I don't get you guys that have hairloss but also a


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significant other. I wouldn't give two poops about hairloss if I had an SO, but I've got transplant issues so... But seriously.. If you've got a girlfriend or a wife, why do you care so much? worried that she'll leave you for someone who has hair? I wouldn't worry nearly as much had I had a girlfriend..


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I think they should except you for who you are. I can understand if your going out on a date and your young. You want to look attractive to women, what man does'nt. But even if you don't have hair, they still should accept you for who you are. I think if your to obsessed with your hair loss they will think you are nuts or something. Just be who you are and not obsessed with hair loss. Plus you make yourself stressed out about hair loss as well.


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I think hairloss encapsulates your mind... iffin it bothers you at all. It's one of those afflictions that wear you down emotionally regardless of who you have in your life. It's not something you can fight with any kind of tangible, positive outcome like cancer. You fight cancer and there's the possibility you can beat it. Hairloss frustrates the baldy more than cancer in that as much resolve to "fight" as you can muster, you only see progressive decay. It tears you down man. A girlfriend isn't the reason you want hair. You want hair for self efficacy in every aspect of your being. It's painful to see the sorry balding sitcom characters like Fraiser Crane and George Costanza who always got the short end of the stick, or look like the balding pervert child molester on the 6 o'clock evening news. Person who we perceive as good or successful are all attractive and have luscious heads of lions mane. I'm even envious of my girlfriend's head of hair. Seriously, it makes you insecure and injures your ego. It dominates your persona. It's the dominant feature a person sees most often, besides race and sex, when looking at you. I'm sorry, but having a girlfriend doesn't make life with a balding head any brighter. I know if I were my girlfriend, I would find someone with a full head of hair. Why any woman would want to help a bald man pass that trait on is beyond me. We should make a concerted effort to all not have children. A "baldies shouldn't reproduce" campaign. In probably less than 10 generations (about maybe 200 years) we could wipe hairloss out genetically! That's not a long time evolution-wise. Who's with me? Let's do this for the babies!


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You're a complete, ***, sean.

Reading half of your sh*t pisses me off and a lot of people who use this forum.


ya, it pisses me off too. why shouldnt bald people reproduce? in future there will be anyway something against it. you might turn the balding gen off at your children or something. or hair multiplication.


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i'm engaged.. and yes hair loss still bothers me.

just because your engaged doenst mean you want to look like sh*t.
would you want to get fat? would you want to have one arm? would you want a nasty scar across your face?

even if you have a SO who loves you .. sh*t like what i mentioned and male pattern baldness still bothers your well being.


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jeffsss said:
i'm engaged.. and yes hair loss still bothers me.

just because your engaged doenst mean you want to look like $#iT.
would you want to get fat? would you want to have one arm? would you want a nasty scar across your face?

even if you have a SO who loves you .. $#iT like what i mentioned and male pattern baldness still bothers your well being.

Well put Jeffsss.


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i think you kids need to tune in your sense of humour. seancashmeres posts are just a little bit of hairloss depression plus a good self deprecative sense of humour. dont take everything so literally and seriously. we are all in the same boat here


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PowerSam said:
i think you kids need to tune in your sense of humour. seancashmeres posts are just a little bit of hairloss depression plus a good self deprecative sense of humour. dont take everything so literally and seriously. we are all in the same boat here
Well put PowerSam


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seancashmere , quite simply, your a moron, Its people like you that give baldies a bad name, and its people like Bruce Willis, Callum Best etc who give us a good name.
Do you ever stop to use your brain and wonder why balding men get ripped on so much?/ its because of losers like you chatting bullshit like that!
If you dont learn to love yourself, then no one will. Btw I am with you when you say YOUR not going to have children, I think YOU shouldnt, we dont need you reproducing.
In conclusion, you are what you are, and that isnt gonna change anytime soon, so do everybody who is follicually challenged a favour, and be a man instead of a faggoty pansy, making negative thoughts about balding men! and giving us all a bad name.

rant over.


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It's amazing how quickly I unintentially "took over" the board. Can you all stop directing everything you have to say at me and go back to the topic at hand? I don't take offense to the harsh explitives you throw at me at all, but I'm sure you'd be up in arms had I the same to say of you all who have used such nasty language in reference to me. If you'd like to continue doing it, it's fine with me. This is the only time I'm going to give it any attention. But you're reaction shows more about you than what you're saying says about me.

Back to the topic at hand:

In conclusion, I feel that having a girlfreind isn't the end goal from wanting to have my hair back. Seriously, it's a holistic image thing. My hair is part of the whole in the same way Jeffsss described losing an arm would be losing part of the whole. The girlfriend would probably even be there for the armless man. It's the whole the armless man wants, the girlfriend is nice but she isn't an arm in much the same way as she isn't hair. Agreed?


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she can do many armlike things though, open your beer, fiddle with your wang.... the possibilities are limitless


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I've got a lovely fiancee, and I still care about my hair.

It's surely not because she's concerned about my hairloss. If she had her way, I'd have a shaved head! She likes my hair best when it's left loose (I usually tie it back into a ponytail), which makes it look much thinner, with no Prothik or concealers. She likes me for me, which includes my very thin hair. It's for my own preferance that I keep it neatly pulled back, with enough styling products to give it a slightly thicker look.

I want hair because I like having hair. No big agenda there. I was obsessed with my hair when I still had it (at 16 or so), since it was always my favorite feature about myself, and now that it's gone I'd love to have it back. Am I going to stay inside all day because I'm balding, or ruin my relationship with the fiancee because I'm afraid she'll leave me for a guy with hair? Nope. I hold down a job that I love while going to school for a career that I can't wait to have. I go out with friends at least once or twice a week. I love life.

But even still, it'd be nice to have some more hair, if only to be able to style it in more ways. Having a loving fiancee or a semi-active life doesn't change that.


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seancashmere said:
We should make a concerted effort to all not have children. A "baldies shouldn't reproduce" campaign. In probably less than 10 generations (about maybe 200 years) we could wipe hairloss out genetically! That's not a long time evolution-wise. Who's with me? Let's do this for the babies!

Uhhh...That's a really weird thing to say...

Anyways, as to the topic, I have a significant other but I still want to look good for myself and others physically. I'm shallow, I'll admit it, I want to look good on the outside (as good as that can possibly be with my ugly mug).


seancashmere said:
We should make a concerted effort to all not have children. A "baldies shouldn't reproduce" campaign. In probably less than 10 generations (about maybe 200 years) we could wipe hairloss out genetically! That's not a long time evolution-wise. Who's with me? Let's do this for the babies!

That could be some fun if it was true. Unfortunately, like you probably know, many women have the balding gene aswell... They shouldn't be allowed to have children either to make your cunning little plan work.


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Wow...you are a pathetic man. Your girlfriend probably won't leave you over hair, but she might because you're an imbecile. I'm for breeding out the imbeciles!

You suck,



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Primex said:
seancashmere said:
We should make a concerted effort to all not have children. A "baldies shouldn't reproduce" campaign. In probably less than 10 generations (about maybe 200 years) we could wipe hairloss out genetically! That's not a long time evolution-wise. Who's with me? Let's do this for the babies!

Uhhh...That's a really weird thing to say...

Anyways, as to the topic, I have a significant other but I still want to look good for myself and others physically. I'm shallow, I'll admit it, I want to look good on the outside (as good as that can possibly be with my ugly mug).

i dont think wanting to look good for yourself and others is shallow. appearance makes or breaks you in many facets of life. i would tend to think people who are pleased with their appearance are overall happier...or at least have one less thing to worry about.