

Now don't take me wrong, i am all for new methods in clinical research to fight hair loss.But that is not the point here.Would you ask people to try RU or CB or Histogen or Wounding theory.You wouldn't, right.So unless there is something proven which comes out from any of these studies you wouldn't try it right now,would you.

Expected products you mentioned are all slated for launch beyond 2015.And in medical studies expected is a BIG word.I really believe there will be some cure sooner or later but what 'band aid' should i use right now.You need to detach yourself from 'the hair problem' and think of yourself more as a human being.You are not just your hair.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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FDA approved ,are they? No,i don't think so.

Now don't take me wrong, i am all for new methods in clinical research to fight hair loss.But that is not the point here.Would you ask people to try RU or CB or Histogen or Wounding theory.You wouldn't, right.So unless there is something proven which comes out from any of these studies you wouldn't try it right now,would you.

If youre going to go by the FDA, you are doing an incredibly disservice to yourself and others. They are slow and restricting. I've tried RU and it worked. I will be using CB and on paper it works significantly better than Finasteride. Read the safety studies and their clinical trial results. The FDA does NOT care about you. Youre lying to yourself if you think something good will come soon at the FDA's approval. You'll be waiting forever. I won't tolerate that, and NEITHER SHOULD YOU.

You are not just your hair.

Wrong. My hair is part of my identity of which I am being robbed each passing day without a treatment. Maybe you may not care about your own identity, but youre extremely arrogant to downplay the importance and effect of hair on others.


Established Member
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Thank you for your kind words, Oxygen. I wish I had this kind of support in real life. If I did, I wouldn't be hurting as much as I am now.

Thanks for informing me of other alternatives, hellouser. I don't want to get on propecia or that one other because I know that my hair would not react well to it.

To be completely honest, my hair doesn't look that bad. I've grown it out and made it look like I'm an NW1 but I know that I cannot keep this up forever. Still, if I can grow my hair out to the point where my hairline recession is not too noticeable and my crown area to be not so bad (you can see my scalp a bit), that would mean that I'm still at the early stage to fight this if I wanted to. The problem is, I don't want to get on propecia or dutasteride because I know that my body will not react to it well if at all. I'm using Rogaine for my temples and my crown and I don't know if it's working as I have yet to see any growth but that's all I can really do for now.

The reason why I get depressed is because I just wish I had a support system. I wish I had friends that cared for me. I try to have faith in God but there are days where the hair loss and the loneliness get to me really bad.


Established Member
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Thank you for your kind words, Oxygen. I wish I had this kind of support in real life. If I did, I wouldn't be hurting as much as I am now.

Thanks for informing me of other alternatives, hellouser. I don't want to get on propecia or that one other because I know that my hair would not react well to it.

To be completely honest, my hair doesn't look that bad. I've grown it out and made it look like I'm an NW1 but I know that I cannot keep this up forever. Still, if I can grow my hair out to the point where my hairline recession is not too noticeable and my crown area to be not so bad (you can see my scalp a bit), that would mean that I'm still at the early stage to fight this if I wanted to. The problem is, I don't want to get on propecia or dutasteride because I know that my body will not react to it well if at all. I'm using Rogaine for my temples and my crown and I don't know if it's working as I have yet to see any growth but that's all I can really do for now.

The reason why I get depressed is because I just wish I had a support system. I wish I had friends that cared for me. I try to have faith in God but there are days where the hair loss and the loneliness get to me really bad.

Sorry to inform you, but without a DHT blocker, you will not keep your hair many years!
How do you know for sure that your body will not react well to Propecia??
And...to have friends that care for you, that would be good, but real friends are very rare these days.
I mean, friends who really care for you, not "friends" who only like to be with you at parties and entertainment, and if you have a problem, they run fast fast.
Oh, and another point: stop watching p**rn or doing, you know, a certain type of activity. :)
It may be bad for your hair, but it is certainly BAD for your spirit and state of mind!!


