I have all my blood work results. Should i have any concerns?


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I got my blood work tests back and here are the results with range in parentheses:

LH - 4.1 mlU/ml (1.5 - 9.3)
FSH - 2.1 mlU/ml (1.6 - 8)
Test- 581 ng/ml (250-1100)
Free test - 82.6 pg/ml (46 - 224)
Bioavalable test - 169.9 ng/dL (110 - 575)
SHBG - 32 nmol/L (10-50)
Albumin 4.5 g/dL (3.6-5.1)
DHT 53 ng/dL (12-65)
Estradiol 35 pg/ml (under 29)

My main concerns are the estradiol and free and bioavailable testosterone. I asked the endocrinologist for opinions on it.

But the tests are done. Once I get that I'll take pictures and start treatment.

Anyone with experience with this stuff see red flags? Is there a way to lower the estradiol?
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