I Fuckin Give Up On Life


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Hi guys.

I have battled with psoriosis since i was born, my self esteam was shot to sh*t... people thought i was Freddy Krueger. I have been to every medical clinic in australia, and nothing really helps that much.

Im 22 years old now, and actually manage to crawl my way out of my depression and do something with my life to make me happy... i started a band when i was 18... I wrote and composed Heavy Glam rock songs that people thought where great. GLAM ROCK!! And i have f*****g psoriosis!! if thats not inspiration i dont know what is... its like Freddy Kruger winning Ms Universe or something.

fast forward to the day im 20 years old... im happy, i have the coolest chick, and rockstar hair to die for... and my band is getting more and more popular to the point where something big could happen soon.

I go to the hairdresser's one day, and the girl says "Your going bald" in a real blunt manner... I was shocked, but i did'nt think much of it.... i dunno what i thought really... i guess i thought "f***, life has already sucker punched me in the face once, and i got through that... i doubt im losing my hair as well".

Fast forward to the day im 21, and im looking at my receeding hair line in the mirror, and noticing my thick rock hair has gotten REALLY thin... i never use to be able to see the sides of my temple at all! now i can see heaps!!

Whats my point? I dunno, i just think im tired of it... im tired of picking myself up off the ground for sh*t alot of people dont have to deal with only to be beaten back down into the dirt where i belong.

Sure sure, i guess you can say "Hey! it could be worse, you could be dying of cancer! rar rar rar" But f*** that sh*t, Im past the point where telling myself that sh*t every mourning helps. I have to cover my skin because i look like sh*t, and now i will most likley have to shave my hair off in which case you could most likley see psoriosis on my head! I cant fuckin win.

Im going to book myself into some jack *** hair place that charges $78 for a consultation.... here is my plan... if they say "Your not losing hair" i will rock on..... but if they say "Yes you are losing hair, we can start you on some expensive treatment that sometimes works.... and if it does work its not really that good anyway" then i will just give up on life... tell them to stick their lies up their cake hole. Then try to finish my new course so i can have a decent job.... spend all that money on a new computer and games, then live my life online, and chuck my personal heigen out the window... sure my girlfriend of 5 years will leave me eventually but f*** it, i dont care about anything anymore.

I feel for you guys that lost heaps more than me at age 18, i really do... but bathing in creams and having light surgery all my life was not to peachy either ok? And i dont mean to discourage you guys that are trying to regrow your hair, but i look at your profiles... and you have been on all this treatment sh*t for like a year or so... sure you have some hair back, but you still look like sh*t, im sorry... but your fucked.

I know people will either abuse me for what i am saying here, or they will chalk it up to the fact that im emotional... i dont care... i just know that i have finally given up.


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check this out for skin

I used this stuff when my face was cracking, oozing, bleeding, itching and a total mess on one side. Mine was eczema. It's not a scam. It works. You need to be very consistent until you turn the corner. Use the whole system and wait it out.


If you get the skin under control, shaving the head can be a good look. Don't give up.


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i havent givin up on life but i have givin up on a hairloss solution.
Up till yesterday i was using minoxidil and spironolactone,but now im done with it.....im going to ride this hairloss thing out.Im to the point now where it doesnt bother me if i go bald.There are more things in life then hair......you said you have a nice girlfriend...thats cool man see you already have what you want in life.

Thats my number one goal..finding a nice girl.after that i could give a sh*t less about how much money i make....how i want to fit in or anything else people do to feel better about themselves and their life.Dont give up on life...thats the one thing nobody can take away from you......life isnt supposed to be easy and if it was you wouldnt learn anything from it.Life is about trial and error.
even though im done with hairloss im not done with life and there is no reason why you should be either.


