I Had To Take Diflucan, Will Hair Be Ok??


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So yeah... Hair was doing great. Then this summer in ohio became A tropical jungle and i got my first ever fungal infection from jogging and working outside and boy was it a doozy...The topical anti fungals weren't cutting it and it was easily spread. So i had to take 4 once a week fluonazole pills 150mg the first 2 weeks and 100mg the second two weeks. Fluconazole can cause hair loss (Of course) usually in higher longer term doses but idk im a bit worried. Im done w/ them now. Anyone have to take anything like this before?


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I guess thats a pretty specific question and not typical medication especially on here. I guess i have to wait and see... It usually happens 2/3 months after yay! Ill be so pissed if i go through Telogen Effluvium


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I read in the leaflet that Alopecia is in the second category of side effects, the less common ones.
Besides, it says alopecia, not Androgenetic Alopecia ;)
You should be fine