i just realized what may be my biggest problem with hairloss



i think its coz i always hide it. i hide it under hats, with long hair. if i wouldnt do so, probably sometime i would get used to it and just enjoy my life. maybe i should just shave it like many of us do.

though, if i shaved it, then there was the shock. from a full head of hair (at least in the illusion") to a bald shaved head. plus if you are bald you look older and less attractive statistically (which is proven).

that what i described are probably the problems why i am struggling with hairloss. i think shaving or buzzing it would take a huge impact off this hairloss thing in me. the constantly hiding that is my biggest problem i think. but i dunno if i was happy if i was bald. :roll:

what do you guys think?

side note: im gona do a hair transplant anyway, whatever you say, i know me too good.

it must be really , really, really good reasons which you bring up to stop me from going to do a hair transplant. and please dont say negative things about hair transplants, i know them all. try to say something positive about baldness if you want to help me.


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well im a norwood 2 and am thinking of shaving my head again only cause my hair is course. only thing my temples have gone to sh*t and am considering transplants as well. i refuse to get on meds due to i hear their for life.


askas said:
It took me some time to het used to shaved head, and now I feel ok with it. But anyway I hate my hairloss. Yes you will feel probably better, and you will need some time to get used. I used to hide it with bcketball hat, abd it was really worse, I felt like in a shield form outer world.
Anyway, with shaved head it feels like you are walking with naked ***, but you just got used to it. :hairy:

ya probably i would feel better. thx for your post. when i wear a hat i feel weird too, like in a shield, how you describe it. its a weird feeling. i have always fear that someone wants me to take it off. was that same for you?


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A girl I met out one night said she felt like she didn't know me with a hat on. It is a shield and I believe it is not a good solution to hide under it. Show it to everyone so the shock is actually no shock. Only to yourself. Although I have a really big problem dealing with people I haven't seen in years. thats a whole different story... I usually open up with saying how bald I got from the last time I saw them just to get it over with.


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When my hair became unstylable longer I completely shaved my head thinking that it would make me feel better, it didn't suit me and highlighted the hairloss even more, I have been growing in out for the last 4-5 months and I'm starting to rember how much better i looked with a frame around my face despite the hair not being in perfect condition.


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Re: i just realized what may be my biggest problem with hair

neo1234 said:
though, if i shaved it, then there was the shock. from a full head of hair (at least in the illusion") to a bald shaved head. plus if you are bald you look older and less attractive statistically (which is proven).

Huh? If anything, the polls I saw showed that women rated bald guys as more confident, better dressers, and better lovers in bed on a scale of 1 to 10. Because they're not self-conscious about hair!


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blondeguy were all real happy for your head shaving discovery but it's not that simple for everyone. your head looks good shaved, some really don't.

and on top of that, those polls you may have been reading sound like garbage to me. you know that all girls are different. some girls actually find shaved heads sexy. some find them a huge turn off. some find metro sexual hair styles sexy, some find them stupid and gay looking. some find long hair sexy, some find it girly and demasculinating.

it's all about how YOU look. if if you can be happy with the way you look then it will show in your behavior, which is a huge part of what attracts women. and it's hard to fake. faking confidence doesn't work like real confidence does.


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I was just responding to his "statistically proven" claim. Women have individual preferences, but overall, the polls showed bald guys being viewed as more confident and well-dressed than average, which makes sense because those guys are secure in themselves. I'm not saying you have to shave your head to be confident.


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They might think they are more confident and better dressed but the majority definately don't prefer them. I do admire your total baldness and agree that it's not the end of the world but unless someone is very lucky (bone structure/ money/ talent/ social respect) they will be relegated in the dating game.
Positive mental attitude is great but most of us here deal in cold facts.


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Depends how old you are - Girls look at guys more superficially the younger they are...if over 30 the hair is much less important over personality and body. If your bald but fit with a great personality and confident then that will win over most women.


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UK1 said:
They might think they are more confident and better dressed but the majority definately don't prefer them.

The majority prefers confident guys. It happens that most guys shaving their heads are confident in their appearance.


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Well the part of California where i live, I would say that 75% of males between what appears 18-35 have their heads shaved. Guys who normally would sport a thick mop. Even at the beach, rarely do I see a surfer sporting that surfer shaggy look. All close cropped shaved. Now some of these guys have nice looking girlfriends hanging around. Damn, if only I wasnt 40 and married. Hee hee. I suspect seeing more shaved heads now that summers around the corner. Funny thing is, even my boss at one time completely shaved his head. He's about 50 and he did this wearing his usual sh*t and tie thing.


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Hmm... I guess it varies with where you live. Here, I see plenty of shaved heads, especially among 30-something men.... but so many that it seems a little...common, and certainly not youthful.

I just can't see a shaved head as being anywhere near as attractive as an nice indie mop. And with the popularity in these parts of certain indie bands who have copious quantities of hair, most girls definitely seem to go for guys with that look. Maybe it's just fashion, but now every youngish guy below the age of 25 pretty much has to have a mop like this, especially if you want to show you're serious about music - call it superficial but that's the way it is:


You have to admit though, it looks good.


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Thats just it! You said it! Superficial. Going back to what I was saying about surfers not wearing shags, thats just what Hollywood wants us to believe and see. They want those golden tussels blowing on those sandy beach waves etc., so they can continue to force feed us that Hollywood Bullshit!. What they dont show is how long it takes for that shaggy surfer guy to rinse out that sea salt from them goldie locks. Which is why I think is a real reason some of the ones I see are shaven. Go figure.


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Man, I would shave my head just to stand out from the crowd of "indie" beatniks who all look alike. :p


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My hairstyle is just like the guy with the guitar but with less density. Too bad i cant use it anyone because when is long its unbearable due to lack of density.


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I really don't think a shaved head is that big of a deal with women. Most guys lose their hair at some point, it's really not a huge deal for a serious relationship. What I have a really big problem with though is meeting people I haven't seen in a long time.


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hehe when i shaved my head i was mistaken as about 27-28 years old by wimen... now when im almost back at my 18 year old hairline im getting taken as a 20-21 year old guy WOHO :D