I have some extra AHK-Cu if anyone wants it


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Hey guys, I know AHK-Cu is kinda hard to come by these days so I wanted to offer the extra that I have to anyone looking to try out this treatment. I had intended to do a six month course on my vertex to address the stubborn quarter-sized bald patch that remains there but the application of another topical hasn’t been very practical for me right now and I’ve really fallen off the horse within a month of starting.

It still leaves me with over 5g (about 5.2-5.3g) of powder AHK-Cu that I can put up for grabs. It's enough for 4 months at 2x daily 2.5% or 1x daily 5%, and I can also include 4 months of supplementary Zinc Picolinate 50mg (120 capsules still in sealed bottles) which helps maintain your body's copper-to-zinc ratio. This is the AHK from finfighter and crochetg's famous group buy here on HairLossTalk.com that led to the creation of raxuschem, and has been stored refrigerated ever since. I shared the rest of the supply with Raffles11 on HLH and Dudels from this site. A 5g quantity goes for $200 + shipping on the few sites that claim to offer AHK but those sites have been censored from HairLossTalk.com which leads me to believe their reliability is questionable. This AHK came from a bulk order that many of us took advantage of and has since been viewed as THE source for AHK. It might even be the last of that known pure shipment besides what's being hoarded by those of us in on the initial order. I'm willing to let it go well below market price for anyone on HairLossTalk.com since this has always been my home forum, just shoot me a PM if interested.

FYI, here’s a thread in which I fleshed out all the details of application and selection of a liquid vehicle, it should have everything you need to know if curious: www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/showthread.php/61163-Optimal-AHK-Cu-Proportioning-Math-Inside



(weight without the bag was 5.2-5.3g)


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I am willing to sell my 4 oz jar of 5% Ahk Cu in a creambase just received from *************.com
I ordered it long time ago and just received it but it doesn't fit into my regimen today so I want to get rid of it.

It is still unopened!

PM me if interested.


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Got anything left?