I feel depressed..........


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How can I start this.. I wasn't self councious about myself a couple years ago but only now that I am I got to see the dramatic difference between people that look really good and people who look really bad, I think I'm in between.. but it's not enough for me.
I'm not even bald yet.. no one can actually tell if I'm balding but I'm almost 100% sure that I am. And then as if loosing hair isn't enough there's other issues..
I have a bit of acne, I try to work out but I'm skinny and my muscles develop so damn slow, then I have a tendecy to be hairy(which seems to be increasing since I started shedding) and I wax my chest but then I have to deal with the ingrowns....
I know it sounds very ridiculous, and some people have serious problems and struggle to live but personally I just feel like dyeing, and I don't even want to imagine the day I'll have to shave my head.. I think I'm gonna chop it off instead AHAHAHHA!!!!! sorry I've been feeling a little mad lately! :p My parents suck, where I live it sucks too, I suck, my life sucks..
Life is really unfair, some people have great looks, great hair, lots of money and/or opportunities and others just have problems to deal with. Maybe if I don't loose my hair I won't kill myself!
Probably I'm in the wrong forum, should've posted this in some suicide forum lol but maybe trough this I'll get you all depressed and suicidal and then when you kill yourselves you won't keep spreading the black death!!!! AKA BALDNESS :eek: !!!!arghhh!!!!!!! :freaked2: j/k I don't want anyone dead and baldness alone isn't reason enough to kill yourself. peace out! gotta go take care of some pimples! :nod:


Well, actually this is the right forum, since many people, myself included, feel suicidal about hairloss. First of all, you hopefully know that you aren´t forced to go bald. There are treatments with those you can slow down your hairloss and maybe stop or reverse it. Shaving isn´t the only option for a hair loser nowadays.
May I ask how old you are? I am 25 and believe it or not I am still a virgin. No joke! the problem is that I am very ugly and have no social skills. I was very depressed about this until a few months ago, when I started to accept my faith of ugliness. I mean, I still am working out in order to get a body like Brad Pitt in "Fight Club" and I desperately want to keep my hair, but I have accepted it that I can never be an alpha male, well at least not until face transplants are being invented :D . So, if I can accept my life full of failure and loneliness, you can do this as well. ACCEPTANCE is the key. Damn, you are even much better off than me, since from what I can tell you are an average guy and not a total loser like me.

Good Luck on your way to acceptance and start treating your hairloss!!


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Thanks for your support. Well I'm 21 and I feel ridiculous to say this but I'm still a virgin too, mostly because of my social skills I think, I know some girls felt interested in me in the past and more recently a couple months ago but because I'm so introverted they move on..
Sometimes I feel like the average guy sometimes I feel horrible but I think the truth is that I'm a loser too.
I want to accept myself but it's really hard, I'll keep trying though.. I wish I could just start from scratch with all the good genes..
Currently I don't feel the need yet to start treatments and I'm afraid of making it worse but I'll probably will as soon as my hair starts to loose too much density.
btw If you're the guy on that pic you don't look very ugly really, I most likely look worse :p


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Neverwakeme its a shame you dont live in Germany you two would get on fabulously.

We cant all be the best looking guy out there.


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We got quite some virgins here. lol


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if you want permanent hair and quit using these BS treatments, then I advise you to get hair transplant.

A poor guy with a head full of hair can feel suicidal.


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but I have accepted it that I can never be an alpha male, well at least not until face transplants are being invented

You will never be the alpha male with that attitude. Your definately not ugly, you just have a sh*t attitude and think everyone is measured around Brad Pitt


Itsonlyinmyhead said:
but I have accepted it that I can never be an alpha male, well at least not until face transplants are being invented

You will never be the alpha male with that attitude. Your definately not ugly, you just have a $#iT attitude and think everyone is measured around Brad Pitt

Why should everyone be alpha males anyways? Most guys look just average (me included I guess) and don't feel suicidal over it and definitely don't hide in their rooms because of it. It's the f*****g television, movies and pop culture as a whole that's to blame for these kinda problems nowadays.


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Alpha males are born not made.


s.a.f said:
Alpha males are born not made.

With the way science is these days, thats not 100% true. I am currently researching ways to change but I don't want to share cause I don't want everyone else to advance too.


alpha males don't exist. no one is naturally better than anyone else. it's all a matter of how you present yourself.


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TIM for congress. said:
alpha males don't exist. no one is naturally better than anyone else. it's all a matter of how you present yourself.

Yeah of course it is! :roll: We could all be Hollywood stars or play in the NFL if we just presented ourselves better, right? :hairy:


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YeahButHesBack said:
s.a.f said:
Alpha males are born not made.

With the way science is these days, thats not 100% true. I am currently researching ways to change but I don't want to share cause I don't want everyone else to advance too.

Oh dear, it seems we have another CCS on our hands. :)
Science is a long way away from altering the genetic code DNA.


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I also feel pretty bad sometimes but you just have to learn to deal with it man. Get on some treatments before you lose more hair, the sooner the better.

Bald Dave

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Manutd4545 said:
Everyone, Cheer up!

I am not depressed, but by reading this I am very much on my way to becoming depressed. The problem here is that some of us are obsessed woth our hair 24/7. people say hairloss is destroying their lives. I very much doubt it- it is down to confidence. Hairloss obviously destroys confindence. When it comes to girls all they see is a grumpy person therefore you are no fun to them. If you try to get on with life with out constantly worrying about hair it would do yourself alot of good. I am fighting the battle, I look at these sites to see how people are progressing and get some advice. Some people are on this forum way too often which in itself is making you feel more insecure.

I couldn't have said it better myself! Its all about confidence at the end of the day. If women see you with no confidence and miserable then they're not going to want to be around you no matter how good or bad your hair looks. Hiarloss destroys confidence it doesn't destroy looks! Women don't care about hairloss and the only women that do are those shallow, stuck up b****s that ain't worth it anyway!