I give up...


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... smoking.

2 hours ago I decided to completely stop my smoking habit. On the one hand it costs a lot of money ( nearly 5 USD for 20 cigarettes here) and I'll stop it for other reason you all know.
This is certainly a bit off-topic but it may be also of interest for a hairloss-forum:


Association between smoking and hair loss: another opportunity for health education against smoking?

Trueb RM.

Besides being the single most preventable cause of significant morbidity and an important cause of death in the general population, tobacco smoking has been associated with adverse effects on the skin. Smoke-induced premature skin ageing has attracted the attention of the medical community, while only recently an observational study has indicated a significant relationship between smoking and baldness. The mechanisms by which smoking causes hair loss are multifactorial and are probably related to effects of cigarette smoke on the microvasculature of the dermal hair papilla, smoke genotoxicants causing damage to DNA of the hair follicle, smoke-induced imbalance in the follicular protease/antiprotease systems controlling tissue remodeling during the hair growth cycle, pro-oxidant effects of smoking leading to the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines resulting in follicular micro-inflammation and fibrosis and finally increased hydroxylation of oestradiol as well as inhibition of the enzyme aromatase creating a relative hypo-oestrogenic state. In view of the psychological impact of androgenetic alopecia on affected men and women, increasing public awareness of the association between smoking and hair loss offers an opportunity for health education against smoking that may be more effective than the link between smoking and facial wrinkles or grey hair, since the latter can be effectively counteracted by current aesthetic dermatologic procedures, while treatment options for androgenetic alopecia are limited. Copyright 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel



JJ Gittes

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Good for you. I think it's probaby a little easier to quit smoking in the US these days since smokers are viewed as pariahs and social outcasts. California, NY and other places have basically outlawed smoking.

Obviously, this is not yet the case in Germany. It's hard to quit when everybody around you is puffing like mad.

good luck


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JJ Gittes said:
Good for you. I think it's probaby a little easier to quit smoking in the US these days since smokers are viewed as pariahs and social outcasts. California, NY and other places have basically outlawed smoking.

Obviously, this is not yet the case in Germany. It's hard to quit when everybody around you is puffing like mad.

good luck

You're absolutely right although one has to admit that at least something has been done to protect the non-smokers. If I'm informed correctly the German gov has blocked an initiative of the EU to ban all kind of tobacco advertisment. Guess why? They get 140000000 Euro taxes each year from the smokers. :evil:

too bald too furious

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Yeah..I started losing hair when i started smoking regularly. Although it has not been established whether smoking causes hair loss or not...as i do see so many people with full head of hair and smoking like a monkey. On the other hand ..i have also seen some really young guys at Norwood 7...who are smoking like a chimney...which really scares me.
I have been thinking of giving up smoking for some time also...its damn hard to give it up. I will probably quit it too. May be this cant give me back my hair..but i guess wont worsen my hair loss any furthur..(along with the regimen i have)


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Smoking may increase the the impact of male pattern baldness but I honestly don't believe it triggers it... It certainly doesn't help though..

Theres a link between grey hair & smoking?? how odd...


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I tried to do the same thing, but in my case it was dating annoying women because they were hot. So far it has not been going very well, I hope your struggle goes better.


I need to stop drinkin so much. I drank two nights in a row and last night i was drinking on BART on the way to the Oakland A's game. Then i snuck in a fifth to the game and got drunk as f***. Man i got a headache. Doesn't alcohol have antioxidents?


badasshairday said:
Doesn't alcohol have antioxidents?


Alcohol gives off a massive amount of free radicals, this nausea you feel the following morning is not dissimilar to the nausea felt by patients after radiotherapy, so in order to drink like a bastard and limit the free radical damage and greatly reduce (even eliminate) a hangover, take massive amounts of antioxidants between each drink.

I often take 1000mg Vit C + 100mg Alpha Lipoic Acid between Pints of Beer.

I also take 400iu (two or three a night when boozing) of Vit E (as the above amount of Vit C gives off a few of its own unchained electrons) to mop up the Vit C's own free radicals.

Also E works in the Lipid (fat) cell wall (as opposed to C working mainly in the Aqueous (watery) cell centre) so you get good cover, ALA works just about everywhere (the mother f*****g king of anti-oxidants)

Some people cannot stomach this much C (I use Ascorbic Acid) so dropping the dose to around 500mg or swapping it for Ester C (like a kind of buffered non acidic C, more expensive though) may help.

Remember to do this between every drink, when you get home sling a load of water down your neck too. I usually neck some aritichoke heart extract as well (it contains an emzyne that kicks your liver into cleaning your blood up and proccessing the alchohol)

I also, when I remember, just before beddy byes pop 3mg of Meletonin (this hormone is a very good anti-oxidant and one of a very few that can pass the blood brain barrier and protect from free radical damage 'upstairs') only take meletonon before bed as it will make you sleepy (that's 'nice sleepy' not 'drugged sleepy' like a sleeping pill)

Now when you get up you will feel a 5-10% hangover rather than 100% sh*t, get up, get on your bike or go for a jog/run, as alchohol (along with blood glucose and ketones, produced by metabolizing fat) can be used as fuel directly by the body without having to be converted to anything else, you can burn off the remaining alcohol in your system quite quicky as your body will use if first before digging into glycogen (sp?) stores.

this will stop hangovers, but nobody will talk to you in the party / pub.


disclaimer: I ain't no doctor.

Kevin fretwell

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mrlestat said:
Smoking may increase the the impact of male pattern baldness but I honestly don't believe it triggers it... It certainly doesn't help though..

Theres a link between grey hair & smoking?? how odd...
Thats a funcky avatar you have but I like it . I would like to visit australia and maybe move there to get away from all the rap mantality here . I mean there is no denying (at least for us non-biased observers) that the U.S has turned into something else . Someone get me out of this crazy sh*t . My town has more unmarried white trash chicks with three black kids running around walmart without f*****g shoes on than I care to see .


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nexus81 said:
Yeah..I started losing hair when i started smoking regularly. Although it has not been established whether smoking causes hair loss or not...as i do see so many people with full head of hair and smoking like a monkey. On the other hand ..i have also seen some really young guys at Norwood 7...who are smoking like a chimney...which really scares me.
I have been thinking of giving up smoking for some time also...its damn hard to give it up. I will probably quit it too. May be this cant give me back my hair..but i guess wont worsen my hair loss any furthur..(along with the regimen i have)

Never had a smoke in my life. Doubt it's directly connected.