Established Member
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Sorry to inform you, but without a DHT blocker, you will not keep your hair many years!
How do you know for sure that your body will not react well to Propecia??
And...to have friends that care for you, that would be good, but real friends are very rare these days.
I mean, friends who really care for you, not "friends" who only like to be with you at parties and entertainment, and if you have a problem, they run fast fast.
Oh, and another point: stop watching p**rn or doing, you know, a certain type of activity. :)
It may be bad for your hair, but it is certainly BAD for your spirit and state of mind!!

Thank you DreamerMerlin. I don't know what propecia will do. It could either make my life better or make it worse. I know some people are getting amazing results from taking it but then I read about others and how they feel like it was the biggest mistake they've made. Some flat out stop taking it because they don't see results. It's too risky. I've seen too many people eagerly say things like, "Propecia is going to change my life! I won't feel side effects! Mind over matter!"...and then quit it a couple of days later. It leaves me in a bind. It's a tough decision when you hear people say that they wish they never took it.

I'm glad that you mentioned p**rn. I reluctantly admit that I have used p**rn as a means to cope with my problems (or run away from them). You think that it is a stress reliever but after awhile, it becomes a terrible addiction. It's shameful I know but I've decided to quit it. I've read about people saying that their hair loss has lessened the moment they stopped masturbating. I don't know if this is true but it's a plus.


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I don't really know how to react to this, but I feel I must.

Masturbation is fine - the neurohormones released by an orgasm make you feel good (oxytocin and prolactin, as well as endorphins (or "endogenousmorphine").[SUP][4][/SUP]). They actually help your body recover. The addiction however is bad, and since every addiction is hard to quit (that's why it's called an addiction) I can imagine you want to tone it down, but do not confuse masturbation with your masturbation-addiction. Find a way to control your addiction.
Next to that, I strongly believe p**rn is to men as what chickflicks is to women. They create expectations which can not be met. So maybe it's better to just masturbate in the morning without any p**rn and just use your fantasy.

As for propecia: this will take time. Quitting after a few days is worthless, most of the time it will take a year before you see results. Check the studies, the results after a year are actually pretty good on most men. My parents always say "if you don't try you definitely loose" (sounds better in Dutch) and that's the same thing here.. if you don't try you will loose your hair.

As for me: I started using propecia last month and minoxidil in May. I notice the lack of hairloss, I don't loose as much hair as I used to... which comforts me a lot. It really helps my self-esteem. I'm looking OK, but I've got a lot of friends who are more handsome than I am..
My best friend, after I hooked up with a close-to-perfect woman, told me: "damn dude, did you take a look at her?! and have you seen yourself in the mirror? good job, she is way to pretty for you - I'm happy for you, and jealous!"
I know for sure my self-esteem played the biggest part in hooking up with her.. and I think the things that pull down your self-esteem can be fixed in two ways: Find a cure for the problem, of find a way to accept you have a problem. I think I did both with my hairloss: Trying to beat it with meds, and accepting I won't have a full head of hair.

Good luck mate, I hope you find balance!


Experienced Member
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I have a question for you guys...... I don't have many friends. I'm actually a lonely person. With hair, I didn't have anyone so you can imagine how I feel about not having hair.

I've accepted the fact that I may never find a girl. I may possibly be single for the rest of my life. Do you all think that it will get better somehow? Do you all think that I'll make friends at least? Honestly, I just want to belong somewhere. Anywhere.

Of course things will get better for you Helel, but your first priority, before jumping on finasteride even, should be to put maximum effort into making good, honest friends, people who you can surround yourself with and whom will support you, especially at times when you're feeling down with hairloss.

It's absolutely no coincidence that half the people coming to this forum with serious depression and self esteem issues are overwhelmingly loners with no friends as well as being hair loss sufferers.

