I have a question for all propecia users


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Ok say I start propecia and i shed for 4 months or whatever..I read people who have stuck threw it and not quit and got results and others stuck threw it and it just got worse.
my question is how the hell will i know what group might i fall into ?
It scares the living hell out of me to think that i might be making my hair worse by taking a treatment that is suppose to help hairloss according to the government..what to do what to do
I have started and stopepd rogaine a few times because seems everytime i start applying just a tiny bit on my frontal area thats going to sh*t it feels thinner after just a few days so i quit done this 3 or 4 times now..


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jason566 said:
Ok say I start propecia and i shed for 4 months or whatever..
Very probable.

jason566 said:
I read people who have stuck threw it and not quit and got results and others stuck threw it and it just got worse.
83% of men will respond to Propecia by the 1 year mark. I'd say a VERY high percentage of them respond by the 5 or 6 month mark. The percent that don't will respond if they stick with it to the 1 year mark. Those who don't fit into the 83% at all won't respond by the 1 year mark.

jason566 said:
my question is how the hell will i know what group might i fall into ?
Unfortunately you can't. That's what separates the men from the boys. If you have the patience and persistence to stick it out. Majority of guys bail on it when they see shedding. I almost did because I shed a full 4 months and it wasn't generally known that Propecia can do that at the time. Bryan repeatedly had to talk me into staying on it. I literally was going to throw it in the trash and start a class action lawsuit against Merck. Then everything changed.

jason566 said:
It scares the living hell out of me to think that i might be making my hair worse by taking a treatment that is suppose to help hairloss according to the government
One thing you can count on. Propecia is not a drug that causes hair loss. People's subjective opinions are nothing more than that. People who claim it "made them worse" never seem to have photos to prove it, and more importantly NONE of them gave Propecia a full year to work. Many times shedding, or continued hair loss is the culprit. I have yet to see a single person who can verifiably prove that Propecia actually accelerated his hair loss to a degree that it was worse than if he'd never taken it. People simpy shed and freak out then come to forums and post a bunch of terrifying messages. I wouldn't be surprised if 83% of them eventually saw a turnaround in results and just forgot to come here and update their thread.

jason566 said:
I have started and stopepd rogaine a few times because seems everytime i start applying just a tiny bit on my frontal area thats going to sh*t it feels thinner after just a few days
I hate to say it, but if you're that easily discouraged, you may not be cut out for the hair loss fight. I can guarantee you absolutely nothing has changed in your hair after only a few days. Thats pretty much impossible. That means your biggest fight here isn't with the treatments and what they may do to you, its with your brain and psyching yourself out. Rogaine may be a little oily or greasy and may naturally make hair look less than lush and poofy after applying it. But think logically. It makes absolutely no sense to quit a treatment when you know full well its the only treatment on the planet that could help you, and it has a well documented history of causing preliminary shedding.

If you stay on it long enough, and this is almost a clinically proven rule, it is scientifically impossible for it to make your hair "worse". Sure it may cause a temporary Telogen Effluvium (Telogen Effluvium) but that is by definition temporary. There have been a ton of studies on Propecia and Rogaine and absolutely NONE of them demonstrated that taking the treatment caused accelerated hair loss over the long term.

Sorry for the tough love :D



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No problem man.
Im just scared im a neurotic person by nature ..lol
i actually found out the otherday my uncle uses rogaine his hair unless he uses a cover up or something like topik hasn't changed much in the last 5 years..its getting thin along the part down the middle but has been like that for the past 5 years ive seen him off and on hes 54 by the way..
he may have been using rogaine for awhile..im not sure..my mom told me he knows someone who used propecia and said it worked great im probably gonna call him and ask..he is my unlce on my moms side i may not have his pattern losing at an earlier age etc..but we are related so maybe he can partake some advice. I know he probably say im good lookin guy yadadada while do stress about life get my crap together etc..



I have been on Proscare for almost 4 months now and my hair has gotten worse do to the sheds but i am hopeing this is a good thing.


Re: hey

jkriley said:
I have been on Proscare for almost 4 months now and my hair has gotten worse do to the sheds but i am hopeing this is a good thing.

I know this sounds peverse, but I am a little envious of those who shed (within reason :freaked: ) as I think they then to be the best responders, my response has been OK but very slow, but still going in the right direction, it's the people who post that all their hair fell off at week 3 that tend to be the ones with a thick afro 2 years later.

It has been stated here a thousand times a shed is in many ways a good thing, it shows the treatments are doing their thing and forcing the hairs to cycle.



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I have been on Propecia for 6 months and I have gone through a shed in the beginning and a small one now. After my hair appeared thinner up front it has now begun to darken up. I feel that Propecia is finally doing its job and whatever I shed I no longer worry about since by now I should of been completly bald. I am holding on to a norwood 1.5 and if the front continues to darken up I will be one happy camper. Of course, only time will tell.



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his is the kid of post that scares me. I copied this from another board
Hairlosstalk Im hoping you have a response in regard to this kind of post

have been on propecia for 19 months now and my hair has reached an all time low. it has become more and more diffuse ever since i started Propecia - front, vertex, hairline. and even the sides have thinned out. i would say in the last year and a half i lost 50-60% of my hair.

not only that the quality of the hair i have left has declined since beginning. plus i have gained over 25 pounds since starting and my libido has never returned.

i have tried to incoporate minoxidil (dr. lees ppg free) for a few months, but i get headaches, dizziess, puffy face, dark circles, and blood-shot eyes. i tries to add dmso and the headaches and diziness got even worse.

anyone quit after this long and not see a shed? i hope this doesent happen, but since i didnt get any result i cant see to much of shed occuring.
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I never listen to people who post those kinds of messages. Those people should have never even got on a regimen.

Saying you lost 50 to 60% of your hair while on a drug is outrageous!!! Think about it. I don't know about you but if I lost half of my hair from a medication I sure as hell wouldn't keep taking for 19 months.

Don't listen to people who post those messages. They've got issues. Instead start looking for the many success stories out there. People spend too much time looking for bad news.


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Jason says
Ok say I start propecia and i shed for 4 months or whatever..I read people who have stuck threw it and not quit and got results and others stuck threw it and it just got worse.
my question is how the hell will i know what group might i fall into ?
It scares the living hell out of me to think that i might be making my hair worse by taking a treatment that is suppose to help hairloss according to the government..what to do what to do
I have started and stopepd rogaine a few times because seems everytime i start applying just a tiny bit on my frontal area thats going to sh*t it feels thinner after just a few days so i quit done this 3 or 4 times now..


Did you not just say your story outright... HairLossTalk.com even wasted his time replying to your copied post. 18 months? why did you not just stop after 12 months like your advised if you see no results. Maybe your one of those few people who have an adverse reaction to finasteride. Did you see a dermatologist, its possible it may not be male pattern baldness.