I don't understand...


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Why if treatments such as minoxidil and Propecia are around to maintain and regrow hair.. people still discourage others by saying things like "face it, you will be bald soon. Its inevitable"
If theres such a good chance of keeping it now adays, why is everyone so negative?


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as i understand it wut those people are refering to is the fact that although these treatments work for most of the people mother natures will is inevitable sooner or later it will catch up to u and the only thing ur doing is prolonging the time u keep ur hair with the current treatments...but i dont see why thats a bad thing


Established Member
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im sure though that for many people, they can put off their hairloss for a long time, and by the time it catches up with them, the vast majority of men their age will be affected.

also, new treatments come out. the longer you put it off, the more you can put it off, and the longer you can put it off..etc...its a chain :)


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I would think not all people would react with the drugs minoxidil and propecia. Maybe some don't even know the drugs have existed and or proven effective in treating hair loss. Treating hairloss is an expensive and long term commitment process. So people may think hair loss is a norm thing which if you are lucky enough to have male pattern baldness then except it. We are fighters, we seek answers and we'll fight until our last breath.



There are a hell of a lot of people out there who do not know about Propecia. My Dr never even heard of it until I told him about it.

I am so tempted to tell people about Propecia, like people at work and such. But I think "no, if you cant be arsed to find out for yourself then bollox to the lot of ya" That's what i had to do, find out for myself!