
I Have An Identical Twin Who Does Not Treat Hair Loss


My Regimen
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Hi guys,

Just wanted to share my experience with everyone and maybe get some opinions on my regime.

I'm 29 stated noticing hairloss around 1.5 years ago and jumped on rogaine a year ago which as we all know isn't that helpful on it's own and finasteride 6 months ago. Really felt like it wasn't working and would just think I was wasting my time and suffering sides for no reason but moved back home and saw my brother who's hair had taken a massive nose dive. We both have naturally thick hair and if you looked at either of us you would not think twice but he is started to develop a noticeable bald patch in all lights and and is pretty much a NW2 where as I seem to be hanging on to 1 for longer. Still feel like mine is receding a bit but it's been a missive confidence boost (not so much for my brother) to know it is doing something so if anyone feels like they are not making progress definitely hang in there if sides permit.

Which leads me to my point I have been getting sides so while I would love to carry on as is, unusable erections are beginning to become a real issue. so I lowered to .5 with some improvements but .25 seem to be where it's at from a perspective but am concerned that this will not be effective in stopped hairloss. So I've added a couple of things to help tip the balance:
  • 0.25 finasteride ED - 2 weeks ago - down form .5
  • 1ml RU ED - 1 month ago
  • Morr F - 1 week - 4 pumps once a day to temples think this is below the recommended but thinking with oral it will balance out
  • Rogaine foam - just on the evening now as
  • ZMA - optimal nutrition recommended dose
  • microneedling - 1 x week 1.5mm but no bleeding just a little redness
What do you guys think of my regime do you think it will be effective? Has anyone done similar or had success of anyone of these at this dosage.

And in terms of my brother he plans to continue to do nothing and let nature take it's course, so if there is interest I'm happy to keep updating as this is about as close to a identical DNA test as I think is possible
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