I know this pill which will REGROW it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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With a URL of ":http://www.1800perfecthealth.com/product/overview/Provillus_For_Men/", I hardly think it is legit...


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hey provillus is complete BULLSHIT, dont buy their lies. Its just some shitty pills and a watered down minoxidil liquid, check their site, the pills are just saw p i think and the topical is watered down minoxidil. They are the biggest bullshit site on the web, bar none.


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Is this joke?? FDA approved huh they can get in trouble with this one


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its easy to get drawn into thinking these guys are legit. try searching for the "blogs" that are up. examples include http://www.baldingtony.com http://www.HonestJonathan.com/Provillus

Three sites that claim to be their own "blogging sites" where they "blog about life" despite the fact that the only thing they do is review har loss treatments. The first thing that comes up when you type provillus into google is one of these sites. You think these "regular guys" pay google that much $ to have their own little sites come up at the top of the list?
If that isnt enough evidence, On their sites they claim that theyve "tried rogaine and got sides, or it didnt work" despite the fact that the active ingredient in the provillus topical is minoxidil, the same thing used in rogaine. Which, by the way, is why they claim to be FDA approved, they actually only claim that they have a formula "containing an FDA approved ingredient".

Look, dont get suckered into buying stuff from these pricks or any other "miracle cure" site. They are they reason why most people dont get well informed. If it werent for fucks like these guys clogging up the internet most young people at the early stages of male pattern baldness would get sense enough to start the big three or some form of it before its too late.


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Of course, this is a lie - but it is a good example how dirty this business is and my goal was to get a discussion about this. I hope all newbies really read all this and learns from it. And by the way, why would FDA give clearance to a "natural remedy pill" ? Doesn't make sense. Watch out for this kind of promoting in the future, these snakeoilers improves their techniques constantly.


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you know, im not so sure they actually gave provillus fda approval. Check their website, i think it just says that "we use the only fda approved ingredient" which is also a lie because everyone knows finasteride is fda approved as well. I dont believe they have their shitty pills approved by the fda for hair loss, i dont know where that site you posted got its info but i think its easy for provillus to put a spin on it by saying "were fda approved for hair loss" when in fact its simply the minoxidil they use in their serum.


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good question, im not sure but i really would like to. The problem is they technically arent doing anything wrong, just selling cheap sh*t at a very high price and using sleazy promotional methods.


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They've moved the fishy activity to other sites, spreading lies for them, doing the "dirty work". Well, just keep the head above the water and NEVER believe what you read on the web before it has been confirmed over and over again, on hairlosstalk :)


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yeah, thats a good strategy, after seeing all the BS out there it took me some time to completely trust the big three method but after browsing this forum and others for months its obvious that its the only way to go.


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Man I cannot believe these guys are using BLOGS to trick us. Do they use forums as well? I wonder if they have ever tried that on here?


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Yeah they have on here and on hairlosshelp. Usually spammers are IDed pretty quick though. Someone will join up and have about 5 identical posts giving "testimonials" to the merits of provillus or some other BS drug.


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Alright well first the FDA also approved the hairmax laser comb so They are not The greatest to begin with You cannot see something is FDA approved whether provillus actually is or not and assume Ok I am safe with this product, Secondly I've been on the product in question Off and on for about 2 years, Obviously naive to the hairloss market I also tried shenmin or whatever it is called as well and a couple other ( all natural meds) Before getting on propecia, I was also 15 when My hairloss began which is why all natural products really had the appeal, Now When I first found this site last year and found a topic basically saying provillus was a buncha BS I dropped the drug immediately I had already been on Propecia now for about 4 months and figured if provillus was doing anything at all I was sure propecia would cover the losses, anyways My hair got worse after getting of it so I figured All in my head I've never been one to take pics etc, But after about 2 months I decided to try provillus again I had had a half full bottle left so what the hell, and my hair improved, And No It wasn't the propecia Since I grew skeptic of provillus again and stopped taking it and again like before my hair began to get worse after about a month And magically when I started back up It improved Now I've never regrown hair on provillus But It has improved the health of my hair, I have the propecia hair on my frontal hairline very straw like and provillus or something in provillus seems to help, Could just be the saw palmetto because aside from that the listed ingredients are basically just vitamins which I get plenty of biotin etc So No It does not do what it advertises at least it never has for me but it has improved the health of my hair which is something.

I'm not encouraging anyone to buy this product, As I said It never did for me what It states it does on the site and in many other forums, I personally am just going to get on saw palmetto and off it and hope my hair does not once again worsen , If it does I will begin systematically Taking the ingredients listed until I find the one improving the health of my hair.