You definitely don't want to be one of those guys in the long term, but the the good news is you don't have to, if you put maximum effort into making friends you WILL get positive reactions from other people and others will trust you and will enjoy sharing your company and having you around, which will in turn boost your sapped self esteem immeasurably. Once you have friends and a social life and self esteem, a girlfriend WILL inevitably follow from this. This process won't work a$$ to front though, you need to worry about finding friends and improving your social life and self esteem and confidence first, before you can start worrying about meeting and finding girls.

Like I said, social life and friends should be your no.1 priority, then of course with regards to hair you have two choices you can either learn to work with your new image and over time accept it or absolutely throw the kitchen sink at hairloss and get on finasteride, minoxidil, maybe even consider Hair transplants after a few years.... but bear in mind if you are going to fight for your hair, you must use finasteride at all times, because without it, nothing else will work effectively.

I wish you the best of luck and keep your head up.


Senior Member
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Of course things will get better for you Helel, but your first priority, before jumping on finasteride even, should be to put maximum effort into making good, honest friends, people who you can surround yourself with and whom will support you, especially at times when you're feeling down with hairloss.

It's absolutely no coincidence that half the people coming to this forum with serious depression and self esteem issues are overwhelmingly loners with no friends as well as being hair loss sufferers.

You definitely don't want to be one of those guys in the long term, but the the good news is you don't have to, if you put maximum effort into making friends you WILL get positive reactions from other people and others will trust you and will enjoy sharing your company and having you around, which will in turn boost your sapped self esteem immeasurably. Once you have friends and a social life and self esteem, a girlfriend WILL inevitably follow from this. This process won't work a$$ to front though, you need to worry about finding friends and improving your social life and self esteem and confidence first, before you can start worrying about meeting and finding girls.

Like I said, social life and friends should be your no.1 priority, then of course with regards to hair you have two choices you can either learn to work with your new image and over time accept it or absolutely throw the kitchen sink at hairloss and get on finasteride, minoxidil, maybe even consider Hair transplants after a few years.... but bear in mind if you are going to fight for your hair, you must use finasteride at all times, because without it, nothing else will work effectively.

I wish you the best of luck and keep your head up.
Good advice Primo.


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So many treatments out there that already work better than finasteride and many more in the pipeline on the horizon that will basically make everything completely obsolete.

- RU58841, already as good and in some cases better than Finasteride
- CB-03-01, way better than Finasteride WITHOUT any side effects
- Wounding theory, and this is gaining a LOT of steam and has a lot of credible published articles backing the science, potentially allowing for a SOLID treatment today.

On the horizon:

- Histogen, showed 86% responder rate and increased hair density by about 40-50% at 6 weeks and continued growth after a YEAR and even grew hair at the temples after ONE trial. Expected to hit market around 2015/2016 in Asia
- Replicel, culturing and injected DSC cells for hair growth, expected product release in 2015 in Asia
- Follica, and this is the big one as its backed by Dr. Cotsarelis, as its based on the wounding theory and is able to grow hair using FGF-9, expected release is unknown but probably a few years seeing how they're in Phase IIa clinical trials.

The Holy Grail science:

- Dr. Roland Lauster, created human skin and hair follicles from stem cells... this was THREE years ago so we already have a cure. Only a matter of time before clinical trials take place (unless already started, very little info on this)
- Tsuji Labs, is on the verge of creating an even more interesting than Dr. Lauster (his would involve at the moment implantation of follicles) where as Tsuji Labs would only require injections. Expected release unknown, some are saying 2018 if the Japanese allow shorter clinical trials using stem cells as they are relatively safe methods of regenerative medicines.

I'm appalled at the notion that hair loss itself doesn't get better... its THIS complacent attitude you can blame for being alive in 2013 without a viable treatment or cure. Congratulations, youre part of the problem. Its no wonder that so far the only effective commercial product for stopping hair loss has been Propecia.... FOR 20 YEARS and nevermind complete reversal. Minoxidil has been around for a little longer and its even worse. Its absolutely disgusting how men throw their hands up and say 'Oh well, what are you going to do?' while women and even men demonize our condition.. no, our disease to the point of making us socially LESS valuable. I'm tired of waiting for a cure but I will not neglect the demand from researchers, governing health ministries and MOST IMPORTANTLY the hair loss community itself, to bring forth a viable treatment.

