I get fitness club flyers when wearing a cap but nonewithout


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This is a funny little story, but I do have already a fair amount of "empirical data" on it..

So each day I go to through a mall from train station to home. During the recent months, there has occasionally been advertisement for local fitness club in certain part of the mall; young, healthy, smiling people giving out flyers for people who pass them by. They obviously try to reach certain type of people more than others - no need to waste flyers e.g. for senior citizens as they won't convert into paying customers.

Now, I have passed them for like 20 times during the last months and about 8 flyers have been given to me. Believe or not, but always when they approach me, I'm wearing a cap. A winter cap. I don't know what's that in English really, but it covers my whole head and forehead as well, making me look like 5 years younger than I am. About 50% of times I haven't had the cap, but no one has tried to give a flyer then. It's amazing actually. It might be coincidence, but I really doubt it. They just unconsciously find my male pattern baldness as an indication of aging, and unsuitability for the service, so to say.



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So what are you sayin? that hair loss makes you look older and less attractive?!... :whistle:


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dudemon said:
This an example of the kinds of subtle social categorization that baldies are subjected to by society.

And don't forget the large majority of women who will simply never date a bald guy!

But hey, it is what it is. Most of the women that have that attitude toward baldies are typically overly superficial/materialistic/loose anyway--not all but most.


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There was another thread on here where a guy claimed he got offers for gums only without a hat because he looked bad. Lol people see only what they Wang sometimes.


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dudemon, i have a friend who is 21, he is bald, not good looking, yet he has a girlfriend. also, he dosn't shave his head, it's just really really bad thin hair. Close friends sometimes make fun, but that's it. he should probably shave it. Oh and something for you. He gave a presentation the other day. He didn't sh*t himself over it. Not one person laughed at the fact he had a few strands of hair. and he is TWENTY ONE. one thing i noticed about him, is that he is a very jolly fellow. You, you are just very very miserable. your attitude is why you can't get hot girls.


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This doesn't make sense. Lots of bald guys, with a shaved head or naturally bald, work out. I would say a young baldie is a perfect person to try to get to sign up for the gym. Do you know how many young bald athletes are out there? I'm not trying to say there is not prejudice against bald guys, of course there is, but not when it comes to gym memberships.


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Nene said:
This doesn't make sense. Lots of bald guys, with a shaved head or naturally bald, work out. I would say a young baldie is a perfect person to try to get to sign up for the gym. Do you know how many young bald athletes are out there? I'm not trying to say there is not prejudice against bald guys, of course there is, but not when it comes to gym memberships.

Yes, this is what I also wondered.

They are all young women, 18-25 years old probably, who are giving out the flyers.

I'm not imagining anything, I'm just looking at the figures. Roughly 10-12 times with a cap --> 7-8 flyers. 8-10 times with my (lack of) hair --> 0 flyers. It is amazing.

I guess my male pattern baldness doesn't make me look like a "young working out bald guy".

uncomfortable man

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Some of these health clubs are meat markets. It's clubs like this that inspired places like Curves, where fat middle aged housewives can workout in peace, safe from the judgment of the twenty something hard bodies/ gym bunnies.


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Hey UCman see you at 'The Dome' this weekend? :punk: The drinks are on me ;)

uncomfortable man

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*Bobs head repetitively to one side ala Night at the Roxbury*


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vellusfarmer said:
Nene said:
This doesn't make sense. Lots of bald guys, with a shaved head or naturally bald, work out. I would say a young baldie is a perfect person to try to get to sign up for the gym. Do you know how many young bald athletes are out there? I'm not trying to say there is not prejudice against bald guys, of course there is, but not when it comes to gym memberships.

Yes, this is what I also wondered.

They are all young women, 18-25 years old probably, who are giving out the flyers.

I'm not imagining anything, I'm just looking at the figures. Roughly 10-12 times with a cap --> 7-8 flyers. 8-10 times with my (lack of) hair --> 0 flyers. It is amazing.

I guess my male pattern baldness doesn't make me look like a "young working out bald guy".

I'm not trying to say your imagining anything. I believe you, just think it's dumb that they wouldn't give you a flyer cause you're bald.