I finally took the plunge


Established Member
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Took my first propecia today.

Actually, I bought a pill cutter and split it in half. I'm going to take just 0.5mg a day.


Established Member
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Yeah man, I swallowed it too.


only joking!

welcome to the world of the balding man!

you are now allowed to visit the "•• OH MY GOD!! THEY FOUND THE CURE!! ••" thread, feel free to post about your first day on propecia (half a propecia that is) any odd colours you see, any extreme violent homoerotic thoughts, maybe just a lightness in your skip or a strange man from Merck who followed you home. Also check at the end of the week to see if you have gone up a bra size.

welcome to hell



Established Member
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I never asked to be in this club.

I want out.

hair mchair

Established Member
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I think it's a good idea to start with a low dose. You can always increase the dose if you don't get the results you want.

Good luck.


Experienced Member
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Chances are you won't regret it.

If you are losing your hair rather than just trying to keep it knowing that hair loss is in your genes, then look at your pillow under the light when you wake up. Count your hairs every 2 weeks. You'll likely notice a dip in the number you see within a few months. That's what happened with me. God bless the stuff!!!

But if you find yourself freaking out because you are watching some hot chics on tv or something, and you AREN'T turned on, it will pass. Enjoy the absence of that sexual drive that controls our every move while it lasts. =)