Having said that, I and another member of this forum are already in talks of crowdfunding and global outreach with a marketing campaign to raise funds for expedited clinical trials based on the needs of the public willing to make a pledge of money for research (be it for Histogen or other). The sad reality is that nobody gives a sh*t about balding except for ourselves, and if you don't believe that, just look at the advancements in treatments in the last twenty years: NOTHING.

If anyone is interested in helping spread the word about a baldness campaign, either monetary, public awareness or other, PLEASE let me know. I myself am a graphic designer with 10+ experience working in marketing and advertising as well as another guy who's a web developer and has experience launching medical campaigns as well. A collective contribution could go a long, LONG way.

This post is big news to me.

I'm not even 18 yet and my hair loss is progressing fast. I just jumped on Finasteride a couple weeks ago. Libido is slightly lower, but I don't give a f*** as long as I can get it up.

I don't care what I have to do, I'm not going to lose my hair until I'm happily married with a kid on the way. You're right when you say that hair loss makes one less socially valuable. I know for a fact that the type of woman I can get with this hair I have on my head now is way more beautiful than anyone who'll pay attention to me If I had a shiny scalp.

I haven't really had much belief of any future treatment better than Finasteride, but you seem very informed in your post.

I'm very interested about CB-03-01 and Histogen. To be honest, it seems to good to be true. Are you sure they will be released in the next 5 years?

Also, on a side note, you make it sound like hair loss treatment has not progressed at all. I feel and hope that Finasteride will stop my hairloss. At my NW2, I would be the happiest guy in the world. Do you believe Finasteride could help me maintain this hair until CB or Histogen are accessible?

And be honest, do you really believe CB and Histogen will actually be viable treatment options in the next 5 years?

This is my first time hearing about this, and your post just seems to good to be true. But I hope I'm wrong.


Experienced Member
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Having said that, I and another member of this forum are already in talks of crowdfunding and global outreach with a marketing campaign to raise funds for expedited clinical trials based on the needs of the public willing to make a pledge of money for research (be it for Histogen or other). The sad reality is that nobody gives a sh*t about balding except for ourselves, and if you don't believe that, just look at the advancements in treatments in the last twenty years: NOTHING.

hellouser that is good work man, i am 2 years away from college, but will contribute to the crowdfunding(if you do) in any way i can. best of luck!!! .


Senior Member
My Regimen
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hellouser that is good work man, i am 2 years away from college, but will contribute to the crowdfunding(if you do) in any way i can. best of luck!!! .

Ive thought about this, but honestly it would take millions on millions and then probably get run by some shamster that would just steal all the money and run. Then we have to deal with the government and the money that costs (trials, bribes, FDA).
Then look at "WHAT IF" something is done? How does it get sold and where does that money go?

Its layers on layers, unless a good group really wants to go all in and work for nothing for a long time.

Honestly I always thought a better option would have been a group of guys willing to do a pyramid scheme style hair transplant program, while finding a good eligible doctor who might work out a good deal if he was getting like 10-20 positive clients. If anyone wants to look into that then get in touch with me.


New Member
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This post is big news to me.

I'm not even 18 yet and my hair loss is progressing fast. I just jumped on Finasteride a couple weeks ago. Libido is slightly lower, but I don't give a f*** as long as I can get it up.

I don't care what I have to do, I'm not going to lose my hair until I'm happily married with a kid on the way. You're right when you say that hair loss makes one less socially valuable. I know for a fact that the type of woman I can get with this hair I have on my head now is way more beautiful than anyone who'll pay attention to me If I had a shiny scalp.

I haven't really had much belief of any future treatment better than Finasteride, but you seem very informed in your post.

