I have small circular bald spots on my facial hair...

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There are 4 of them scattered around my facial hair, they are around the size of a dime and the skin is very smooth(like a babies skin). I looked at it closely in the mirror and there are very thin hair around the edges. I wonder what the hell it is.


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I think that is just your facial hair pattern. I know one of my good friends has a father who has those spots and he has them too in his facial hair. Actually a few members of that Italian family have that pattern of growth. I know a few on his uncle's have it too.


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This sort of thing is completely NORMAL. Just take a look at the likes of Johnny Depp and Leo diCaprio and you'll see what I mean.

The Gardener

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Note to self: When the Romulan mothership returns, make sure I am as FAR away as f*****g possible from DrinkRum, LMHIT, 21gone's uncle, and Leonardo Di Caprio.



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I have the exact same thing on my face!!!It appeared out of the nowhere about five months ago.Now i have to shave in every five minutes cause my face looks funny when i get a "five o' clock shadow" with a smooth penny sized circle in it.Weird! :(


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I also have a bald spot in the bead area and I'm pretty sure its a form of areata.


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<--two nickel sized spots, symetric, on the upper right and left part of my chin. Has always been smooth.