I don't know what to do my hair just keeps falling out...


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I haven't posted here for several months but decided to since things have got drastically worse

theres hairs everywhere, all over my desk and keyboard. The first night I stayed round my new girlfriends i looked at the white pillow and it was covered in literally hundreads of hairs.

Its been the last few months when it seems to have got really bad. I got into the bad habit of pulling my fingers across the top of my head and mainly temple areas and there would always be hair stuck to them.

I mean youd think after having a shower and washing your hair, seeing loads of hairs in the bath and over the towel, that that would be all the hairs ready to fall out for a short while atleast. But straight way after running hands over there will be about hairs all over my hands.

I just cant undrestand how hair can be continuously falling out.

Yesterfay I made the effort all day not to touch my hair. this morning i made the mistake of doing something else i occasionly do, which is using thumb and finger to gently pull hair (and i mean GENTLY) and from this same tiny area (no bigger than inch square) about 20 hairs came out, they just kept coming. I looked in the mirror and could actually see a patch where all this hair had come from.

And these hairs and all colourless, these hairs are dark supposedly healthy hairs.

I just don't know what to do. Any ideas?


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yeh I know another guy was interested also - I will post pics again soon, but bear in mind I haven't been on any tretments for the past few months other than washing hair using nizoral and t-gel.

My progress has all been downhill - its seems not only am I unlucky enough to be losing my hair at the age of 21, but my hairloess is also alot faster than most peoples. I read that alot of people balding have been doing so for 10 years or so (or atleast for the people at the same stage as I am) whereas I am at an advanced stage of hairloss and have bee losing hair only for maybe 3 years, with the last 6 months to a year being the most advanced.

Anway, will post more news when I have the time, I have a lot to tell


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I will post pics again soon, but bear in mind I haven't been on any tretments for the past few months other than washing hair using nizoral and t-gel.

Typically after stopping treatments you will start shedding massively after a few months as the hair cycle ticks over... All that you had gained on the treatments & all the follicles the treatments where keeping alive will quite abruptly die & shed at this point.... :cry:

A friend of mine used minoxidil for 18 months & got pretty good results to the point that he felt he no longer needed to use it, so he stopped.. Big mistake :roll: After aprox. 3-4 months his hair started shedding like crazy, his hair went from being quite thick too noticably thin (probably lost around 30% of his hair) :freaked: ..........

The danger is these treatments can give you a false sense of security & you can start taking their effects for granted.. Of course if you don't feal they are working in the first place thats another story....


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yeh the thing is i was only on finasteride for 3 months max, and from what I've heard 3 months is not long enough for results to kick in. Unless of course I was a very good responder to finasteride within the 3 months, which could explain the shedding. If it was min i had stopped then I would definately expect shedding.

But I just cant see that being on finasteride for 3 months would then make me shed for 3 months at a faster and faster rate. But then really who knows

Thanks for the reply


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I stopped it after 3 months due ONLY to the fact I had ran out and didn't have the money at the time to buy anymore (I'm a student). I even felt that it was doing my hair some good, or atleast not getting noticebly worse, and hadn't expereinced any noticeble shedding - hell, my shedding now is a hell of a lot worse than when I was on finasteride.

I did then restart about 4 weeks later, but that only lsted a few weeks due to sexual side effects, so stopped again. I currently have about 50 pills left which I really want tos tart taking, but unless either a)I break up with my gf, or b)find something which counteracts the sexual side effects, then I won't be taking them


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Pharoh, you have nothing to lose... Cut those 1mg pills into .25mcg pills. That should lower your side effects, although results may not be as good as taking 1mg.


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well, i think the reason you're shedding is from coming off of propecia.... just this extra shedding may mean you are a good responder to propecia.. if you're going to start something you have to stick with it for the long run or there is absolutely no point. i say you get back on and stick with it for atleast a year until you know for sure, propecia is not THAT expensive, just cut back on something else, make the sacrafice and commit yourself. the sexual sides effects always diminish after the first few months, well that's my advice..... good luck.



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have you seen a derm? its possible that this isnt male pattern baldness, since the shedding sounds as though its happening too fast. It could be a number of different things.
I know you probably have already asked, im just letting you know if you havent.


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Kamui - yes I have thought about lowering dosage to cut down on sides, but how would you suggest I split my 5mg proscar pills into 0.25 portions?
That would involve cutting the pill into 20 pieces! Even 0.5mg would be near impossible.

In-Valid - yeh it could be a shed from coming off finasteride, but I was only on it for 3 months, wouldn't have thought that enough time to make any difference, unless of course as you suggest I am a good responder to finasteride. My stopping it had nothing to do with expense, the ONLY reason I stopped was because of sexual side effects, and it was seriously effecting my relationship. I really do want to give it another go, I just don't want to risk losing my sex drive. If i can find a way of lowering the dosage I would jump back on

Silkeysmooth - no I haven't seen a derm. I am sure it is male pattern baldness - whilst a lot of people always try to find some other reason for their hairloss, I have fully accepted mine is due to male pattern baldness. My dad lost all his hair during his early 20's, though maybe not quite as fast as me. Whilst my hair is falling out at a quick rate, I have been losing it for past 3 years or so, it just happens to be speeding up. Receding temples and the horseshoe shape visible all says to me male pattern baldness. But who know I might consult one sometime

Thanks for rep[lis :)


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Pharoh, it's best to see a Derm and get some blood test anyway. :)

I didn't know you were using Proscar, thought it was Propecia. Yea cutting Proscar into .25mcg is hard HAHAHHA... Best thing is just to see a Derm and get a prescription for Propecia.


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Firstly not sure about seeing a derm, I dont particuarly like talking about my hairloss at my age :(

Whats the point in getting a prescription for propecia? The whole reason I am getting proscar is because its a hella lot cheaper than propecia. If I really wanted Propecia I could get it without prescription anyway. If money was no object sure I would get it, unfortunately I am a skint student so I gota be careful with my money :)


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pharoh said:
Firstly not sure about seeing a derm, I dont particuarly like talking about my hairloss at my age :(

Whats the point in getting a prescription for propecia? The whole reason I am getting proscar is because its a hella lot cheaper than propecia. If I really wanted Propecia I could get it without prescription anyway. If money was no object sure I would get it, unfortunately I am a skint student so I gota be careful with my money :)


I bought 3 months worth of Generic Propecia about 3 months ago. I think I used 3 pills and then went to the Doctor. He did some blood test and gave me some free Merk Propecia and ever since then that is what I have been using. If you want I will give the Generic Propecia pills to you at no cost. You seem like an honest guy and if you are trully a poor student I have no problems passing them on to someone. I bought them from Generic4u.com.

Tony Montana