I Got Some Ru58841 In The Eye During Application


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I got some RU58841 in my right eye during application. Don't ask me how, I was pretty tired and I guess as it's very watery, some (I would say 0,1 - 0,2ml) got in my eye. It did irritate my eye a bit, kind of like if it was a shampoo. I cleaned it under the water right away. I just woke up and everything is fine, although I feel like 'the need to blink more' (could be just my brain).

I didn't find any information if it can be toxic to eyes if some were 'applied directly', so maybe anyone had similar situation? I'm using the one from anageninc with PG + ethanol carrier.

Thanks for help!



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Should be safe. The ethanol and PG were the biggest irritants. Rinsing with water immediately was the best option.

I feel like 'the need to blink more' (could be just my brain).
Now everybody who reads this will be hyper-aware of their own blinking lol


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Should be safe. The ethanol and PG were the biggest irritants. Rinsing with water immediately was the best option.

Now everybody who reads this will be hyper-aware of their own blinking lol
same as how people manually breathe when you remind them about it !