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blue said:
i havent givin up on life but i have givin up on a hairloss solution.
Up till yesterday i was using minoxidil and spironolactone,but now im done with it.....im going to ride this hairloss thing out.Im to the point now where it doesnt bother me if i go bald.There are more things in life then hair......you said you have a nice girlfriend...thats cool man see you already have what you want in life.

Thats my number one goal..finding a nice girl.after that i could give a sh*t less about how much money i make....how i want to fit in or anything else people do to feel better about themselves and their life.Dont give up on life...thats the one thing nobody can take away from you......life isnt supposed to be easy and if it was you wouldnt learn anything from it.Life is about trial and error.
even though im done with hairloss im not done with life and there is no reason why you should be either.

how long were you using minoxidil for? not seeing any results? or you just dont mind baldness anymore, that's cool though. i wish i could have that mindset.


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just another loco kid from the street gettin' paid for my vocal


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If you give your girlfriend VD she may HAVE to stay with you cuz no one else would want her since she is crudded up. Just something to think about. :D


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douggie said:
If you give your girlfriend VD she may HAVE to stay with you cuz no one else would want her since she is crudded up. Just something to think about. :D

You must be horribly insecure to think up a plan like that.


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Why don't you try to do something about your hair loss? You don't need to pay someone $78 to tell you that you're balding, just look in the mirror. And most stylists don't get anything fun out of telling clients that they're losing their hair. So if I were in your shoes, I would hit the Propecia and use a good shampoo like T/Gel or Nizoral.



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Hey you have a horrible outlook on this and I think you know that. There isn't a single person on here that hasn't thought the same thing as you. If for some reason they haven't yet , they will.

It's good to vent. Imagine how you will feel if you never tried to fix this though. Listen to Drinkrum, just give it a shot.

Good luck!


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btw i just got care about going bald.....im just tired of waking up in the morning and putting sh*t on my head.I think cassin is right though..all of us have thought that way in one form or another.you must feel better about your self though....thats the key.


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blue said:
btw i just got care about going bald.....im just tired of waking up in the morning and putting sh*t on my head.I think cassin is right though..all of us have thought that way in one form or another.you must feel better about your self though....thats the key.

Dr Lees man.........Dr Lee

I use it all the time. Wonderful stuff. You can't tell you have it on your scalp after 15 minutes. So pretty much I use it for the AM aps, and real Rogaine for the PM aps.


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I'm sorry to hear you're in such a bad situation. If anybody tells you anything else, they just don't know.
Listen, you can get tired of one bad thing after another, you fix (or almost fix) something, and some other bullshit comes up.
You can use this though, put it into your music. Let that vent your anger, frustration, exhaustion, turn it into passion. That's the beauty of it, the more you suffer, the more pure your creativity becomes.
But, while you're doing this, use the Big 3 (consistently). Propecia, minoxidil, and Nizoral.
You want cheap propecia? Go to inhousepharmacy.com and get some fincar, split it into 4's and you're set.
It sucks what you're going through, but channel that sh*t and do something creative - both physically and mentally.


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far out, you sound like me on a bad day.

i guess u know people are going to say 'yes go on propecia, go on nizoral bla bla bla' or 'change your outlook, be positive' and give you all the blatently obvious answers that you could have pulled out of your arse in the first place.

I really know how bad skin can totally f*** you up, especially when it's on your face (me, acne), and i am really sorry to read about the psoriasis doin what it is doing to your skin and the way you feel etc.

I'm racking my brain trying to think of some usefull advice, but i guess there isnt much to say other than i hope things improve 4 you, and they should if you keep on looking for ways to improve them, the only annoying thing is that it takes time, and in the meantime just have to grit your teeth and say 'fuk ya's all'..including me and my advice..
usually helps.


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Hey man, dont quit you band! Look at the drummer from Def Lepard
the fn guy lost his arm!-it didnt stop him and hes more popular than ever!! Think what would have happened if he quit! (Depression/less money/isolation/heavy smack use/God only knows) but he overcame the cards he was delt and lived on.
You should do the same....