I have embraced my loss


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Even though it's my last year of college and I'm doing well, I cannot take this crap anymore. I can't let my loss control my life. It's just everytime I'm at work and school, I feel like I got the crap end of hair genes with every guy with a great long head of hair. I can't stand it.

After looking at recent wedding pictures, I cannot believe how thin in front I have gotten. I don't think Minoxidil or Propecia can save my *** because its all in the frontal area. The back is fine, but I have come to realize that head shaving will come before I turn 24.

This is not f*****g fair, what the f*** did I do to deserve this? Goddamn genes had me to make me lose it before 30, both grandfathers god damn it. :firing:

All the assholes who made fun of my loss in high school and have full heads now make big figures and I have one year left in some college in some part-time job I hate going to. I see them everytime I'm at work.

I wish God or whatever you believe in cared about bald people, I want a f*****g cure right now!

I know my posts were encouraging in the past, but now this has been bothering me.


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Yeah I hear ya dude... it's depressing having to deal with this day in and day out. I like giving advice and I like to think that my posts on this forum and other forums are useful and helpful to others.

However, that's not to say I am not dealing with the same things, the loss of confidence, the depreciation of my looks and hairline, the whole impact. I'm learning that the less I think about my hair and looks (and the less time I spend browsing this forum *lol*), the easier it is to deal with it and the easier it is to forget about it.

I have almost come to the conclusion that my situation is going to steadily get worse. I don't get major sheds or side effects or bad days and good days. Just the constant diffuse thinning all over and recession of the hairline. I am ready to accept it, even though I will still continue the treatments for at least another year or so.

You just have to hang in there. If it apparent that your treatments are not working, then you will have to accept it at some point. As f**ked as it is, that's the time you have to work on acceptance and getting on with the other things in your life. If you let that one thing cut you up, then nothing else you ever do will give you pleasure or pride...

When I start to worry about hair loss, all I have to think rationally and face the facts:

1) I'm doing the best I can to combat it
2) No unseen forces or any amount of "faith", anger or depression are going to grow it back for me
3) I have many other wonderful things in life that give me incredible pleasure and satisfaction
4) I have overcome some of the hardest things in this world over the past 8 years. These make hairloss look like a freckle on a leper's skin.

So if it IS an inevitable then now is a good time to start working on accepting it. I'm not saying chuck all your products in the garbage and give up, I'm saying get used to the way you look now and get on with your life...

...and unless you're one of those people who can get away with a shaved head (which I'm not!!), pick a good haircut and stick to it *lol*


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I apologize for the profanity. I was angry today and I realize how I've had the same hairline since I was 19, It just got a little too thin in the frontal area. But the back area is fine, no bald spots developing at all.

Lighting especially whether in a restaurant or outside can really make you look older.

I'll accept it for now, but I will find a way to get it back somehow at some point in time.


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those who are making fun of you might lose their hair a few yrs from now...just wait and see.

Karma is a biatch indeed.

Hans Gruber

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DaSand said:
All the assholes who made fun of my loss in high school and have full heads now make big figures and I have one year left in some college in some part-time job I hate going to. I see them everytime I'm at work.

exxxxactly,assholes! i really couldn't give a sh*t whether people think im good looking or balding or thinning or what,so long as they know im a nice guy and cool to hang out with and that id never give em sh*t over anything then thats fine by me!

karma IS a b**ch but then these people might also go their entire lives without losing a hair but they are still assholes,id rather have not so great hair than be an assh0le!


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libertine said:
DaSand said:
All the assholes who made fun of my loss in high school and have full heads now make big figures and I have one year left in some college in some part-time job I hate going to. I see them everytime I'm at work.

exxxxactly,assholes! i really couldn't give a $#iT whether people think im good looking or balding or thinning or what,so long as they know im a nice guy and cool to hang out with and that id never give em $#iT over anything then thats fine by me!

karma IS a b**ch but then these people might also go their entire lives without losing a hair but they are still assholes,id rather have not so great hair than be an assh0le!

If there's one thing hair loss has taught me, it's to be more mature. I've never seen so many immature people in my life.

Then again, I've been through a lot of sh*t in my life.

I think too I need to take other things besides Revita, I'll be getting Rogaine Foam once I get some more money.


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maybe you should try the big 3? so if it dont work for you you could think "atleast i tried it"

And about the "cool" dudes dissing you..I have some "cool dude" friends and they got a lot of other issues so the picking on you is just their way to get some ego...but as they say in this post..karma is a b**ch..be nice to the people thats nice to you and in someway thing will work out..girls maybe into bad dudes when they are under 25, but after 25 they want a stable nice dude:) just hang in their dude:)

Bald Dave

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Just hang in there dude! I know how you feel. At the end of the day if your a nice person you'll find that people will give you alot of respect. I know this from personal experience. I have some very good friends that think the world of me - why? Because I am a nice guy!

Girls might like bad boys with full heads of hair when they are young but when they get older they want a nice guy and they don't mind a bit of thinning either!

The best of luck to you!


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I would at least get some cheap nizoral and get on the foam. I think the younger you get on a regimen the better it goes. And foam is pretty cheap too.


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Thanks for the advice posters. It just pissed me off to see this a**h** rude to me in high school done with school and getting a nice progressively paying job and I'm stuck in some hellhole fast food place. I am applying for a position part-time with a company known in both the U.S and Canada, maybe it will turn into my full-time work. I have an appt this Friday, so wish me the best of luck!

I also decided to stop using Thickening Gel because it made my hair look thinner in the later parts of the day.

I was probably going to do what klink said. The thing is I would like to build up my money. I'm planning to go back to Nizoral and use the foam. I do not want to get gyno from Propecia or Finasteride.


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maybe its time to buzz it all off.


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I know how you feel. I, too was short changed in the genes department. My maternal grandparents were first cousins so I got a double dose of their crap, fine hair genes. It was somewhat mitigated by getting good hair density from my dad. Unfortunately, along comes menopause, and now my density is shot...on top of which "the cousins" AKA, my grandparents' receding temples has shown up on my head. I'm not sure I believe in ghosts, but I definately feel haunted by bad genes.