I feel sorry for my roommate's dog.


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He feeds the dog maybe twice a day, and misses some days. The dog is always begging for food, making me feel guilty every time I go to the kitchen to eat. It follows me around begging. And the dog seems intelligent. It communicates by looking me in the eyes, making chomping motions with its mouth, and then pointing its head at its food dish, then looking me back in the eyes again, in that order, that fast, just like a human would do. It knows I understand. The owner says he feeds it plenty and he does not want it getting fat. The dog's ribs and spine are showing, though not excessively.

I don't think the dog is bad off enough to call animal control. He does not abuse it. He just feeds it barely enough, it seems. I would buy some dog food for it, but the cheap stuff might give it diarrhea. And if the owner sees that I'm feeding it, I'm sure he would slack off more and let me pay for all the cost. I don't think he has bad intentions. I think he just is short on cash, and would try to save more if he saw me picking up his slack.


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Most dogs are gluttons!

This one sees you as a soft touch because you are a sucker and give into it's begging! You do know most dogs would happly eat until they burst!!!

When you look at the dog you should see some tuck where it's belly rises, and you should be able to feel the ribs with a slight fat covering, but not a thick layer of fat.

I think you would be better served playing a game of fetch with this dog.


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If he cant afford feeding it then find that dog another owner! its basic responsibility!


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Got ribs.................................................


A dog that has throughout it's life had no anxiety about the food it gets provided routinely will not be a glutton.


Really...............................so watch a litter of puppies that have had no time to learn "anxiety" about food.


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oni said:
Most dogs are gluttons!


You don't know much about dogs CCS! They are innate scavangers and will eat whenever the oppertunity presents, regardless of the fact they might have just eaten a massive meal 20 minutes ago.

Feeding a dog twice a day is pretty standard. Missing meals here and there is OK I think.


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If you are spend so much energy trying to make me look dumb you really should work harder at it!

About 1 minute really but I think I could do it in 30 seconds............................. :whistle:

Firstly I think you'll find that's a racing dog of some description (who have ribs as I said), on steroids at that so no body fat despite its bulk.

:uglylol: A racing dog on steriods!

It is a wippet with a rare genetic mutation. So I will give you 5 out of 10 but you could not get the breed (which was an easy one) so a 4.:)

If you were to raise all of those puppies and have food regularly available for them they wouldn't compete for iT

So they start off with an "anxiety" about food? Then you raise/teach them not to have an "anxiety" about food. This "anxiety" about food is it genetic or do they learn it in the womb? :uglylol:


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monty1978 said:
Dude my ridgeback cross rescue dog had an anxiety problem re food as it was not fed properly in the first 8 months of its life and guess what now it doesn't.

In fact it gives so little a sh*t about where it's next meal is coming from it turns down food regularly, even sausages when it's out and about interacting and doing what it loves doing.

Perhaps quite rare but none the less it isn't a glutton, definately a scavenger and particularly when other dogs are about it wolfs its food down but when they aren't there it saves it!

And yeah they do innately know to compete for food as soon as they are born, same as we know to breath. Take away the competition and provide a regular food source and they won't eat until they are dead or even fat, they'll naturally eat what they need, unlike us! Admittedly in nature they won't have that luxury and nor did neanderthal man but we do now hence the reason why most of us aren't gluttons.

I am not going to say anymore in this thread, as the above quote answers all my questions.......................................................... :whistle:


Established Member
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uncle having dog

dog eatings sh*t

dog thens lickings uncle ons face

why dog doings this

uncle always nice two dog

Bekim :dunno: