I just don't know what to do


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I'm 34. I really started noticing my hair thinning last spring, but I think it may have been going on about 3 years before that...when I was pregnant with my first child. It's just been this last spring that it's gotten to where I can see my scalp and my part line is thicker than usual. I've had short hair for most of my life, but started growing it out 2 years ago. It was just easier to have long enough to throw into a ponytail with 2 toddlers running me ragged. Now I'm wondering if the length is a partial contributor to the hair loss, BUT now that my hair is so thin, I'm scared to cut it short again (less ways to disguise it).

I went to a general practitioner last July and she found nothing. Last week I went to a dermatologist recommended on a hair loss site, and she diagnosed me with Androgenetic Alopecia, and did a CBC, ferrous, thyroid and soemthing else, but I don't think it was a hormone level test. Anyway, once the results came back normal, she gave me a prescription for Aldactone. I'm scared to take it....will it make my boobs grow like it does for men? My BP is already low, 90/60, so will it lower my BP even more? My job requires a lot of standing, so I can't pass out! All the men's boards say DO NOT TAKE ORAL spironolactone, but is that just a warning for men?

It's bad enough I'm 30 lbs. overweight, but now this? What did I do to cause this? Was it past drug history? Is it the weight? Too many carbs? Why do I have a higher level of testosterone? How can I reduce it naturally? What happens once I go off the Aldactone...will my hair fall out again? Or do I have to stay on this for life?

I am so depressed over this, and then I feel so vain for being depressed. I HATE washing, brushing or styling my hair, so it's always up in a claw clip...wow that's sexy. I'm so afraid to brush it or comb it or blow dry it, so I wash it every couple of days, condition the hell out of it to make a comb run thru it easier, and leave it. It's making me miserable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I'm wondering why she prescribed spironolactone if the tests came back normal? It will lower your BP, so that sounds kinda odd too.. that she'd prescribe it. It'll also make you pee a lot.

The warning against oral spironolactone is for men, as it's a powerful anti-androgen. It's *the* anti-androgen most commonly prescribed for male-to-female transsexuals, for example. I don't think it would increase your bust size (as it can in men), though it probably depends on what your hormone levels are now. If your testosterone levels are (and have always been) high, it might have some feminizing effects (bigger bust).

Are ya taking any other drugs? Anti-depressants can reportedly cause hair loss. Poor diet can as well, too much or too little zinc, or a bad copper/zinc balance, perhaps too little iron, and so on. A good multivitamin might not be a bad idea, just to start eliminating possibilities.

And problems with dandruff? Nizoral is another "just in case" treatment that can help some people.

What's the thinning pattern look like? Diffuse thinning all over? Or more concentrated in a "male" pattern: thinner around temples, with thinner lines running back from the temples and meeting in the center? (the infamous "horseshoe").


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Siberian said:
I'm wondering why she prescribed spironolactone if the tests came back normal? It will lower your BP, so that sounds kinda odd too.. that she'd prescribe it. It'll also make you pee a lot.

The warning against oral spironolactone is for men, as it's a powerful anti-androgen. It's *the* anti-androgen most commonly prescribed for male-to-female transsexuals, for example. I don't think it would increase your bust size (as it can in men), though it probably depends on what your hormone levels are now. If your testosterone levels are (and have always been) high, it might have some feminizing effects (bigger bust).

Are ya taking any other drugs? Anti-depressants can reportedly cause hair loss. Poor diet can as well, too much or too little zinc, or a bad copper/zinc balance, perhaps too little iron, and so on. A good multivitamin might not be a bad idea, just to start eliminating possibilities.

And problems with dandruff? Nizoral is another "just in case" treatment that can help some people.

Smoking can also contribute to hair loss.

What's the thinning pattern look like? Diffuse thinning all over? Or more concentrated in a "male" pattern: thinner around temples, with thinner lines running back from the temples and meeting in the center? (the infamous "horseshoe").


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I'm already taking a multi vitamin, plus evening primrose oil, biotin and l-lyseiene. I have no problems with dandruff, and I'm not taking any other meds, though I have been on Zoloft for post partum depression after both kids were born.

I was thinking last night, that this shedding and obvious thinning occurred soon after I weaned my youngest child...which was around October of 2004. I started seeing short hairs around my hairline in March 2005...especially when I would have it in a ponytail and the short hairs would frizz out (they were about 2-3 inches long). In June I started seeing the thinning and the wider part line. It's happening mostly in the front section and headed back toward the crown. Now the short hairs are about 1.5" long and pretty thin...they go to a point at the end.

I'm thinking I may start taking Saw Palmetto before I go on Aldactone. I just don't want to take too many drugs unnesccesrily.

My diet isn't great...lots of carbs and coffee (I've got two preschoolers who don't sleep at night and have TONS of energy). I really need to get back on track with eating, which at the very least will help with my weight, right?

Thanks for your comments...keep 'em coming!


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My hair is coming back in

Hi. I am 61 and have been experiencing hairloss for the last few years. At first I thought, well girl, you're looking more like your mother every day, hairloss and all! My doctor said my hairloss may be a result of my arthritis medication (meloxacam) and my thyroid problem meds (synthroid) He recommended Rogaine but I found it very greasy on my thin hair. Since I will be on these meds for the rest of my life, I started researching the internet and found a website that recommended a B12 supplement. I have been taking 250mcg every day for 6 months now and today my hairdresser said that she noticed new regrowth and the new growth looks a bit thicker that my older hair. I will post again in another 6 months and let you all know my results. Chin up, ladies, we will eventually conquer all.


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Hello from a newbie!
Hi out there. I wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I’ve been searching the web for info about women's hair lost and found this board. I’ve never thought about joining a board before, but after reading through some posts, I’m happy I did. I just want to say thanks to everyone for the support you offer here.