I have Hairloss since 2019 how can I get my hair back?


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I have been experiencing hair loss since 2019, and I am slowly reaching my breaking point. I have endured years of bullying, and ever since I discovered styling my hair, I have learned to accept myself again.

Since I started losing my hair, my mental health has really taken a hit. I am not looking for pity; I just want to know if it could be due to psychological reasons.

I had a yeast infection or psoriasis, and I used KERTYOL P.S.O for treatment. It has improved since then, but it keeps coming back and looks like it does in this picture. I have seen many dermatologists, but none of them agree. One said it was hereditary, another said it was due to the yeast infection, and another was unsure. I don't know what to do, and I don't want to miss any options... :/

How do you see the development? Do you think I could get a hair transplant at around 30? Ideally, I would do it tomorrow, but logically it doesn't make sense right now.

Before Hairloss:


Current State.png

