I found this interesting old ad: SyG38 by Fortkan


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I came across one ad yesterday in the playboy magazine of 1979. It is a about a shampoo (I believe) against hair loss called SyG38 by a company called Fortkan.


I was quite shocked that an ad made today for a similar product could have exactly the same copy as back then (like: there is no cure available and watch out for these unsafe treatments that play with your hormones). It almost seems like in 1979 the treatments available was only slightly worse than now. We only have finasteride and minoxidil now but they are no revolution to me.

It is quite frustrating to see that in 1979 they were looking out for a cure and in 2016 the situation is still all the same. It makes me wonder if there will be any new good treatment coming out in the next 37 years...

mpb sucks

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Interesting article it proves hairloss treatment has not advance any bit in 37 years I dont see why they cant figure it out.


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What about min and finasteride? granted they are not the solution but they are a lot better than what people had in 1979.

I wonder what SyG38 was made of