I'm very interested about CB-03-01 and Histogen. To be honest, it seems to good to be true. Are you sure they will be released in the next 5 years?

Also, on a side note, you make it sound like hair loss treatment has not progressed at all. I feel and hope that Finasteride will stop my hairloss. At my NW2, I would be the happiest guy in the world. Do you believe Finasteride could help me maintain this hair until CB or Histogen are accessible?

And be honest, do you really believe CB and Histogen will actually be viable treatment options in the next 5 years?

This is my first time hearing about this, and your post just seems to good to be true. But I hope I'm wrong.

If CB can be released in 5 years and halt hair loss, I think that will be the cure for low Norwood people. But 5 years is a long time.....


New Member
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So many treatments out there that already work better than finasteride and many more in the pipeline on the horizon that will basically make everything completely obsolete.

- RU58841, already as good and in some cases better than Finasteride
- CB-03-01, way better than Finasteride WITHOUT any side effects
- Wounding theory, and this is gaining a LOT of steam and has a lot of credible published articles backing the science, potentially allowing for a SOLID treatment today.

On the horizon:

- Histogen, showed 86% responder rate and increased hair density by about 40-50% at 6 weeks and continued growth after a YEAR and even grew hair at the temples after ONE trial. Expected to hit market around 2015/2016 in Asia
- Replicel, culturing and injected DSC cells for hair growth, expected product release in 2015 in Asia
- Follica, and this is the big one as its backed by Dr. Cotsarelis, as its based on the wounding theory and is able to grow hair using FGF-9, expected release is unknown but probably a few years seeing how they're in Phase IIa clinical trials.

The Holy Grail science:

- Dr. Roland Lauster, created human skin and hair follicles from stem cells... this was THREE years ago so we already have a cure. Only a matter of time before clinical trials take place (unless already started, very little info on this)
- Tsuji Labs, is on the verge of creating an even more interesting than Dr. Lauster (his would involve at the moment implantation of follicles) where as Tsuji Labs would only require injections. Expected release unknown, some are saying 2018 if the Japanese allow shorter clinical trials using stem cells as they are relatively safe methods of regenerative medicines.

I'm appalled at the notion that hair loss itself doesn't get better... its THIS complacent attitude you can blame for being alive in 2013 without a viable treatment or cure. Congratulations, youre part of the problem. Its no wonder that so far the only effective commercial product for stopping hair loss has been Propecia.... FOR 20 YEARS and nevermind complete reversal. Minoxidil has been around for a little longer and its even worse. Its absolutely disgusting how men throw their hands up and say 'Oh well, what are you going to do?' while women and even men demonize our condition.. no, our disease to the point of making us socially LESS valuable. I'm tired of waiting for a cure but I will not neglect the demand from researchers, governing health ministries and MOST IMPORTANTLY the hair loss community itself, to bring forth a viable treatment.

Having said that, I and another member of this forum are already in talks of crowdfunding and global outreach with a marketing campaign to raise funds for expedited clinical trials based on the needs of the public willing to make a pledge of money for research (be it for Histogen or other). The sad reality is that nobody gives a sh*t about balding except for ourselves, and if you don't believe that, just look at the advancements in treatments in the last twenty years: NOTHING.

If anyone is interested in helping spread the word about a baldness campaign, either monetary, public awareness or other, PLEASE let me know. I myself am a graphic designer with 10+ experience working in marketing and advertising as well as another guy who's a web developer and has experience launching medical campaigns as well. A collective contribution could go a long, LONG way.

Well said sir. I believe we should boycott the bull**** cures that are being advertised right now. Stop feeding the big pharma companies that are making fake cures like rogaine and start supporting the scientists working on REAL cures. And **** the FDA and their "approvals" The FDA only approves what makes them more profit! They approve of GMO's and they're killing us with cancers and allergic reactions. It's time to use our money wisely and make real change for the fight for our hair. I am totally willing to help you in you campaign.