I did not have growth on spironolactone......


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I just want to clarify that I did not have growth with spironolactone. What I mistaked for growth was actually my hairline slowing moving back, which at first I did not notice. The hairs were simply getting smaller and smaller (miniaturizing hairs) unitl I finally woke up and realized that my hairline was slowly moving back. I'm sorry for that and I feel like a jackass! :p I mistaked receding hairs for new growth. :eek:


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This is a big factor in why we try to remind our users to be very careful when listening to subjective personal experiences with hair loss treatments, and put most of their faith in the widely-run clinical studies that included hair counts.

Many times you will see tons of new hairs sprouting along the hairline and they may not really be new hairs, but in fact old hairs that are cycling back in again. Either way its good news, but this is a huge reason why snake oils get so many people to make testimonials. Very few people realize the cycling process of hair can cause what seems like "new loss" as well as "new growth" when in fact, its neither!

Unless you've got before and after photos that cover a period of a year or more that show overall improvement, the only thing we can *really* put our faith in is hair counts in clinical trials that are run for at least 1 year. That really is the only accurate way to assess a hair loss treatment.
