I have some questions..



:wink: I have a few questions and I am hoping that someone can help. First of all is female pattern baldness the same as Androgenetic Alopecia?

Here are the reasons I think I started losing my hair. :freaked: I noticed my hairloss almost two years ago. I had just had my baby.. I also started exercising a lot, lost some weight (maybe 20lbs), I started eating less, started and then stopped the birth control pill(decided I didn't want to be on it anymore after 2 months) and was under huge amount of stress. I have read here that most of these things are cause for hairloss. So now, if these things are some of the factors that bring on hairloss, does that mean that the hairloss is forever. Is that what is considered a hormonal reason for hairloss. Or is that what brings on Androgenetic Alopecia? I am so confused. :?

Third.. I decided to go back on the birthcontrol pill..different kind(its a generic). Will this affect any regrowth? Can birth control be used along with Rogaine?
Lastly.. I noticed I had hair growing in before I started using the Rogaine. although my hair was still shedding... probably a lot faster than the new hair was coming in. Does that mean that my hair could possibly grow back on its own? Could it be that I don't have Androgenetic Alopecia? :wink: Thanks for hearing me out..


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The best thing you can do at this point is go to a dermatologist (hopefully a good one) and get tests done, etc.
There are so many factors in your hair thinning.
Yes, Androgenetic Alopecia is female pattern baldness.
Many factors can contribute to hair loss: hormones, stress (to a small degree), trauma (ie surgeries, childbirth, etc). Some of these are reversible. Androgenetic Alopecia is something that will require life long treatment.
Please see a doctor to get a good diagnosis and good luck to you.