I just don't know what to do

Chemical J

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Okay my hairloss is at a stable state, however I think my libido has decreased.

Today AND YESTERDAY I tried having sex with this new girl I met, however, I couldn't f*****g get it up. I felt so embarassed and I just don't know what to do.

I did blue ball the day before, but I doubt that's the case.

She's very attractive, however she thinks that because I didn't get it up she says that she doesn't think im interested and this caused me and her to go into a huge emotional state.

I'm just trying to work things out, but I do NOT want to tell her im on propecia.

I tried telling her "I think its some medicine I took last week."

She asks what medicine?

I go "an antibiotic" Of course she doesn't believe me and Im don't know what to do, I don't want to lose my hair, but I DO want a sex life.

I feel like sh*t and I'm hoping she gives me another chance. Any helpful answers, not flames please.

*Note: I do not think its propecia either because for the past months I've been able to masturbate EASILY. I haven't had sex in over 4-5 months though because of the big move I did for college.

Hans Gruber

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sounds like you were just nervous about doing the deed after it being a while,i'll prob get shot down but try v****?


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Yeah, definitely nerves... I have had that plenty of times in the past, especially if it's been a while. It's nothing to worry about... in fact worrying about it will make it worse and could develop a complex, which will require a lot of work to reverse. You also need to stop worrying about finasteride being the cause of this - like you said, there's no problem in getting yourself off. Thinking like that will not help the cause.

The best way is to just relax... I suppose that's the guts of it - just relax and use some foreplay and maybe go down on her. Tell her if you need to, that you're a bit nervous, as it's been a while. That's a lot better than her getting the wrong idea. Don't get all worked up while you're kissing and cuddling, just let it come naturally. The more worked up you are the less chance you'll have of getting it up in the first place.

Just don't see it as being a personal problem, 'cos many guys go through this. If you still feel daunted on the subject, maybe try some v**** once or twice - don't let it become a habit, but it could help. Or you could maybe have a drink or two - not enought to get drunk, but just to settle the nerves.

Once you've done it a couple of times, there should be no problem... you should feel on top of the world - and she will too...


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it happened to me too bro

It was definitely nervous... try to pop 1/4 v**** and it will make you gain your confidence back.

Chemical J

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Thank you maxpwr and everyone else for your advice, I finally got her to forgive me and we'll be hanging out together again soon!

I will bring v**** for back up, but won't tell her I used it :) just in case I need to boost my confidence.


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try jacking off...see if u can get hard. if not than you know ur in trouble. if you can get it up w/o any problem on ur own than u can write ur previous experience off to being nervous. if u have trouble getting it up right now...than ur in a world of hurt going fwd.

Hans Gruber

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Chemical J said:
Like I said in my OP I can easily get it up by myself.

so use a 1/4 v**** like has been stated when you're :) with a laaaydee


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yeah. If you can get it up, it's not a physical problem, it's psychological. So just remember that, and try to relax, don't put too much pressure on yourself.


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Chemical J said:
Like I said in my OP I can easily get it up by myself.

you said in past few months u could masturbate easily...also said u got laid a back than as well. u couldn't get laid recently...have u tried masturbating recently?

Chemical J

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Okay a little update from last night.

I fucked her easily last night... Looks like I'm back to my old self! :jump:


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safe mate. safeeee.

just remember that night if you run into problems again :)