I did it! I'm finally taking a serious stand!


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I did it! I just bought some proscar! Well okay, its not that exciting cause I haven't even taken one yet...but hey...this is big...up to now I've been just on Nizoral for a month.
Lets hope this does the trick and at least lets me keep what I've got! I'll update monthly to tell of progress and sometimes in between when I have a few threads where I flip sh*t because I'm having a shed and growing b**ch tits. Hair loss rocks!



you aren't going to do something silly like take the proscar all in one go are you??!!!

I know you probably already know, but just in case!, you need to chop that baby into five pieces and take one piece (1mg) each day.

excuse me for telling you what you already know!



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Haha yes I know...but thanks for lookin out for me.

Now I just have to wait for it to get here...