I feel like minoxidil is thinning out my front?


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Hey all,

I have been on propeia for 2 years now, and was hoping to get back some thinckness and started using minoxidil, its been about 2-3 months now on minoxidil, everything seemed to be going ok, until i showered today, i seriously feel like my front area, right about where the widows peek would be (idont have one) is thinner, it was slightyly thin to start, but seems a tad worst, maybe i am imagining things, but i dont know.

I have really long hair (about 12 inches) so i am starting to worry about this, if it gets worst i might look the fool,

Is this normal? And if it is normal how the hell are my new hairs going to catch up to my old ones,


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It could be a shed... did you shed at all while using Propecia? Also, how is your success on Propecia?


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When you start minoxidil, you will most likely shed. Which is why if you can't handle it you should not start it.


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ACT10Npack said:
When you start minoxidil, you will most likely shed. Which is why if you can't handle it you should not start it.

Do one shed on frontal area (hairline,temples) also with minoxidil ??


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No I dont because I dont use minoxidil. Which is why you need to do you research before starting a drug.


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yeah, but is it a 1 step back 2 steps forward sort of thing?

where it gets worst before it gets better, only reason im sort of concerned is my hair is long so its just a tad bit more noticeable


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Inflammation of scalp tissue due to minoxidil is why you shed. The minoxidil wins over the loss due to inflammation over time.


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Hey actionpack..When did u start seeing a difference in your hiar in the front..because i have been on propecia for am onth now..and i have this one single hair in the front..that im not sure i had before..but i cant be certain i just dont recall it being there or as long


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You will absolutely shed when using starting minoxidil. I would say 90% of those who start it do, IMO. This should be considered a good sign that your hair follicles are responding to treatment. It is going to get worse before it gets better, count on it.. and do not get discouraged, just be consistent with your applications. Its not a sprint, its a marathon.