i dont know if this site about bosley has come up but...


Senior Member
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Things like this are why you should be extremely careful with whom you choose as a surgeon if you DO go that route.


Hey, I'm not "legally" allowed to practice medicine in 50 states but my clients love me :lol:


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This is a fairly old site that got sued by Bosley a year or two ago. Im not quite sure what came of the lawsuit, but either way, Lee Bosley was replaced as the head of the company, by a very very reputable man, and Bosley Medical has been doing a lot to clean up its reputation in the last 5 years. Part of that is they're using their $$ to head up one of the few Follicle Cloning research teams in the world right now. Naturally the motivation would be mucho cashola if they figure out how to do it ... but at least their good business sense is going to result in benefit for hair loss sufferers.

I know a few bosley patients who have had good procedures done as well, recently. Take it for what its worth.



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To little to late. These guys did more damage to more people than any other medical group doing hair transplants. The millions that they spend on advertising has to come from somewhere. Their prices are higher and if you go to any of the other sites for hairloss ( hairlosshelp.com, hairsite etc.) and mention Bosley you will be bombbarded with people warning you about them. I went to Bosley years ago for my first transplant and had to find another doctor to repair the poor work.


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HairlossTalk said:
This is a fairly old site that got sued by Bosley a year or two ago. Im not quite sure what came of the lawsuit, but either way, Lee Bosley was replaced as the head of the company, by a very very reputable man, and Bosley Medical has been doing a lot to clean up its reputation in the last 5 years. Part of that is they're using their $$ to head up one of the few Follicle Cloning research teams in the world right now. Naturally the motivation would be mucho cashola if they figure out how to do it ... but at least their good business sense is going to result in benefit for hair loss sufferers.

I know a few bosley patients who have had good procedures done as well, recently. Take it for what its worth.


would you trust your own hair to bosley?