I feel awful.I received wrong Hair Color


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So i have 1 hair system i am wearing and i feel grait, i am steel new at this. So i ordered new one but this time i recived with WRONG COLOR. I ordered number 7(brown) and i received number 17(blonde)! Is that really hard to get right color ???

Oh ... when you go on there site you have so much options to chose to get "custom Hair System" and at the end you recive - Wrong Color!!

So what should i do now .. has this happend anyone ? what you did? should i color hair myself ? Or send them? i am from Europe ..........


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Re: I feel awful.I received wrong Hair Color from Hollywoodlace!

Did you email them and give them a chance to correct the problem?? Coming here to vent is fine but I have ordered things from other companies and received the wrong item and in most cases they correct the problem. That would be my first place to start.