I got out...


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Hey. Finally i did what HairyGoAgain, JayMan, Aplunk1 said. I got out. My collegues arranged something and they invited me so i went. Most of them brought boy/girlfriends.

I am disappointed because i was the only single there. So i was somehow alone.
My collegues have life defined and were very happy. Some of them will get married soon.

All girls i like/liked didnt like me and/or had/have boyfriends.

I have no future here in social/sexual/familiar terms.
Even my dad's and mom's family (cousins, etc..) dont care about us. I made some invitations to them to go out and they refused saying that they were busy when they went out with other people.
So i made my plan. I'll try to finnish my degree++. I've very good degree so i think its an opportunity to try other country. At least i'll pursuit my child dream.

I feel that my family dont understand what i'm going through or dont want to understand.
It's odd specially from my older brother that's on the same position as me.
My mom says that i've mental problem and lack of anti-depression pills. Taking those pills i'll be happy again. Absurd.
My parents think that i'll live and behave forever as a 11 years old kid in their house.
Maybe my brother does not react in same way like i do because of his full head of hair.
If i had full head of hair i would somehow be more softer with this situation because i would look in the mirror, think that life is eternal and that i've many years to grow up.

I'm very sad. It's normal for a human in my situation to feel very sad? Two years ago my mom yelled at me because i said to my parents i was sick of life as it was. She was very rough at me. She said i shouldnt complain of my life and that i should have shame of myself.

With my hairloss i think of some lonely guys (cousins, etc...) in 40's. I dont want to be like those guys.

I'll tell them how i feel. They cannot censure me. It's normal for a men to desire a wife that he likes? Do you think there's anything wrong for a man to desire that? Wheter they like or not that is their problem not mine.


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Life can be a b**ch.


Take it with a grain of salt.

You're doing the right thing:

Getting an advanced degree, moving to America for your childhood dream...

I'm sure if your brother were in this situation, he wouldn't be able to succeed like you're are.

Keep it up.

Keep getting out.

f*** everyone!

It's all about you, brother.


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Aplunk1 said:
I'm sure if your brother were in this situation, he wouldn't be able to succeed like you're are.

He's in the exact same situation as i.
The only difference of me and my brother is that he have full head of hair and i have the degree.

I wouldnt mind to trade my degree for my old NW1.
So we could see that baldness is like an hourglass for counting life. When we see thread falling we know we have less time to joy.

My brother is more calm with our situation because of his NW1. He dont realize like i do that time is running out.


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Scratch Confucius.

IBM say...when we see thread falling we know we have less time to joy.

It's not easy to gain access to superpowers from overseas. What discipline is your degree in, if you don't mind me asking?


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I hope you don't mind me butting in on this. I was extremely grieved at 23 when my lovely red curly hair started to fall out (it went well with my Simply Red freckles). My life was over. I felt I had nothing to loose and decided to campaign for freedom of speech and led a number of international environmental campaigns. I became a baldy chairman of councils and pressure groups. Now my hair is growing back, at 49 years old, my old chums (mostly balding) are taking delight in stroking my head like it would be ok to feel my bum if it was getting tighter. I don't mind, feel my bum anytime, or my head. I just want to express the fact that there is a cure, you just need to stop being lazy, it is hard work. Defeating hair loss is a job, stop moaning and get down to business, and celebrate the new drugs and knowledge, and this wonderful site!


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tchehov said:
Scratch Confucius.

IBM say...when we see thread falling we know we have less time to joy.

Thread is hair thread.

tchehov said:
It's not easy to gain access to superpowers from overseas. What discipline is your degree in, if you don't mind me asking?

IBM engineering.


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Boru - is there anything you don't know about madness?

IBM - going out is only the first step. Once you're out you have to make things happen, make contact. Check out the possibilities, the alternatives. Check out your surroundings, get an idea of your chances.

It's better than sitting in the house, but only if you're properly prepared.


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You've made a great first step. Don't give up. It may be uncomfortable now, but I promise it will not always be that way. Take advantage of every invitation you get. Do some inviting of your own. You will soon broaden your circle of friends. It's all about networking.


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Well done IBM ! :lol: See going out is a new experience It can be a bit daunting(nervous) at first because you are not used to it but I bet it felt better than sitting at home did'nt it? The next time will be even better I'm sure. Now people will see you differently and see that you are just the same as they are and want to enjoy life the same ways. Have fun and soon you will have a whole circle of freinds.


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Well i'd to shut my eyes on my beliefs and made something that i'm not proud. But it was an attempt to join the group. It felt good but.... i dont want it to repeat....

I dont like very much my asian community. I have to admit. They could be more friendly. But they arent.


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I got out again. This time was very far from my home. it was in business trip. I'm very depressed i cant get a girl that i like.


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IBM said:
Hey. Finally i did what HairyGoAgain, JayMan, Aplunk1 said. I got out. My collegues arranged something and they invited me so i went. Most of them brought boy/girlfriends.

I am disappointed because i was the only single there. So i was somehow alone.
My collegues have life defined and were very happy. Some of them will get married soon.

All girls i like/liked didnt like me and/or had/have boyfriends.

I have no future here in social/sexual/familiar terms.
Even my dad's and mom's family (cousins, etc..) dont care about us. I made some invitations to them to go out and they refused saying that they were busy when they went out with other people.
So i made my plan..

Sounds like you're starting to see that just because someone shares your blood, they're not necessarily family. I have some family members I wouldn't cross the street to piss on if they were on fire.

Don't wory about your colleagues who have life figured out. Half of the ones getting married will be getting divorced in the near future.

Just concentrate on your degree and stop concentrating on what is lacking. You are going to have to find some kind of peace where you're at. Do not rely on a change of scenery to supply that. If you are not happy here and now, you never will be.


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IBM said:
I got out again. This time was very far from my home. it was in business trip. I'm very depressed i cant get a girl that i like.

Hey IBM, you're just starting out. Keep up the socialising and dont put too much pressure on yourself to have fun or meet a girl. You dont have to be a party animal just go out a few times a month you will meet people, make more freinds and sooner or later you might meet a great girl. It may take time but its all an experience is'nt it?


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s.a.f said:
IBM said:
I got out again. This time was very far from my home. it was in business trip. I'm very depressed i cant get a girl that i like.

Hey IBM, you're just starting out. Keep up the socialising and dont put too much pressure on yourself to have fun or meet a girl. You dont have to be a party animal just go out a few times a month you will meet people, make more freinds and sooner or later you might meet a great girl. It may take time but its all an experience is'nt it?

Yes. I decided to wait one year.


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tchehov said:
IBM said:
Yes. I decided to wait one year.

Hahahahahahahahahaha...uggghhhhh...choking on my cornflakes here. li'l help.

What's the joke? I decided long ago not now. I started to work now so i need a solid base to move out. It would be a nonsense to move without any money nor experience.


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Sorry, IBM - I thought you meant you were going to wait a year before you had another night out. You didn't mean that, did you? Please tell me you didn't...


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tchehov said:
Sorry, IBM - I thought you meant you were going to wait a year before you had another night out. You didn't mean that, did you? Please tell me you didn't...

One year is in my country. If in one year my life is not improved then i'll try to make a move.


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IBM said:
tchehov said:
Sorry, IBM - I thought you meant you were going to wait a year before you had another night out. You didn't mean that, did you? Please tell me you didn't...

One year is in my country. If in one year my life is not improved then i'll try to make a move.

I saw an article on the news which said Australia has put out a call for migrant workers. Because you're a computer technician I think you'd do well there. Not to mention all those Sheila's...