I don't see how I could possibly regrow.


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I've been on the big 3 for just under 2 months now and for a while I thought things were going okay. My hair seemed to be maintaining itself and I took that as the first sign that I was FINALLY making progress. For the last week and a half i've had the worst shed to date. Every single day i'm losing 100-150 hairs. What I've been wondering this week is how my hair is ever going to look better after these sheds. I have 3-4 inch hair, which would take forever to grow back. Almost all of the hairs I lost were healthy, so the best I can hope for is that the hairs that grow back are just as healthy. This is the first time i've even considered just giving up on my treatments and it f*****g sucks having all of these pessimistic thoughts.

Do I ever wish that I just took propecia instead of jumping so quickly into minoxdil.


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Minoxidil shed. Don't worry. It will probably grow back.


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I hope so. It's just devestating to lose that much hair that quick. You get to the point where you can't see it ever growing back.
Did all of you people that have had success on minoxdil go through real bad sheds in the first two months?