I just paid $69.99 for a 30 day supply of Propecia! :(


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.. at Rite Aid ..

I saw online that it is 54.99 via drugstore.com's Rite Aid partnership, but I figured the shipping would jack the price up and I was already at the pharmacy so I made the purchase.

Jesus, $69.99 U.S. is a lot for 30 Propecia tabs! I ran out of my Proscar which I purchased online (and wasn't sure of it's authenticity), so I had to call my Doctor in Houston (I live in Las Vegas) and have him fax my Rx to Rite Aid .. I was in a rut so I just did the fastest thing I could think of.

Going to get another Rx from a local Dr. would cost me too much.

Damn, this sh*t is expensive!


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I pay about 150 for a 90 day supply.. about a buck and half to keep your hair-expensive, but not too horrible I suppose.


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By a YEARS supply of namebrand Proscar at once at www.unitedpharmacies.com and your monthly cost comes to a shocking $17.50 USD per month... Keep in mind this is NAMEBRAND Merck Proscar not some generic.

$17.50 VS 69.99.... $210 USD a year VS 839.88 USD per year.... HMMMMmmmm only a $629.88 difference! Never mind, why bother...


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socks said:
By a YEARS supply of namebrand Proscar at once at www.unitedpharmacies.com and your monthly cost comes to a shocking $17.50 USD per month... Keep in mind this is NAMEBRAND Merck Proscar not some generic.

$17.50 VS 69.99.... $210 USD a year VS 839.88 USD per year.... HMMMMmmmm only a $629.88 difference! Never mind, why bother...

Thank you so much, I have been looking for a good solid answer on this, as I used another cheap soultion.



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Well I just don't like to mess with the splitting of the pills.. I want a solid exact dose.

Propecia offers that to me.. easier for me.

On drugstore.com I can get it for 55 a month.


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It has been shown that a dose of .25mg - 5mg results in significant reduction in DHT levels. It has also been shown that while Finasteride has a short half-life, the turn-around rate for the 5ar enzyme is days not hours.

Therefore, you dont need an exact 1mg dose to treat hairloss effectively. As long as you take 5mg of Proscar over a period of 4 - 5 days you are going to be getting the benefits... Now if one choices to spend $660 USD a year for Finasteride instead of $210... Well that is their $450 bucks not mine :)


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how can you be so sure the generics ordered w/out a prescription are safe and all that jazz? It may be more expensive, but at least I know what I'm getting.. my 2 cents


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Very true and that is why I havent order generics myself! However, unitedpharmacies sells namebrand Merck Proscar in the original packaging for $75 USD and under (depending on how much you order).

If you're still skeptical then, for the sake of saving money over the long run (a tune of $4,500 every decade), have your doctor do a testosterone/DHT test while you're on the stuff from your local pharmacy. Then, when you get the Proscar from unitedpharmacies, after a month, repeat the blood test. That will tell you for sure if anything changed. The co-pay for such an endeavor would be $10 - $50 depending on your insurance... Small price to pay for saving $4,500 every 10yrs...


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Interesting, thanks. Will probably be trying that.

Does united require an rx or can I just go ahead and order?


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I'm all over that Proscar then, as soon as my last 27 Propecia pills are gone :)

Time to save some money and still get results!