I found a pretty good article



What is he supposed to say? tomorrow. If he says ten years and if they see possible profit then you know that they will hurry. I belive it will be less then ten years - something like 6 - 8 years.


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nesta said:
What is he supposed to say? tomorrow. If he says ten years and if they see possible profit then you know that they will hurry. I belive it will be less then ten years - something like 6 - 8 years.

Estimations of researchers and of the industry are mostly too optimistic. Nesta, you are always hyper-optimistic.



Good article.

"Did you know?
On average, each person has a total of 20 million hair follicles on their skin, of which 90,000 to 140,000 are scalp hair follicles.
You can lose up to 25 per cent of your scalp hair before it becomes noticeable.
Typically, scalp hair fibres grow for two to seven years before being replaced by a new hair fibre.
People may lose up to 100 scalp hairs a day as a result of normal hair cycling.
The numbers of hairs on the head vary with colour. Redheads have about 90,000 hairs and black-haired people about 108,000 hairs, while brown- and blonde- haired people have up to 140,000.
On average, hair is composed of about 50 per cent carbon, 21 per cent oxygen, 17 per cent nitrogen, as well as hydrogen and sulphur. Hair also contains trace amounts of magnesium, arsenic, iron, chromium and other metals and minerals.
Circus performers who hang by their hair know how strong it is. In theory, you could gradually hang between 5,600kg and 8,400kg from one head of hair without breaking individual hairs.
The North American hair loss industry is estimated at $7 billion a year. "