I did an experiment and the results confirmed my beliefs


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I post on some online boards, I posted pics of myself, and people make fun of me because of my gargantuan forehead, and some people could spot the transplants. Anyways, I got this Vive shampoo that kinda straightens your hair, and then I wore a hat, which straightened my hair, so I actually had some hair that covers a portion of my forehead. So it's hard to hide the transplants when my hair is like that, but it reduced the massiveness of my forehead. and guess what? Responses from females such as "you are really hot" or "wow".. I knew my freaking gargantuan forehead was the problem... But my hair straightened like that is only a temporary fix, I can't really go into public like that because the wind could move the hair and reveal the transplants. but damn.. I could actually look a the pic of myself. normally I cringe when seeing a photo of myself.. This unfortunately confirmed my fears.. shoot.


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how old are you, man? I feel really bad for you though, you have my sympathy.

Though, a good woman will not throw you away because of one physical flaw. My hair is no good and my girlfriend is 19 and extremely pretty. she loves the way I look even though my hair isn't so good. Plus she loves that I treat her with respect and I make her feel loved and wanted.


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I think a lot of us have big forheads man..

in any event.. your hair transplant is there to stay.. so why cant you just comb it forward always??

who cares if the wind blows it occationally? dab some hair product in there that will keep it there..


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When did you have your transplant done?

Is it a pluggy look? Man, I was even considering having about 800 or 1000 fue along the hairline to beef it up-- straighten it out a little bit- by Dr. Cole.


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I can't come it forwards for the following reason:

(1) my hair is very curly

(2) transplants are hairline are facing the wrong direction

(3) when I comb it forward you can see the gaps in between the rows of the plugs...

however I can weigh the hair down by wearing a hat, then it becomes straight, but I would have to get a haircut or something, and I won't go to a hair cutter because they'll know...

my hair freaking goes up. and the higher it goes, the larger my forehead looks. this freaking blows..

Get this, because the hairline is growing the wrong direction, it reflects hair behind it that's push forward, UP! it's like two contintental plates hitting each other, and one goes up, and the other goes below.

jeffsss said:
I think a lot of us have big forheads man..

in any event.. your hair transplant is there to stay.. so why cant you just comb it forward always??

who cares if the wind blows it occationally? dab some hair product in there that will keep it there..


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I'm really sorry to hear about your plight. I'm sure it's tough to have the unsatisfying transplant on top of hair loss.

However, if it's upsetting you that bad, why don't you consider getting a hairpiece? I'm sure I'll catch some flak for suggesting this, but honestly they're not bad-looking. If this is seriously tearing you up as bad as you say it is, having a hairpiece could at least give you a bit more confidence in your day-to-day life.

I know a lot of people say that a hairpiece would only bring about new insecurities, but honestly, modern hairpieces are convincing and aren't going to fly off your head at inopportune moments as many believe.

It may give you the chance to look the way you want, even if it's not technically your own hair.

I started wearing a small frontal partial recently to re-shape my hairline, fill in a bit of recession and help disguise my use of Prothik, and it looks 100% better than just the hair/Prothik combo. It might be worth a try.


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That would make me feel dishonest, and for any girl I might find, if it's that real, she'll be quite dissapointed to know I'm wearing a hairpiece.

oDD_LotS said:
I'm really sorry to hear about your plight. I'm sure it's tough to have the unsatisfying transplant on top of hair loss.

However, if it's upsetting you that bad, why don't you consider getting a hairpiece? I'm sure I'll catch some flak for suggesting this, but honestly they're not bad-looking. If this is seriously tearing you up as bad as you say it is, having a hairpiece could at least give you a bit more confidence in your day-to-day life.

I know a lot of people say that a hairpiece would only bring about new insecurities, but honestly, modern hairpieces are convincing and aren't going to fly off your head at inopportune moments as many believe.

It may give you the chance to look the way you want, even if it's not technically your own hair.

I started wearing a small frontal partial recently to re-shape my hairline, fill in a bit of recession and help disguise my use of Prothik, and it looks 100% better than just the hair/Prothik combo. It might be worth a try.


better than plugs. i mean do you think any girl want you with your plugs? so better get a hairpiece and dont tell your girl.


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recboi: I understand how you feel in that respect. I was already engaged when I started wearing a hairpiece, and my fiancee knew I was looking at them, but wasn't aware that I'd actually started to wear one (we're in a long distance relationship, and I started wearing the day before our last visit). I wanted her honest opinion, which is why I didn't mention it to her.

Obviously she knew something was up, since I had WAY more hair than before, but she thought it looked good and got used to it quickly.

My advice would be that if you do decide to wear a hairpiece, use it like another piece of clothing. Don't live in fear of people finding out. I mean, if your transplants are as bad as you say they are, then I doubt anyone would begrudge you the chance to wear a hairpiece, as it'd be more than just vanity at that point (it'd be covering scarring/surgical problems). In my experience, people aren't really disappointed that you're wearing a hairpiece. From what I've heard, most women are actually okay with it. Most men that have mentioned their girls' reactions to finding out said that the women reacted positively, or (in most cases) didn't even care. The fact of the matter is, most women care WAY less about our hair than we do.

helpme007: I wouldn't advise lying to anyone you care about, especially when it comes to something like a hairpiece. Yes, they're realistic, but eventually a girl will find out when you get serious enough. You're much better off if she just knows the score from day one. That way, you don't have to worry about her finding out, and you have someone that give you honest feedback on how it looks.

And also, I'm sure that there is a girl out there for recboi who won't mind the transplant. Some people can look beyond things like that. I think as soon as recboi can get his confidence in order, he'll find a girl that he clicks with.

The Gardener

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From personal experience, it is impossible to hide a hairpiece from someone you are involved with... or from anyone you see on a regular basis for that matter.


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man ur transplants sound like a total disaster? what happened?!

persoanlly i use toppik its fucked up but i live with it